56. Thick or Thin

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Beats: Talk to me ~ Zayn (A/N: This jam is literally sex to your ears. ❤
I was listening with my headphones, then Ooops...I came.😶)

(Disclaimer: Illustrations in this chapter are not credited to the author.)

Christmas season:

Zayn's POV


"Oh...fuck fuck fuck."

Thus came the third mighty climax for us that early morning and my princess shoots his cream on his own belly. I lick him clean before lying back in his arms and I kiss his forehead and covering our bodies. Then our daughter comes bursting through the door excitedly.

"Nona is gonna make waffies !" She jumps on the bed, crawling between us.

"It's waffles babe." Harry drapes his arm over her but his hand was gently caressing my back. I mirror his action therefore sandwiching the little girl between us and he sends me a smirk and a quick wink.

"No sass me!" She huffs. She looked like an adorable little elf in her green and red onesie, complete with a hood from which little brown antlers protruded.

"Sorry babe." Harry chuckles and kisses the top of her head.

"Get up, breakfast almost ready!" She nags.

"We'll be down in a few babe. Harry and I will shower real quick. I hope there's whipped cream."

"You just had mine." Harry whispers and I pinch the skin on his back.

"Sorry." He mouths.

"Will Harry stay here pernently ?" Her little lip forms a pout as her big eyes look into mine. But I look at Harry.

"Yes baby. I will stay here permanently. Until forever. Because I love you like my own child." He smiles.

"You do?" She gasps.

"Yes, you're my baby."

"Can I call you papi then?"

Harry throws me a horrified look but I send him a reassuring smile. "Yes. You can call me papi."

"Yaaay!!!" She squeals and hops off the bed, dashing to the door. "Papi, daddy...get lazy asses up!" She runs out fast, slamming the door shut.

"Would you like to talk abou-"

"I'd rather not."

"She totally called me papi!" Harry almost screams.

"Welcome to the family, princess." I kiss his nose.

"Thank you. I just wanna cry now." He sniffles.

"Please don't." I tickle him.

"Alright, I'd like to complain about our daughter's potty mouth."

"It's your fault. You have to stop swearing in front of her." I accuse even though I know I'm solely responsible.

"No...you are the one who uses vulgar language around here."

"No...you do!" I bark.

"Fuck you...I don't."

"What did you just say?"

"Oh...so you're pinning this on me?" He yells, sitting up.

"Shut up...you asshole."

"No...you shut up!"

Mist Of Mystery {Zarry}✔ [Under Heavy Editing•]Where stories live. Discover now