33. Tongue Tied

978 60 93

Beats: Find you ~ Nick Jonas

Harry's POV

I am screaming. My eyes search my strange surroundings.I am still screaming. Everything was in dull shades of brown...like my whole world had gone stale. The wall-like structures around and cracked floor beneath me to be exact. My hair was in my face but I was unable to brush it off for some reason. Okay, at least I was done with making that unbelievably high pitched noise.

I toss my head around in a bid to see if there were any other life forms around me.Nothing. I walk ahead and behold my bare feet then I notice the screw tattoo on my ankle. I don't remember it glowing like a firefly in the dark. I frown and keep walking. "Hello?"I cringe at the shrill echo that follows, almost making my ears bleed.

I stagger on, supporting myself occasionally on the walls. It was like an endless creepy hallway and I did not understand why and how I was here. I was most probably being held hostage but by who and why? Up ahead was dark and blurry, it was like some form of dark mist that was inpenetrable to sight unless you walked right into it.

So I trudged on, ignoring the numbness of my feet due to the apparent endless journey. I hear fluttering of several pairs of wings...perhaps of bats and a faint hooting sound of an owl could be heard. I could not see either of those so I bow my head slightly to protect my face just in case and keep walking.

In the midst of the despairing darkness, my eyes find a little pulsating light. Like a dying coal left after an extinct ember, it lay on the ground. The closer I got, the farther it went from me, almost like something or someone was dragging or carrying it along. "Hello?" I risk shattering my ear drums again.
But this time, I could not hear my own voice. "HELLO?!" Nothing. Not even slightly above a whisper. I am desperate and confused.
What in the hell?

I follow the glow stubbornly until a blinding overhead light suddenly absorbs it. The light hurt my eyes so bad it almost felt like a laser burning through my cranium. I squinted, realizing that the light was the only escape from the dark and creepy hallway-like hell I was in. So what the heck?

I step out into the light and notice an opaque form, sheilding me partially from the illumination. I make out a humanoid morphological form. "Harry?" The sillhouette calls and I'm tongue-tied. What?

"YES??" Unfortunately, I still couldn't work my pipes. I was mute.

"Harry?" The voice sounded so much familliar. Like that...whoever or whatever it is...from the lake! Then in the blink of an eye, I was left in darkness once more.

My poor eyes were hurting so much from the optical assault that I dropped to the ground. I wanted to weep but I couldn't figure out how. It was all too complex at the time. The only source of light...which was way too dim in the thick darkness was my screw tattoo. A slimy neon green, preferrably like that seen on Halloween decor.

And even though my eyes were fried from the extreme exposure from earlier, I saw that somewhere in the dark ahead of me was a simillar eerie glow. I made it my mission to find that sucker and unveil this disturbing mystery. Like a cat to a laser beam, I chased the glow on my fours because it was low to the ground and my bipedal height would only be a hindrance.

Then my hands grabbed something. Warm and L- shaped like a fat boomerang. I frowned as it was smooth and somewhat bony. Then suddenly I was sinking as if the ground was quick sand. And could have been for all I know because I was in deep darkness. I lay there helplessly as the earth swallowed me whole.

Heck, I couldn't even cry or scream. I wished that this nightmare was ending. But it wasn't. My live burial ended in a comical fall into what looked like a desert. A vast desolate golden ground was laid out before me. At least the lighting here was fair, emanating from the midday sun in the blue sky.

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