42. Mere Madness

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Beats: I'm a mess ~ Bebe Rexha

Niall's POV

I had laid out the perfect dinner for my love and I out on the star lit porch. Everything was at the pinnacle of perfection, from the lighting of scented candles to the cutlery and dishes. When she left, she said she'd be home by seven but it's already a quarter past. I don't want the food to get cold. I fetch the wine from inside and fill up the two glasses.

Just then my queen walks to me and a bright smile births on my face. "Babe," I run to her and cover her face with kisses and pull the seat out for her to sit across me. I yap about how I almost burnt down the kitchen but somehow managed to whip up the incredible dinner.

Then I notice her unnatural silence and limited motion. "Honey," I try and she glares at me, my jaw drops. Something about her was quite off. I flick on the porch lights because the damn candles were not helping me establish the problem.

I almost scream at the sight. Demi looked horrible, with mascara stains all over her face and her eyes were red and puffy. "Let's eat shall we?" She rises and stabs the turkey with a fork repeatedly, her eyes still boring holes in mine.

"Baby what's wrong?"The assassination of food was pissing me off. "Speak woman!" She grabs her wine glass and takes a sip of the red liquid before spilling it all over fibrous remains of food.

"Is my cooking that bad? You haven't even tried it!" I yell.;Then a knife flies to my face and I duck, barely escaping the blade. "Did I do something?"

"I hate men, I hate you all!" She shrieks throwing the chairs at me. She overturns my table, breaking it in half and turning my dishes into a million shards of glass. She runs inside and I'm hot on her trail lest she breaks anything else.



"WHAT DID I EVER DO TO YOU? ALL I AM IS NICE AND THIS IS THE THANKS?" She keeps running and enters the bedroom, slamming the door right in my face. I sigh and sink to the floor. Maybe she'll be alright tomorrow and talk to me. After ten minutes the door flies open and she hops over me with her suitcase. She's been crashing with me ever since we flew back from the United States."What are you doing?" I follow her dowstairs.

"Oh, nothing. Just taking my dog for a walk."

"It's almost midnight!"

"Beat it." She heads to the front door but I slam my back against it.

"Love, what's going on?"


"I can't lose you, please."

"You never ever had me and you will never, loser."

The words bring me to my knees, a stab right through my heart."Baby,"

"Don't, it's Miss Lovato for your pale ass. Get out of my way."

"Why?" Tears spill out my eyes, wondering whatever I did to deserve this.

"Why? Oh, because I need to pass and you're in my way. Imbecile." She uses her leg to push me away, like the big pile of nothing I was to her.

"Please," I whisper hoarsely, grabbing one of her ankles. She walks out of my house, dragging me along until her patience wears thin and she kicks me, her heel almost breaking my sternum."What about us?" I sob.

"It was mere madness." She spat coldly and vanished into the night.

Zayn's POV

When Liam called to tell me what happened to Harry, I was devastated. I couldn't get to the hospital fast enough that night.  And that is where I spent the rest of it. I don't cry much but now the dams of my eyes had run dry. Was I not destined to love? My wife died and now this?  It wasn't love yet but I believe whatever I was feeling for Harry was getting stronger. With every passing second. I'd give anything to see those bright green eyes again.

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