5.Almighty Ass

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Beats: So What ~ P!nk

"Would you mind getting me a coffee, kid?" Louis rolls his eyes at the deep grumbling voice.

"Yes, I do mind. I'm busy." He sassed, fumbling with the papers on his desk. From his cubicle, which was at the corner of his boss' office, he could see the pissed man rise from his desk and clench his fists. The man takes slow, deliberate and precise steps towards Louis, who yelps.

"Maybe ...we should get you that coffee..." He squeals and races out.

At only 21, he was not ready to combat with someone who was at least five years older. No. He is far from a coward, it's just that he loved himself too much to withstand physical torture unless he consented to it.
And that's a different story altogether.

"Here you go, Mr. Payne..." Louis returns with the coffee and places it on the desk. "... in the ass." He murmurs under his breath before making his way to his cubicle. Mr. Payne clears his throat and rises from his seat, again.

"Louis!" He thunders and the lad whimpers and stands still. "For how long do you think I'll put up with your immaturity?" He walks right to the younger man and seizes him by his shoulders and turns him around to face him. At 5'8, his boss' towering height of 5'11 was quite intimidating.

"Uhm, Liam...Sir you're hurting me.." Louis splatters.

"You forget that I call the bloody shots around here...but don't you worry, you'll get what's coming for you."

He releases his grip on his assisstant who groans and murmurs an 'ouch'. "Coming for me." The lad repeats and chortles quietly before skipping to his desk. Louis then works seriously for straight twenty minutes before he leans back in his chair and starts swinging and spinning.

Since his cubicle was made of glass, Liam could see him. He catches his eye and sends him a mocking wink. Liam rolls his eyes and Louis copies his actions. He loved pissing him off because a sick part of him thought he was hot when angry. How those thick chocolate brows furrowed and the puppy brown eyes glared at him. How he twisted his lips and clenched his bearded jaw. It was all exciting to Louis.

He reaches for his telephone and punches a key, bringing the receptor to his ear. He twirls the telephone wire in his fingers.

"Hello." Liam clears his throat before answering, " who is this?"

"It's me, silly, you look pissed."

"Louis, don't you have work to do?"

"What? Can't I check on my boss?"

Liam glares at Louis in his cubicle who waves at him with an obnoxious smile. "Do you realize that I can fire you?"

"I do, Almighty boss."

"You're impossible, I just can't with you right now!"

"Can't ..."He gets three beeps as Liam hangs up and storms out, banging the door on his way out. Louis shrugs and kicks his feet up on his desk and fishes out his phone and decides to call Niall.

"Sup Nialler."

"Hey, dude. What do you want?"

"I don't know, maybe you?"


"Niall, do you think... I'm annoying?"

"Lets see dude...Let me guess, you got under Mr. Payne's skin, again?"


"There you go. You've answered yourself. Now leave me alone."

"Don't you hang..." Three beeps. Again. "I really am a piece of shit."


"That asshole!"Liam spits venomously as he kicks at the green grass outside the massive building. He needed the fresh air and a break from his assisstant. Why the hell did he hire that prick? He decides to fire him.

But the idiot is never tardy, he gets to work on time, never once has he ever messed up on projects and his work was perfect and up to date. But then there is Liam's pride.

The red flag.

Nobody calls Liam Payne names, jokes around him or disrespect him in any way. But that street rat...Louis Tom- whatever, dares to cross him. So after some crafty thinking, Liam cooks up a scheme and a smirk cracks on his face.

His phone rings and he prays to God it is not that bastard assisstant of his.
"Sofia, how lovely it is to hear from you!" He lightens up at the thought of his fiancée.

"Miss you so much baby. How is work?"

"Nothing out of the ordinary. What about you?"

"I was just wondering if we could...you know have our own night together. You've been so busy lately that you never pick me up after work."

"Oh yeah. I'll avail myself. Sorry if I was neglecting you."

"Just make sure you make it up to me, big boy." She slurred then giggled cutely.

"Where would you like to go? I'll take my queen wherever."

"Your place." She said huskily.

"My place it is. I'll see you babe."

"Bye honey."

Liam strutted arrogantly into his office with a smirk on his face. He sat with elbows on his desk and clasped his hands together in front of his lips. He directed an intense gaze to a busy Louis, who probably did not even notice he walked in. When it was time to leave, Louis picked up his coat and turned off his desktop. "Boss, I'm off."

"Oh, is it rush hour already? Alright. Have a seat Mr. Tomlinson."

Louis felt as nervous as he was during his job interview. "Are you...firing..me?" Liam watched the man who sat on the edge of his seat across him.

"Would you like to be fired?" Louis shakes his head slowly.

"I thought so. Now here," Liam pushes a large pile of papers towards him,"Get these done before you leave." Louis stared at the pile in disbelief then proceeded to stare at his boss with pleading eyes. There was no way he'd finish all this work and go back to the bakery in time.

"I...can't." He rises and studies a few of the sheets of paper. "Besides, this is work scheduled for next week."

"Okay smart pants, you're gonna go to your little cubicle and do what your boss says."

Louis searches for a hint of a joke or some mercy in Liam's eyes but he only finds rage and something else he can't decipher.


"Payne?" Louis cocks his head defiantly.

"Take your tacky ass back to your station along with these papers." Liam leans back in his seat and plays with one of his pencils.

"You are an ass! You're so conceited and uptight just because you own this damn company. So your big head is in the clouds and you see others as mere trash. Oh boy, yes, I am trash...Fucking hot trash I tell you. So you can fuck yourself and your meaningless tasks." With that, the pencil in in Liam's hand snapped in half.

"You've misbehaved quite enough today." He kept his voice low but intimidating all the same.

"So what are you gonna do? Spank me?" Louis retorted and brushed away the hair that was straying to his face. He was sure he had lost his job so he might as well make an exit. He grabbed a handful of the mints from the decorative bowl on Liam's large desk and shoved them into his mouth as some escaped onto the marble floor. "Have a good life ol'mate." He leaves, swaying his posterior suggestively and banging the door after him.

What and how the hell?

Liam remained there, confused and perplexed at the misconduct of his employee. Maybe it wasn't a bad idea to give him a thorough spanking.

-Oooh ...sassy Louis😆

-Will Lou will get fired?😕

-Tons of love😘

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