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NOTE: Hi guys, so when I started this story I was a really inexperienced writer so my grammar, spelling and overall writing isn't that great. I'm aware all my I's aren't capitalized and all that and I apologise for that now before you all die because of my awful grammar. But it gets better along the way, trust me.

Anyway, thank you and enjoy!

-Chapter One-

I walked into the Mystic Grill and quickly checked the crowd. I couldn't risk my brother's - Stefan and Damon - seeing me just yet.

Stefan was my twin brother, and Damon our elder brother. This town held so many memories both good and bad.

No brothers in sight. Making my way to the booth I slumped in my seat and hid behind the menu. Living in secret never gets boring.

I haven't been to Mystic Falls in ages! It feels good to be back.

My eyes roamed over the drink listings but my mind didn't process the words. I was on edge. To put it bluntly.

Only last night had my contact told me that my brothers were back here at Mystic Falls. I'd been careless until then; I would've thought Damon would prefer somewhere like the Caribbean. Guess he's changed.

I hadn't seen my brothers in about...60 years. A long time basically. Damon and I hadn't left on the best of terms, I was angry at him. He nearly murdered someone close to me.

I don't know if it was his fault or his vampiristic side coming out. On a lighter note; Stefan and i just kind of drifted.

One night I decided to leave; I didn't feel like I belonged in Mystic Falls, so I left heading north into the Mountains. Neither of my brothers' were happy with the idea but I still went.

Stefan would write to me every now and then but after a couple of months he just stopped. And so did I.

I must sound really morbid, I apologize.

"What you having?"

I almost jumped out my seat as the waitress spoke. Mentally face-palming myself for being over-skitty i sat up in the chair.

"Beer, please." I said bluntly praying to God she wouldn't ask for ID. It would be awkward if she saw that I was 165. She simply gave me a smile and walked off.

Thank God.

My thoughts drifted to Katherine, the bitch. The night before the big church fire she stabbed me. It was in a dark alley where no one would see us.

**Flashback - 1864**

I was walking back home, I'd been out an hour later than I said I'd arrive. Stefan and Damon were probably having a head fit right now.

I'd left a few weeks ago, I was fed up with father trying to arrange a marriage.

But I missed my brothers.

I sent them a message saying I was coming back to visit only. I never got a reply, which was strange. I'd actually started to think if they'd got my letter.

I rolled up the sleeves of Damon's button down shirt I'd 'borrowed' as the air became slightly warmer.

I'd never taken to dresses like my friend Katherine had. I just found them disturbing.

Like makeup and dances with men during balls. My mother and father disapproved of course.

My father always says "You will never find a man at this rate."

Good! I don't want a man or husband! I quite happy just being me with my brothers.

Suddenly someone grabbed me and tugged me into a dark alley.

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