38. Zest Zone

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Beats: Everyday ~ Ariana Grande , Future

Liam's POV

I can't believe I saw him again just when I thought I'd never see him again. It's unbelievable how much I missed his annoying ass and his sass. Louis Tomlinson was one heck of a man, alright. His obnoxious and loud nature is more magnetic than repelling, at least according to me. When I saw his ocean blue eyes again, I realized I had already drowned. Deep in love.

I myself still don't believe it but shit happens and there is little you can do to control fate. He had changed a lot. His skin was inked up, not to mention his fresh tattoo and he was growing his facial hair. It made him look mature and sexier but he was a very bitter man. He drove my kitty away and apparently they knew each other.

So his hot boyfriend who sang one night I was in Cherry's deserted him. I could not help but feel guilty for causing Louis that kind of anguish. I was enraged because he was making a scene but when he started crying my heart broke. I could've gone to look for the blonde but Louis was all I could think about.

I hated seeing him cry. I found him seated by the roadside and watched him from a distance.  He was too beautiful to hurt this bad. I could tell he was drunk when he staggered as he rose to his feet. That's when I engulfed him in my arms. I had to protect him from anything and everything. I was more than grateful when he held me too.

Now he is in my arms, playing with my fingers as we lay in my bed spooning this early morning.  His bare back was pressed up on my bare chest and I could feel his heart beat with mine. We did nothing much last night as opposed to our first night together when I found him drunk and sitting on my car. The poor thing needed comfort so that's all I gave him even though I was dying to fuck him.

"Hey," I kiss his shoulder blade and he yawns, stretching as far as my restricting arms allowed.

"My head's killing me." He groans.

"You drank too much last night."

"You don't say."

There's the sass.

I get up and fetch him a pill and a glass of water and I watch as he takes it. "Rest a while and you'll be all better."

"Yeah, sure...whatever doc." I sigh and take the glass from him and he covers himself up, curling into a ball. He looked so adorable and my hand could not resist stroking his hair. Then his icy blue eyes shoot open and looked like he was about to bite me but they soften into confusion. "Why are you being so nice? What do you want from me?"

"A smile would be good."

"Cut it out, Payne. Answer me!"

"Alright. If pushing others away gets you off then you can keep shoving it!"

Louis' POV

Liam storms into his bathroom and I feel like a bit of an asshole especially after all he has done for me. But how can someone be that nice if he wanted nothing in return? Besides, if it weren't for him, Harry would have never left me and maybe we would already be married. Then I would not be reduced to a mere stalker with sleepless nights and endless days.

But then it felt good to actually have someone who took care of me. Who paid attention to my needs. Liam was like my anchor in some sort of way and I loved how he held me in his big strong arms. He made me feel safe and kind of happy.

Last night was amazing and not because we had sex or anything but he really took care of me. He brought me to his home and shared his bed with me as he rocked me to sleep like a baby. And I felt like one because for once I forgot about my woes, his arms were like some sort of zest zone.

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