20. Not Now

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Beats: I warned myself ~ Charlie Puth

Zayn's POV

Life can be a real bitch sometimes but you have to tame it somehow. Here I am with a broken arm and my baby girl lying in my other one. I stare at her napping face and she reminds me of her mother. Gigi was the last of her kind but she died out. I have never witnessed perfection manifested in any human being.

I could hire a nanny easily but I wouldn't wish for my Lola to get attached to other women. That was my way of honoring the memory of my wife.I could hear the door being open and Demi's giggles from the hallway. I sigh. What was that woman upto now? If only she wasn't my childhood friend I'd kick her fat rear end out of this century.


"C'mere, Dem..."

"Tadaaa!" She walks into the living room dragging along someone. It was that boy. Harry. There was a goofy smile on his face and slight blush.

"Hello, sir." He breathes out. I stretch my lips to what I hoped was a small smile and nodded my head at him.

"Have a seat, cutie." Demi giggles. Lord, she's annoying sometimes. Why did she bring Harry here yet I told her I didn't like him?

"So...what's the occasion?" I ask, trying not to sound annoyed.

"Since your injury, I took it upon myself to get you someone to help you and drive you around."

I give Harry a large fake smile that I've been perfecting in my years of business. "Would you mind an ice-cream sundae?" I watch as Harry's face lights up. He shakes his head.

"Sunny!" I call my cook and she appears in the living room. The middle aged woman with a short pixie hair cut and signature plum lipstick smiles at Harry. "Please treat my guest to a sundae."She looks at me with a knowing nod.

"Please follow me." She chimes at Harry.

Sunny knows my same old trick. I always exclude children from discussions that I have with their parents in that manner. I wait for that giant child to disappear into the kitchen before glaring at Demi. "Why is he here? And who said I need assisstance? What the actual fuck?"

"First of all, thanks. And forgive me for caring. I just want you to be alright."

"I don't need help. Why didn't you consult me before you did this?"

"Alright Zayn. I'm sorry. But remember all the decisions I've made have been for the best." I exhale. She was right. Olivia's success can be attributed to her. She introduced Gigi to me, she was our cupid. She was the bridesmaid at our wedding. She is our daughter's godmother. She helped me through Gigi's demise.

I sigh in defeat. "Alright. But I'm doing this for you. I'm still mad at you."I pout and she kisses my face before snatching Lola from my numb arm.

"Let me take her upstairs."

"Thanks." I stretch my good arm and throw my head back, facing the ceiling.

Harry's POV

So this amazingly hot woman takes me to the kitchen which is easily the size of Niall's entire house. I don't need to be an ethnical analyst to tell she was Brazillian. That ass don't lie. I sit on one of the chairs in that gold encrusted dining set as I watch her prepare my treat. She sets it before me and turns to the kitchen sink.

"May I have another spoon, please?"

"Alright," She giggles, frowning but walks toward me and hands me the spoon but I gently take her wrist.

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