32. Good Grief

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Beats: Writing on the wall ~ Sam Smith

Harry's POV

When the dams of my eyes dry out, I decide to act quick and shield Zayn's daughter from the heart-wrenching sight. I rise on my wobbling legs and walk over to the bathroom sink and splash water on my face. My heart cracks again and I sob bitterly, but quietly. It sucks whale cock that such an unfairly gorgoeus man had to go so soon. And to think I was falling hard for him.

Forget me, what about Lola? As hard as it was, I managed to suck it up and walk downstairs. "Well." Those lime eyes stare up at me, brimming with anticipation and innocence.It takes all I have not to wail my guts out. Be strong, Harold. "Daddy's not in his room."That wasn't entirely a lie, was it now?

"But...why are your eyes puffy and face red?"

"Iamallergictothesprayindaddy'sroom."I reinforce my lie with a chuckle and a slight rub of my nose.

"Oh, kay..."

"It looks like daddy left very early then." She seems to have bought my bullshit. "Can you take me out for treat then?" She bats her eyelashes at me. Just like Zayn's.

I sigh."Wait, why didn't you call Demi?" She face palms herself and groans. She points at the coffee table. "Left 'er phone 'ere. That's where I got your number."

"Okay. Wait in my car." I hand over the keys to her and she dashes out the front door. I hope the adorable little gremlin doesn't crash into a tree or something. I already have a body to deal with and I don't need another. Not even micro-sized. Now that she's gone, I can freak out properly.

I scream until my head smarts. I sink to my knees, wondering what to do next. Where's Sunny or any other employees like the cleaners? Does the poor gateman know what has befallen his boss? I reach into my pocket and thankfully pull out my phone. My hands are trembling so bad that I drop the thing at least five times. My finger dialls up the person I trust the most.

"Hello?" Came the unsure voice.

"It's me, baby. I'm in deep shit."

"Calm down. Tell me what's wrong. Breathe."

"I...er came to Malik's... mansion. I...found him..." I break down and cry.

"Harry, it's okay. Tell me."

"Heisdead!" I squeak. There was silence at the other end of the line before Kendall's voice came through again.

"Have you told anyone yet?"

"No...just you."

"Okay...good. Now just get the hell out of there. I'll send help immediately."


"No buts Harry. Leave baby...it's not good for you to hang around there. I'll take care of everything. Bye love."Kendall hangs up and I pick myself up and try to breathe. Since the woman is older than me, I sometimes feel she is a little overprotective. I appreciate that.

I drive Lola to the park in my best format trying my best not to make her suspicious. I can't help but feel responsible for her. She's been orphaned too fast for her little heart to process. I buy her ice cream and she plays with the other kids. Just like when I first met her and I picked her up when she fell. That is something I'll always do for her for the rest of my life. The poor kid probably didn't go to school today. Oh well...

"Lola, honey...it's getting late." I rise from my bench and walk over to her, picking her up in my arms.

"Too soon?" She whines.

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