6. Take your Time

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Beats: Bloom ~ Troye Sivan

"Hi, mate."

"Sorry I'm late. Is your shift over?"

" Yes," Harry slips on his jacket, "but Louis isn't back yet."

"It's alright, dear. You're free to go." Mrs. Tomlinson booms from the back room. "He's on his way, I'm sure."

Harry and Niall walk out of Sweet Swoon and onto the street. "So you needed to talk to me?"

"Yeah...I need your help Ni. I need a listening ear."

Niall still doesn't believe this was the same guy who was once too proud to ask for assisstance from anyone, even his own friends. "It's okay...so, we're going to your place?" Niall flagged down a cab and they hopped in.

"Sure thing." Harry replied and looked out the window, "How would you feel if ...you found out your friend was not who you thought he was?"

Niall hummed, thinking. "I guess it depends on what he actually turns out to be."

A deep silence rented the cab. Niall watched his friend carefully. Whatever he was concealing would soon be revealed to him anyway.

"Hi boys," Anne greeted upon their arrival, "Niall, it's been quite a while. I'm glad to see my son rekindle his friendships."

"Mom," Harry protested.

"Oh, shut up and get in already. Shall I get you anything?"

"No but thanks Mrs. Styles, so kind as always. But Harry was going to show me his latest novel. I need a synopsis of it so I can recommend it to my friend, Jeremy."

"Okay. I'll be in the kitchen if you need anything."

Upstairs, Harry sat on his bed and Niall sat beside him. "Lie down and face the ceiling. Breathe and relax. Whenever you're ready...let out everything." He obeyed and lay on his bed and tried to relax. "All the time is yours...I'll be right here."


Liam was seated on his bed after enjoying a nice little dinner with Sofia.His room was dark, save for the vanilla-scented candles. Just then she walked in and shut the door. He jumped a little and she laughed. "Who is my big baby?"He was about to make a good comeback until she flipped her dark hair with red highlights and tied it back.

She slowly began unzipping her maroon maxi-dress while taking baby steps towards him. She halts in the middle of the room, brushing her fingertips from her face, gradually to her jaw then her neck. She saw the impatience in Liam's demeanor and rolled her eyes." The night is still young..." she giggled,"...just try and enjoy the little show."

"All the time is yours, my sweet doll. But you'll pay for it is once I get my hands on you."

She pulls her arms off  the dress and it slides slowly but clings to her hips. She wiggles and the thing pools around her feet exposing her red lace lingerie. Then Liam's jaw drops and remembers the woman was actually a model.

She struts at a painfully slow pace and reaches him an eternity later. She kneels before him and spreads his knees. Her hands slither up his thighs and find his belt buckle, which she skillfully undoes and hops onto his lap.

She takes off his coat and tie and throws them on the floor and kneads his muscles causing him to groan helplessly then she unbuttons his shirt. She showers him with light teasing kisses and guides his hands to her waist. He seizes the opportunity and slides his hands to her ass, giving her a little squeeze and she squeals.

"Babe, I had quite a day. There's this idiot who keeps..."

"Great timing...so you want to whine about your assisstant, now? You've complained way too much about him and trust me, it's getting old. Why don't you just fire him and get him out of your hair? Now get that shirt off and shut up." She slaps across his chest and tears the shirt from him before pushing him down against the pillows.

Louis was at the local pub drowning his frustrations in liquor. He couldn't believe he lost his job. But his boss was nothing but a jerk and if there is one thing Louis will never regret it's standing up for himself. He'll miss wearing a suit and tie. But YOLO. He gulps down another glass.

"And for tonight's show...let's welcome the Wild Bloom." The voice on speaker announced. Curious, Louis got up from his table and pushed through the massive crowd up to the front. He always heard of this Wild Bloom guy and he could finally get to see him.

Louis was wearing a grey hoodie and shades to avoid anyone recognising him. He didn't want people going to tell his mom he was at the bar instead of helping her at the bakery.

A masked guy in drag appeared on the stage and began singing in a smooth and sweet voice. His red lips ghosted over the microphone in his expertly manicured hands. The mask around his eyes could not obscure how they shone like gems as they seductively moved across the room.

He swayed his hips to the rhythm of the song, and the purple floral gown he wore swept the stage gracefully. He broke into slow and sultry lyrics then hit a highnote as the crowd cheered and went crazy as rolls of money tumbled on stage.

He stripped down to a black thong with fishnet stockings and heels. More dollar bills flew to him. He got on his knees...tossing his messy hair and crawled around on his threes as he still had to hold on to the mic. Then his eyes locked on a target. Louis was watching in awe but he was shocked to notice that the sexy thing was looking directly at him.

He would have bolted out of there but he was so captivated with how that slender body writhed towards him like a snake. The Wild Bloom ended his performance by faking a fall off the stage...right into Louis' arms. Everyone bought it except the one who caught him. The crowd cleared after applauding as the manager collected the money thrown on stage.

"You can have me." The Wild Bloom whispered, securing his arms around Louis' neck.

"You barely know me. And how sure are you that I want you."

"My gaydar never fails me. I'm all yours tonight. Take me to the back."

Louis obeyed and carried the featherweight guy to the room he requested. He flicked on the light switch. With wigs and a variety of costumes, it was obviously his dressing room. Louis tossed him on the bed that sat next to the wide open window.

"Do you mind killing the lights?" Louis flicked off the lights obediently and threw off his shades and hoodie before pouncing on him. He kissed and licked the feverish skin below him. Soon they were moaning desperately, making out heavily as they grinded against each other.

"Tell me your name, you little slice of heaven." Louis whispered into his ear, licking around the shell. The guy just whimpered helplessly and tried to breathe. "Take all your time princess. Tell daddy."

"The..Wild..B-Bloom..."came the breathless answer.

"Wrong. Say it..."

Louis urged and bit into his ear and tweaked one of his nipples, causing him to scream.


Louis stilled "...Sivan?" He hopped off the bed and switched on the lights.

"Bloody Mary!! Louis? What are you doing here?"

"I should be the one asking questions. So you are a whore?" Louis puts on his hood to cover his naked torso.

"No! I'm just an entertainer. Good Lord this is hella awkward."

"Indeed it is. Just wait till I tell my mom. Guess I won't be the only one to lose a job today."

"Louis, wait!!"The harsh bang sends the Little Mix poster on the door crashing to the floor. "Way to go little slut...way to go." Troye scolds himself.

-Ready for Harry's big secret?🙄

- So,will Louis expose Troye?🤔

-Lots of Love guys😘

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