4. Vivid Vision

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Beats: Diamonds ~ Rihanna

After his first day on the job, Harry takes off his apron and hat then folds them in a neat pile on the counter. "Leaving already?" Mrs. Tomlinson emerges from the back.

" Yeah, Troye said my shift ends at six."

"Won't you wait for Louis?" Just then the blue- eyed brunette walks in.

"Speaking of the devil. How was your day son?" She walks to him and and absorbs him into her rather plump body. Louis makes a suffocating face but giggles lovingly. "Perfect, just like you."

"Aww, I love you son. Now why don't you take over. Let me get to the kitchen and see what I can bake for tomorrow. Harry, nice job today. I'll see you tomorrow." With that, the two were lads were left alone.

"So, how was your day Haz?" Louis loosens his tie, takes off his coat and puts on the  pink hat and apron.

" Can't complain.....alright I guess. So you got work..."

" Yeah, as a personal assistant of the CEO of Payne Printing Press. Such a douche...but I love my job."

"This or that one?"

"Don't be ridiculous. Here I just help my mom. This is not work...more like pass time where I get to spend time with her. Besides, not many customers come at night so we'll close by 9:30." Harry does not speak but stares idly at him. Louis is staring back with a raised eyebrow.

"Hey," Louis steps closer and takes both his hands. "You okay?" Harry's green eyes trace their way from their joined hands up to the ocean blue orbs. Under the scanty light of the receeding sun, he could see his reflection in them and just then his past flashed before his own eyes.

He was about to freak out but Louis' hands gently rubbing his forearms calmed him down. "Haz? I'm right here, for you." Harry let his head be manipulated by Louis' soothing fingers in his hair.

The distance between their flushed faces was gradually closing.
The slight brush of their lips sent a familiar jolt throught their bodies and the taller lad grabbed the other's face and pressed their lips together, harder.

Suddenly, Harry's limbs went limp and he pulled away unceremoniously. Those blue eyes were begging him to come back but he backed away shaking his head defiantly. A few giant steps brought Harry to the exterior of the bakery.

Away from him.

He races across the street much to the annoyance of the motorists who honked and yelled at him mercilessly but he didn't bring himself to care.
All he could hear was his own heartbeat, his vision was blurred and there was a solid pain in his chest. His marathon outburst ended beside a lake partially obscured with thick fog.

He fell to the wet ground and broke into heavy sobs. He cried with rage, confusion and pain. His body shook violently as he let out all the frustrations he bottled up for an entire year. Even as it was getting dark, Harry still lay on the ground in a foetal position.

He blinked and stared at the foggy lake in front of him. He was weak from all the crying and in his delusional state, he could see his beloved mother's lovely face defiled by an angry scowl. "Harry, you are a disgrace!" Her voice rang in his ears. She faded and Louis appeared with outstretched arms. "Harry!! Come to me. Why did you leave ??"

"Go away!!" Harry screams weakly and Louis pouted and disappeared. A hooded figure comes into view and Harry slowly sits up. "Who are you this time? Niall?"

"You seem troubled, kid." The strange voice dominates the dark and quiet atmosphere.

"Who the hell are you and why are you in my fucking head?"

Harry gazes up at him. The figure was quite tall and had dark large curious eyes that peered from the privacy of the matte black hood. It was quite....beautiful? It was definitely a miserable failure if it was an attempt at scary.

The figure laughed. Again, it was beautiful. Somehow Harry felt all calm and suddenly drowsy. "You should go home. It's pretty late." He closed his eyes and drank in the divine voice.

"Goodnight." The heavenly voice slurred and Harry whimpered. When he opened his eyes he was all alone. He got up and headed home feeling at peace with himself though he was weak from his weeping.

"You're home a little late." Anne got up from the couch to receive her son from the front door. "Are you...crying?" Harry pulls away from her and shakes his head.

"M'just a little tired...I ..uh ...fell asleep on the cab." He smiles to reinforce his lie.

"Guess that explains the puffy eyes then. Dinner is in the microwave. Shall I heat it up for you?"

"No mum, I'm not that hungry. I'll be in my room."

"Okay, I'll be up there in a bit." Anne resumes to binging on Desperate Housewives. Up in his room, Harry exhales and sits on his bed pulling open one of his nightstand drawers.

With a slight tremble he fishes out his phone for the first time in twelve months. He turns it on after plugging in and the wallpaper shocks him so that his jaw drops. It was a blonde girl kneeling on the beach in a tiny red bathing suit. Yes, his first girlfriend, Taylor.

The photo was not inappropriate or anything but the memories that came with it. He remembers how they fought constantly in their relationship.
Taylor only dated him for his popularity and good looks and he only dated her because she was this hot cheerleader who all her fellow seniors wanted. He might have been a junior then but no one dared to mess with him and his posse of rebels and jocks.

But why the hell did he not erase her photos? He changes his wallpaper to a plain blue colour and proceeds to his contacts and after an eternity of scrolling through names that were now strange to him he finds Niall's and decides to text him.

To Niall: Hey, can you meet me up tomorrow at the bakery?

From Niall:😊Looks like someone is available this year. Sure, what time?

To Niall: Whenever you're free. Goodnight pal.

From Niall: Anything for my buddy😉.Goodnight.

He tosses his phone on the nightstand and just then his mom enters. "Harry, not sleepy yet?"

"It's actually 9:30. But yeah, I'm tired I could use some rest."

Anne hugs her son and sighs. "You know I'm always here for you...whenever you need me." Harry nods weakly into her bossom. She kisses his messy mop and leaves, murmuring a goodnight.

Harry peels off his clothing and changes into his flannel pyjamas and buries himself in the bedsheets. He drifts to sleep with a minute smile on his face as he relives his delirious encounter with the stranger by the lake.

-So...there is that 🤗

-Will Harry finally bare himself to Niall?

-Is the hooded figure real or Harry's sheer imagination? Perhaps an angel?😌

-Tons of love❤

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