22. Way Worse

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Beats: I really like you ~ Carly Rae Jepsen

Harry's POV

"Wake up you asshats!!" Niall grunts, smacking us with a pillow. I groan, holding on tighter to the sheets as Louis keeps spooning me tightly. "Come on, we barely had any sleep." Louis protests.

"Neither did I! All you did was moan and scream all night."

"And that's a bad thing? You should get a cure for your dry spell." Louis says cockily.

"Harry..." The blonde expects me to tell my boobear off. He had another thing coming.

"Get some sex, kiddo. I'm sure Hentai and your hand gets old." I chuckle.

"Remind me why I'm friends with you cunts again?" He roars and we're both swept off the bed to the floor. Niall storms out, laughing his pale ass off.
I glance at my watch and it's six in the morning. I help Louis up. "Morning handsome," I peck his lips.

"Morning gorgeous. It's Saturday." He says rubbing my bare chest with his hands.

"No shit." I scoff and drag him to the bathroom where I give him my spare toothbrush. We shower together after brushing our teeth, which was mostly kissing and caressing under the downpour of warm water. I grab my loofer and squirt some soap on it and clean my boyfriend. He reciprocates the favour and scrubs my skin clean.

I share my coconut and strawberry scented shampoo with him, massaging his scalp. When all the lather is rinsed, he kisses my chest and abdomen and makes his way down. He kneels and grabs my cock in his hands and pumps gently. When I'm as hard as a rock, he licks my slit and I hiss from the pleasure. He chuckles and takes me in his mouth. He manages to swallow half my cock and that's impressive. Don't mean to brag but I'm pretty hung.

He bobs his head allowing me to hit the back of his throat as he hums. I grab fistfuls of his soft hair and melodically mumble nonsense and sputter. "M'close."

He pulls away and I whine. "I need a facial." He gets back to his sucking and pumping then pulls away when I shoot my load. Right on his face.

He grins."Thanks Mr. Styles." I pull my cheeky boyfriend up and watch as the water washes my cum off his face. We finally dry off and get dressed. I gave him some of my clothes. My white shirt was a bit too big on him but my jeans were too tight for him. Baby got back.

We head downstairs to the kitchen and join Niall for breakfast cereal."Hi there, albino freak." Louis waves at Niall. He can be a real pain. "Trust me, you look way worse." The blonde retorts.

"It's understandable. I'm fresh from the shower." Louis shrugs and begins eating. I pour myself cereal and some milk and join them at the kitchen table. "Hate to leave but I need to check on PPP." Louis says after we finish our cereal.

"What the flipping hell is that?" Niall frowns.

"Payne's Printing Press, dumbass."

"Oh. Speaking of which, how did you get that expensive car outside? Are you fucking your boss?" Niall laughs and Louis' face turns red. My gut immediately churns.

"Yo, don't you got cocks to blow?" Louis spits furiously. We both glare at Niall. "Babe, pay him no mind. It's not even mine, I'm just taking advantage of my boss' absence." He takes my hands and looks me in the eye. Since I also have to go to the Malik mansion, I leave with Louis because I'm a bit mad at Niall for speaking recklessly.

Zayn's POV

Lola was busy playing with legos on the floor as I watched her. Should I really introduce Anne to her? Whenever I saw my daughter, it was like seeing my late wife again. She had her mother's eyes and the shape of her face was definitely Gigi's. Was it weird that I felt like I was cheating on Gigi with Anne? And if I brought Anne to Lola, wouldn't it be way worse, considering the fact that my daughter's face was a spitting image of Gigi?

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