19. Just a Jerk

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Beats: There's nothing else I can say ~ Lady Gaga

Louis' POV

I awake in the middle of a six by six bed with white sheets. I squint my eyes as bright sunlight pours in from the window I'm facing. My head pounds like a bitch and so does my ass. I peer beneath the sheets to find I'm naked. And alone. Events of the previous night come rushing into my head.

Liam brought me to his place and fucked the hell out of me as I begged him to. I never thought my boss was into men, but whatever. And even if he wasn't, no one could resist me. Bitch, have you seen me?

Oh. Harry. That bloody wanker keeps defying my wishes and crushing my heart. I scramble out of bed and walk into my boss' bathroom, I needed a wee real bad and probably a nice shower. When I'm done, I walk back to the bedroom after drying off then I throw on last night's clothes.
The fuck was Liam? I notice a piece of paper lying on the dressing table.

Morning Mr. Tomlinson.
I hope you slept well. I know you're thinking I'm just a jerk for leaving you but I'm still your boss and nothing has changed.
I'm on my way to Hawaii for a little break so kindly cover until I get back.
See you soon.

Great! What an asshole. I make my way downstairs and I'm met with a busty Hispanic maid in uniform. If I wasn't nursing a sore ass I'd have been more than glad to bend her over that kitchen counter. "Shall I make you breakfast, señor?"Señor. I could get used to this.

"Yes, actually. Can I have pancakes and OJ?"

"Right away." I walk into the kitchen and sit in the dining table, wincing at the contact. Damn, I never imagined the douchebag was that big.

My breakfast is served and I eat in rush so I could get home, change and make it to work on time. "Señor?" She hands me car keys and my brows shoot up.

"Is this for a whip?"

She frowns. "It's for a car, silly. Señor Payne said you should take the black Range Rover."I roll my eyes and run outside the ginormous maze of a house and finally into the garage.

A fleet of lovely rides were aligned neatly. Large and different shades of dark colours. I caressed each until I reached the one. She was beautiful with her silver bumper girding her golden yellow headlamps. I waste no time entering her and studying her console and cream leather seats.

On the passengers seat lay a note.

Incase you're wondering, it's yours.
Enjoy your new ride.

I scream like a tween fangirl while shaking my fists in the air. I cough up the engine and drive home feeling like a boss. There was nobody at home, and I bet mom's at the bakery, worried sick about where I was last night. I text her, letting her know I'm alright and that I forgot to inform her that I was at a friend's house. I love my mom. She always believes all that I tell her not like your average nosy moms who try to verify and prove everything you say.

I wear my Gucci suit just for good measure and pop a few pills to kill my hangover. When I arrive at work, I sit on Liam's chair and swing around in it before kicking my feet up on the table.
This is the life.

Harry's POV

I was mowing the lawn because, hey, I'm a free loader and I've gotta do something to express my gratitude to the one accomodating me. Plus, I need to get busy since I don't have a day time job.

Niall's neighbors were a real handful though. A mousy girl dared to ask me If I'm Niall's boyfriend. The frumpy old man let his dog break into our lawn and crap there. I went through hell to get rid of it.

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