41. Charming Chase

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Beats: Lover ~ Taylor Swift

Zayn's POV

I take a sip from my half filled whiskey glass as I revise documents from work of previous contracts and transactions. I get as comfortable as I could in my desk, loving the silence in my study and the entire house. Walihya was more than happy to take Lola for a stroll so I was free from the little girl's screams and shenanigans.

Don't get me wrong, I love my daughter to death but if you're a parent it's never a bad idea to get your children out of your hair for a few hours. It kind of restores your sanity or something like that.

I complete analysing my documents and I rise to store them away in a file cabinet. Due to my O.C.D, I decide to rearrange my books according to size, colour and even alphabetically according to the titles. I was so engrossed in my self-driven task that I did not hear the door to my study open. "Zaynie?"

"Oh..." I'm startled so I drop a heavy book right on my foot,"... back already?"

Waliyha is holding back a snicker, I could tell. "Yeah, actually someone's here to see you."

"I wasn't expecting anybody..."

"Hi." The deep raspy voice comes through.

"Come on Lolita, let's give you a bath." My sister leaves with Lola and I'm left with...well...him.

"Hey..." I say awkwardly.

"Actually," He walks to me and picks the heavy ass book from my foot and hands it to me, "I think you dropped this."

"Thanks..." I breathe, his face mere inches from mine.

"You have the most beautiful eyes." His green eyes are drowning mine.

"You're one to talk." I say quietly.

"I love your hair." He worships my mane with his eyes and fingers.

"I think your nose is cute." I don't miss the instant blush that spreads on his lightly freckled face.

"Well, you have the sexiest lips." He leans in but I push him away and sit back in my stool where I was organizing my books. "Zayn."


"What the fuck?"

"When were you planning to tell me that you and Louis were dating?" Silence.

"Why did you lie to me?" I'm still not facing him, busy with my work.

"Because I didn't want you to hate me."

"I already hated you!" I scoff, sparing him an incredulous look. He looks hurt but he clears his throat and his gaze is on the floor. "So Kendall and Taylor?"

"Kendall was my first girlfriend. I dated Taylor in high school."

"I'm guessing you like keeping your exes real close." He bucks his shoulders and twists his lips. "So, you still like Louis?" My words come out with a wave of...jealousy? Harry shakes his head.

"It's extremely hard for me to admit this but...I really like you."

"Well it's about damn time!" He squeals, hands on his hips and a broad smile on his face. I keep my face set as I watch him, rubbing my chin. "Sorry." He looks down demurely and holds his hands behind his back. He was still smiling.

"But I'm not gay, like you."

"You don't have to be gay to like me Zayn. And I'm not gay, I'm bi."


"Yes it means I can vibe with both genders."

"I know that." I retort.

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