52. Physical Phantom

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Beats: Dusk till Dawn ~ Zayn, Sia

(Disclaimer: Illustrations in this chapter are not credited to the author.)

Zayn's POV

For some miraculous reason, I have survived an entire week without seeing Harry or hearing from him. And I'm honestly doing just fine and staying strong for my daughter.

Sunny wants to play pretend, acting like she wasn't trying to rape me the other night. It's all fine. If she wants to be an actress, she should know that I'm an Oscar-worthy hell of an actor. Speaking of acting, Niall barely speaks to me at work ever since Veronica. I do understand him though...it's funny to me anyway.

I get by everyday by thinking and dreaming of Harry. I can't even try to forget him because his memories keep me sane. They are my reasons to smile every passing day. I have no reason to be bitter about him because he did nothing but love me. In the course of this fleeting week, I managed to meet up with Leo. I got three tattoos done, two of which were Harry's body parts and one was a matching tattoo with his.

However, when you have a daughter like Lola, she makes your life harder. But in an adorable way. "I miss Harry." She whines.

"Okay then baby. I'll take you to the park."

"Can we go with Harry then?"

"Park or Harry?"

"Harry!" She screams immediately.

"No outing for the whole weekend if you still insist on Harry!"

"Harry!" She shrieks with laughter.

What a sore loser I am. I call Harry up since Lola has specialized her tablet to only calling her aunt Waliyha. "Hello?" I hear his deep raspy voice again and I'm surprised he picks it.

"Harry, it's me...Zayn."

"I know. What do you want?"That was cold.

"I hate to burden you but Lola needs to see you. She misses you a lot."

There's was a long silence on the other end and I wouldn't be surprised if he hang up. "I miss her too." He says softly after a long sigh.

"Just because we broke up doesn't mean you can't see her."

"Fine. When does she want me over?"

"Now!" My little devil barks and Harry chuckles lovingly. The line is disconnected and I slip my phone into my pocket.

"Now if you'll excuse daddy." I place a kiss on her head and exit the living room. I head to my study to hide myself in there in order to avoid any encounter with Harry. The excited squeal that suddenly penetrated all the walls could only mean one thing. He had arrived.

I focus on my sketching, concentrating all my energy and thoughts on my task. I get thirty minutes of peace in my hide-out until the door is knocked. "Lolita, baby...play with Harry. You can come bother me when he leaves." I whine, resting my head on the desk.

I hear the door open and I groan, knowing very well she has disobeyed my orders. "Actually...it's me." I raise my head to be met with deep emerald orbs.


"Lola was to bring you this but she had to use the bathroom."He places a glass of chilled mango juice  before me.

"I...didn't ask for this." I chuckle despite my breathlessness. This was very confusing.

"Really?" He furrows his brows.

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