31. All Alone

996 62 67

Beats: Payphone ~ Maroon 5

Niall's POV

The past few months have been weird, if I do say so myself. But not bad altogether. I'm proud of Harry for being his own man and leaving Louis. It came as no surprise when I learned of his infidelity. I schooled with the bastard and I know he is a serious whore. He may love Harry as he claims but he is naturally a slut... if that's a thing.

My curly friend was and maybe still is a fuckboy but I'm sure he'd be loyal to his soulmate. He just hasn't found one yet. Speaking of Harry, I hope wherever he is, he is happy. And I sure hope he returns to his poor mother. Enough about others.

I still have that huge crush on my boss, who I have been seeing different sides of lately. Don't ask me how but I discovered that she's in love with Mr. Malik. I had followed her that day when he sent her away from Lola's party.
I think they had a falling out because I found the woman sobbing wildly in her car.

Demi used to be good tempered and bubbly when I first met her but I've met her cranky side. There were times she would yell at me for no apparent reason before breaking down like an archaic windmill. Heck, she once slapped me across my face for asking her what the matter was.

Now, she is sitting on her desk peacefully. I bet she's happier lately since Malik broke up with Harry's mom. I feel like such a loser for loving a woman who is chasing after the wind. And it's not like I don't get any attention from girls. I get that alot.

But none of them have been able to unfold me like Demi. Besides, the birds never hang around too long when they get no action. Call me a dork but I prefer to save myself for the right person. Look where fucking around has gotten my two best mates. I ain't gloating though.

"Niall, are you busy?" Demi says, with her heavenly voice.

"Yeah. I sort of am." I reply, though I wasn't. She just can't keep taking advantage of my fondness. "Can't you just...spare me a minute?" I hear her footsteps nearing me and I look up from my desk.

"Alright," I give up,"what can I do you for?"

She perches that great ass I've been ogling at since forever on the edge of my desk. "Well...I just need you to listen." She chuckles but my face is still. I have been building my walls against her ever since she started mistreating me.

"Niall, I just want you to know that you're one of the most important people in my life right now." Get on with it missy. "So I was wondering... Niall have you ever been in love?"Yeah...with an oblivious bitch.

"Well...I guess so."

"You still are?" Her eyes widen with surprise.

"I...am not so sure anymore."

"Does your love interest...reciprocate your feelings?"Ok, is this about Malik?

I'm stumped. So I don't speak any further.

"Come on, you can tell me." She places her hand on mine and strokes gently with her thumb.

"Well...no." I suddenly feel so ashamed.

"I feel you. It hurts when you love someone dearly but they never notice you're even there. You do all you can to show them your support and love but they never see it..."

"You're rambling." My patience is wearing thin and I'm about to snap.

"Yeah, sorry." She withdraws her hand.

"But the woman who doesn't love you back is either stupid or blind. Why yet you're such an amazing guy?"

That does it. I rise in a fit of rage.

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