28. Quite Quiet

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Beats: Last Hurrah ~ Bebe Rexha

Harry's POV

I couldn't tell what I was feeling. It was a bomb fusion of pain, disappointment and rage. My cab dropped me off at the last place my head would have wanted. And I couldn't access what my heart wanted either since it was on strike. Like a stain, the scene from that bathroom was stuck in my brain and I was more than ready to do anything that would blur it off.

So I listened and obeyed my body and it led me to Cherry's. I walk in and the place was decked with writhing people, sick music and scanty purple lighting. I squeezed through the dancing bodies and made my way to the bar counter. I ordered a large bottle of tequilla and downed it down at one go, straight from the bottle.

The waiter was startled but I slapped bills on the counter, ordering another bottle. I treated the new bottle in the same way but the bartender refused to give me another bottle. "No way, man. Take a break." The annoying schmuck says. I climb up on the counter, feeling a little queasy but I couldn't care.

The club may have been noisy as hell but in my head everything was quite quiet. Only a shrill ringing in my ears. I feel someone pulling me from the counter before I could punch that crappy bartender in the face. "Get a hold of your- Harry?" I turn around and see a skinny blonde guy with blue eyes.

He was pretty and he made fireworks erupt in my tummy. So I kissed him but he doesn't respond. I grab his hair and lick my way into his mouth. He tasted like watermelon and whiskey. "Harry, it's me Troye!" He manages to free his lips from mine. I push him away for he was being a buzz kill and walk into the crowd to have some fun.

I feel several pairs of hands on my body and it feels good. A bunch of gorgeous petite girls grind on me and I let them feel up on me. I feel a great hairy arm slither across my neck from behind. A pair of leathery lips latch onto the side of my neck and I moan at the feeling. The man behind me reaches down and squeezes a chunk of my ass and I groan.

It was a sweet torture, being abused by strangers and throwing all care into the wind. "Hey...I'm Nick, would you care to meet my dick?" The lips whisper into my ear and I am trembling all over. I nod, whimpering as he tears me from the girls and obtains me for himself. He drags me to the bathroom and locks us in. In the clear lights, I could see he was good-looking. He was quite manly with his hairy chest and stubble on his defined jaw.

He lights up a fat blunt from his pocket and takes a long drag before blowing it into my face. "Here," He hands it to me and I immediately put it between my lips. I cough violently and he chuckles but he doesn't snatch it back. Instead he kisses me and my head is swimming in an empty sea. He pushes my body against the wall and he begins sucking on my neck.

He gets rid of my shirt and licks fat stripes all over my chest and bites my nipples. I splutter and take another drag, blowing smoke up to the ceiling as his mouth travels south of my body. He unbuckles my belt and pulls my pants to my ankles along with my briefs. I emit a porn star moan when he swallows my space rock hard cock and gags on it.

He bobs his head and I'm crying out unintelligible words with my head thrown back. He pulls away and spins me around, pressing my face against the wall and pulling my waist back toward him.

He gets back on his knees and slaps my ass cheek. It hurts too good. He commences a hungry feast on my ass cheeks while squeezing them in his hands. By now I am struggling to breath through it all until he licks at my rim. My eyes roll into my head and my knees begin wobbling. He enters me with his tongue and my jaw goes slack.

He pulls back after giving my hole a final wet kiss. He gets himself slick with lube from his pocket. He then rams right into my tight hole and mercilessly pulls out again. It stings to the core but, come on, I am no stranger to pain. I keep smoking my blunt to distract me until I get a strange but great feeling deep inside me. He hits that spot again and I can't help but scream.

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