29. No Need

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Beats: Two ghosts ~ Harry Styles

Six months later:

Harry's POV

After that crazy night at Cherry's, I had awoken with a life-threatening hangover at the unholy hour of 3:00am. That was when I realized what I had done. I tried to get up but I fell with a thud to the floor. I wanted to cry but I fought it. I was done with tears. My ass was killing me and I recollected my encounter with Nick in the bathroom.

I struggled to my feet and lay back on the bed because I couldn't sit for obvious reasons. There was only one out of the several women I had sex with the previous nights. I tapped her gently and she arose and looked into my eyes.

She sat up and hugged me for she must have seen the pain in my eyes. "You want to get out of here?" Kendall whispers into my ear.

"Yes, please."

And that was how she took me to this little paradise I've been living in for several months now. "Hey," I gently stroke her dark hair and her eyes flutter open. "Hey," She yawns and sits up stretching. We gaze into each other's eyes before she breaks into a soft smile.

"Let's go have breakfast." We head downstairs of that homely cabin with large windows viewing terrific scenery of trees and birds, whose chirping penetrated the walls.

"Goodmorning my sweet dolls, sleep well?" So Kendall has both a mother and father, only in one package. Kate was a transvetite. Don't ask me how Kendall was born because I am also clueless and to be honest I should like to keep it that way.

"Goodmorning, honey." Kendall says and wraps Kate in her long arms.

"Oh, Harry, my sweet unicorn," He hugs me too and runs his fingers through my hair. It was weird but it has been my life for so long so..."Morning Kate," I murmur. He leads us to the kitchen table and serves us breakfast. Kate picks up his purse and bids us a good day.

"So, shall I get Leo today?"

"No need." I chuckle at Kendall's suggestion. I wasn't in the mood to get inked today. Maybe some other day. She perches on my lap and straddles me, stroking my face with her knuckles. I stare up at her. I'm not quite sure what she is to me. Ours is one of those relationships that cannot be defined.

I rub idle circles on her back as she hugs me close to her bossom. I sigh, wishing to stay that way forever. "Babe, I have to go to work." She pulls away reluctantly, and untangles her hair from mine. She owns a jewellery store inside the mall where Mr. Malik and I once went to look for Lola's gift.

"Alright." I let her go after a sweet kiss and she goes upstairs to shower. I decide to go to the basement and do my daily routine of lifting weights and doing push ups. I make up my mind after a long shower to go visit my mom. It's been long and maybe right now she's already Mrs. Malik. But I miss her, anyway.

I take a cab and go to the shopping centre, to buy the woman who birthed me white roses and her favourite Chanel perfume. "Sorry," I bump into someone who falls to the ground. I bend over and help them up.

"Oh my god! HARRY?!"

"Pardon me?"

I frown and catch a glimpse of blonde hair and red lips. "Taylor, nice to see you again." She had reduced her long blonde hair to a neck length with bangs.

"You look so different, it's insane." Her blue eyes were blown open, studying me. I shrug at that.

"It was nice seeing you again. I really have to go."

"Wait!" I turn back around to her, "Can we meet up later, say for some tea?"

"I'm sorry Taylor. I would but if I were you I'd stay away from someone who hurt me before."

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