13. Little Lies

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Beats: Bom bidi bom ~ Nick Jonas, Nicki Minaj


Harry tries to wriggle out of the older man's grip.

"You have made-"

"Paps! Let go of him, you're scaring him. Harry, would you like to change so we can leave?"

"Yes, please." He walks past Paps and changes into his clothes. Troye grabs his friend's hand and leads him out but not without sparing the middle-aged geezer an incredulous look.

"What the hell has gotten into you? Dang!"

"Thanks, Troye. Has been an eventful night."

"If you say so. But I'm terribly sorry about Paps."

Harry shrugs it off as no big deal and they take cabs to their various destinations. Harry's drops him off at Sweet Swoon, where he finds Louis closing up the place. He finishes and turns around, yelping at the sight of Harry.

"Crap! You startled the shit out of me. What are you doing here? It's past working hours."

He chuckles nervously when he gets nothing but an intense stare from Harry, who suddenly pushes him up the locked door, gripping at his waist.

He gets interrupted by lips pressing upon his. He groans, his tense muscles relaxing. He then moves his lips roughly against Harry's soft ones, before gently biting down on his bottom lip. Harry moans and Louis gently pulls away.

"What's up with you tonight? You look, different." The shorter guy scans the taller's face.

"You're beautiful." Harry breathes, running his thumb on Louis' lips.

"You're not answering my question!" Louis gushes but blushes anyway.

"I just wanted to look good for you, babe." Harry lies smoothly. Louis smells him for alcohol or marijuana but the guy is super sober. Harry kisses along Louis' jaw and drags his tongue up his ear. His breath becomes ragged when the soft lips assault his neck sweetly.

He moans throwing his head back, allowing the younger guy to litter the skin with lovebites. He grabs his curly hair and joins their lips in a sloppy and needy kiss. Harry moans into his mouth as he slithers his hands up Louis' shirt, caressing his sides. He whimpers and pulls away breathlessly, looking into the lust-blown green eyes.

"I..er...you need a ride home?" He asks, catching his breath.

Harry frowns. "You have a car?"

"Yeah, I just got it from the repair shop. It's been there a while."

"Sure." Harry steps out of Louis' personal space and follows him to the car. "Sweet ride." Harry mumbles hopping onto the passenger's side of the Midnight Fog Mercedes.

"Thanks." He coughs up the engine and they drive along in silence. He observes the curly guy from the corner of his eye and he seems to be in deep thought. His perfectly arched brows were furrowed almost like he was conflicting with himself. "You okay there, Hazzabear?" Harry flinches. That used to be his Taylor-given nickname.

"Yeah, Boobear. I'm fine."

Louis scowls at him. "I'd slap your head off if you weren't Harry Styles. Only you can make such a horrid name sound adorable." He jerks in his seat, almost losing control of the vehicle when a large hand slithers onto his thigh, rubbing gently. He gulps and shoots Harry an approving smile.

They come to a halt and unbuckle their seatbelts.

"We're here Harry. Have a goodnight."

"What? No goodnight kiss?"

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