35. Don't you Dare

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Beats: Fire on Fire ~ Sam Smith

Liam's POV

It's been several months since my best friend Zayn has reached out to me. Damn, the man has pride issues. Ever since he caught me in the bathroom with my assisstant, he went raving mad. He's apparently homophobic. About my sexuality, please get it straight from the horse's mouth... I am still trying to find me.

But it's not very easy with parents like mine, who have set the weight of the world on my shoulders. They expect too much and too soon from me. For instance, I'm barely twenty five but Payne's Printing Press is already my burden. But it doesn't totally suck because I get to earn my own money. Tons.

However, it's a downright violation when they also dictate my love life.
I should be free to choose whoever I want but due to some dumb family tradition I am stuck with Sofia. The woman is now my wife, the trip to Hawaii was actually arranged by our parents so we had a private wedding. For decades, my family has been intermarrying with hers and my parents would like to keep it that way. But I didn't want too many people to know about it. I obeyed and respected my parent's wishes all my life but who cared about mine?

Did anyone ask me what I really wanted? Who cared to ask whether I loved Sofia or not?No one. Nobody knew I was curious about other boys when I was growing up. Nobody knows how much I hated myself when I had crushes on the other boys. I bottled it up but that didn't make it go away. Until I met Zayn. He was grieving his wife by then and he was single for years.

I fell for the man but I was too much of a chicken to make a move. So I flirted with the oblivious man as subtly as I could. But he never caught on. There was no communigaytion. I had to establish if there was a chance he might like men so I took him to Cherry's to watch male strippers. All he ever did whenever I took him there was get busy on his phone. I gave up trying to seduce him and set my eyes on Louis.

It was paradise until his boyfriend and Zayn caught us. Then I never saw my blue-eyed lover again. He never reported to work ever since and I was distressed. A great shame because I actually felt something with him. Something deep inside me that Sofia never unlocked.

Sure, she was hot and attracted me physically but I was never attached to her emotionally. So recently I met a really cute twink who works as a club valet. His sass and blue eyes reminded me of Louis and that greatly piqued my interest. We hit it off and we began messing around in hotel rooms. I loved how beautiful and youthful he was not to mention his spontaneity.
So I rewarded him regularly with hard cash like a good sugar daddy.

Tonight we decided to bang in the backseat of my car then Sofia knocks on the window when we were in the middle of our amorous congress. I hide my kitty under my coat and hop to the driver's seat to hear what she has to say.
"Honey, what's happening?"


"And don't you dare lie to me!" She hisses.

I pant hysterically and place a hand to my chest dramatically. "Babe?"

"Sofia..." I begin solemnly, "I thought I'd never see you again."

"What are you talking about?" Her tone is softer.

"Honey, I just dodged the claws of death. An oncoming truck almost rammed into me, that's when I pulled over to the side...escaping by a whisker." I blink my eyes repeatedly so she'd think I'm fighting back tears.

"Oh...babe." Her voice breaks and she sobs.

"Yes. I was so shell shocked that I lacked the strength to go back to the road."

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