34. Excellent Excuse

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Beats: Rare ~ Selena Gomez

Zayn's POV

It's a shocker how one minute I was in my dressing room and the next I wake up in another house. Strange times we're living in. I was in the basement when I awoke, immediately I had assumed that I was abducted. But I realised my hands and feet were free and there was nothing in my mouth in the name of a gag. I got up from the floor, exiting that filthy room and made it up to what I assumed was the living room.

It looked like one of those houses in beach resorts. Serene and well lit with solar radiance but without a TV set. "Hello?" The only response was a breeze that made the curtains on the window and the wide open door dance a little. I walk out the door and still don't see anyone. I rush out the yard up until I stumble upon the main road. I don't know how long I've been there but according to my rolex...it was five in the evening.

But since I safely made it out of that place without any struggle, I was led to believe that it was no kidnapping. I must have voluntarily went to that place. But why? And to see who? Or was I drunk and someone dragged me to their home? I was lost deep in thought until drizzles from above brought me back down to earth.

I kept walking until I found a cab and flagged it down."To the Malik mansion, please." The driver glanced at me before frowning and obeying. I couldn't blame him. I was the definition of lost and confused. My hair and clothes were testifying. He drops me by my gate and dark was already prevailing. Charles, my gateman looks appalled at the sight of me.

"Great Lord, my good, sir, where have you been?"

"How long was I gone?"

"The fourth day is nigh."

"Oh..." I walk past him without another utterance. My daughter was the only person worrying me. I tried to calm down, hoping that Demi was taking care of her. So when the front door was opened, I saw a face I wasn't expecting. Harry Styles. There was shock, disbelief, pity and relief in his glassy eyes.

He didn't look too good himself...he was somewhat frail and peaky. "What are you doing here?" My mouth opens too fast. It wasn't too friendly. He does not answer but drops his head.

"Please, come in, sir." I could tell he was fighting tears so I stormed in and grabbed his shoulders.


"No..." He sniffles and rubs his nose facing me again with his red rimmed eyes.

"Then what the hell is-" I feel an instant dizziness and body weakness. My energy fizzles out but my fall is broken. Harry steadies me in his arms and helps me to the living room. He lays me out on the couch and pulls off my shoes before leaving the room. I feel so weak, probably because I don't remember eating anything recently.

I'm slipping halfway into unconsciousness when Harry returns with a tray of food. He hands me the mug of hot cocoa but still supports the base. Thankfully by the time I'm done with the drink, I feel a little better.

But the man insists on spoon feeding me my dinner and I hate him for that. How dare he baby me? So I let him, only because I was unwell but I'm still mad. The rice and chicken made me really sleepy and I found myself dozing off...on Harry's chest.

I jerk away but realize I still couldn't walk steadily on my own. He stands up after me and breaks my fall. Again. He helps me to my bedroom and I'm very angry that he had to take off my clothes because I couldn't. In my tank and briefs, he tucks me into bed and turns to leave, probably to get away from my fiery glare. "Harry, wait." He turns around reluctantly with his hand on the door.

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