25. Yes, you

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Beats: Liar ~ Camilla Cabello

Zayn's POV

After weeks of keeping that varmint away from my house and my life, I decide to have Demi call him back because I still can't drive. It's my precious baby's birthday tomorrow and I have no idea what to get her.No, it's not that I'm a shitty father but is there anything that I haven't bought her?

So this weird kid finally arrives and squeezes the life out of me in the name of hugging. Who the fuck told him he could do that? I mean, I'm Zayn Malik and he's just a...never mind. He looks like a real hippie with his hair all overgrown and falling all over his face. The fuck?

Can't he just get a proper haircut? I call Lola so we can leave already but my baby shows great displeasure upon seeing Harry. I love you baby for disliking him too but I'm sorry...I have to put on a charade. So I scold my little angel and she gives Harry a decent greeting.

When we get to the mall I leave Lola with the other kids so she doesn't see whatever I will get her. You know, the whole surprise shit. I walk and talk with Harry fruitlessly because there was nothing I could come up with.

Speaking of Harry, his hair was not only bothering him but me. Every now and then, he would push his hair behind his small ears. It was a constant war between his stubborn locks which were magnetic to his face, and his fingers. So I go to where the bandannas were on sale. I remember when I was still a dumb teenager and I used to rock these things.

I guess they're still somewhere in my closet. I mean I still could but I'm a businessman. But hey, aren't I on a break? So I pick out a blue one and Harry calls it a handkerchief. I swear that's exactly what he'll be needing if only I could properly plough his face with my fists.

Is there anyone else really that dumb in England? I tell him it's a bandanna and hand it to him. Thankfully, he ties it around his head. It tames his wild hair and it's actually a good look on him. I know, I have great taste.

He thanks me and I am only too glad he did not object to me spending money on him. I look at the fool and cackle internally. This is my first step of getting rid of him. He then stares creepily at me and I want to yell at him.
It's alright. You need him to like you and trust you enough to send him to a foreign college.

Thankfully, he breaks the ice by reminding me about Lola. I grab his hand and lead him out of the mall, suddenly getting an idea.

Harry's POV

"Daddy, what's in the box?"

"Nothing, you little fox."Mr. Malik sits in the backseat with his child as I set the afforementioned box on the passenger seat.

"Pwease turn on radio."


"Yes, you." Lola huffs. I do as told and buckle up. I drive them home, Katy Perry blaring from the radio. Lola tried to sing along to Hot N Cold. It was cute because the kid barely got any of the lyrics right. I then recall how Niall used to have a crush on Katy when we were in middle school.

When we get to the mansion, Demi answers the door and picks Lola up in her arms. I step out of the car and wait as my boss walks over to Demi, who hugs him lovingly. "Hello, Harry." She waves to me, her signature smile absent. Was it just me or was she glaring at me?

I wave back, too confused to even utter a word.After a brief conversation with her, Mr. Malik walks back over to me where I was by the car. "What about the box, sir?"

"Follow me." He beckons. I pick up the box and follow his trail into the large house and upto his bedroom. I stall at the door and he chuckles. "You can come in, Styles."I step into this enormous bedroom with spotless white walls and floor. I once peeked into this room but never imagined it looked this big from inside.

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