47. Rogue Romance

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Beats: Fingers ~ Zayn

Harry's POV

Niall spits out an entire mouthful of beer. Again. "ZAYN MALIK IS GAY?!"

"Umm...Ni, you think you could be a bit louder? A couple of people in the Phillipines couldn't hear you."

The sports channel was on full volume but none of us were concentrating for the entirety of our sitting there. Niall told me about how Demi broke his heart and how he found himself a foreign lass named Sandy. I also told him of all my woes with Zayn, conviniently excluding the fact that he allegedly killed his wife.

"Sorry, mate. He was a straight homophobe and the possibilities of that man being gay were as slim as a thread."

"I know but...have you seen me?" I smirk.

"Yeah?" He frowns skeptically.

"Aw...forget it." I huff and sip my beer.

"Oh, Harry...about last night..." He shakes his head and mine lowers shamefully.

"I just...couldn't help it. He just does things to me. And as much as I would love to set him on fire and kill him, I still need his touch, the sight of him and fuck-"My mind decides it was the best time to flash a collage of Zayn's various perfections.

"Sounds like a rogue romance."

"I just need him Niall I can't explain it. Even though I know he's only using me."

"What's the whole point of breaking up if you're gonna be on your knees for him anytime?"

"What should I do then? Run away whenever I see him?"

"From what you've told me I can already tell you are a pair of nymphos. You have to practice self-control Harry."

"Do you know what it's like being around him?"

"I work for the man..." He raises his brow and I sigh pouting. "Such people need chastity belts." He hums thoughtfully.

"This is the 21st century and for fuck's sake he is a man." I laugh dryly.

"I'm talking about you." His crystal blue eyes send chills down my spine.

"Niall, what the fuck?"

"I'm only trying to help, think about it. If you keep having sex with him he'll never ever take you seriously."

"Of course I can control myself..." I place my bottle to my lips and try not to think about Zayn's coc...Oh fuck.

"Why don't we make a simple deal. If you manage to keep your clothes on the next time you see him, cool. If you fall into temptation you will have to wear the..."

"I get it... No more dick. Fine." I extend my hand to him and he spits on his before shaking mine.

Before I could cringe and recoil properly, he speaks again. "Speaking of dicks...there's some asshole bugging me lately and he had the nerve to kiss me!" I witness him quaver slightly with rage and hate, disgust all over his face.


"Harry...no offense but do I look...you know... attractive to your kind?"

I know he meant no offense but it still stings. Our kind. We are human too. "Well...everyone has their taste Niall. We don't have like a common trait we look for or some shit like that."

"Tell me with the honesty of a friend, Harry. Would you date me if you could?"I scan him from head to toe and smirk, sipping more of my beer.

"Totally. You're really cute."

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