Way to go

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As soon as we were outside, Nightmare and I started walking towards the direction of Notchs' Town. No matter how much I hate the fact that we have to go there, bring him a package, leave and that all without being caught by some asshole-guards, we have to do it. Minecraftia is in danger and he doesn't know how long it will take to save the city, nor how to.
With an annoyed sigh I followed Nightmare. Suddenly he stopped and listened.
I was completely confused and listened as well, searching for any sound that could possibly be there.
But there was nothing. I only felt Nightmare release my hand and then he started to run.
"Catch me if you can!", he laughed over his shoulder.
I pouted. "That's mean! You're way faster than me!"
But eventually I started to chase him into the nearby forest.
But as I arrived there, Nightmare was already gone.
Due to the fact that he's a demon of the darkness, he perfectly blends in with this dark forest. No matter how hard I'd try, I wouldn't be able to find him.
If I was a player.
But I wasn't. Even if I cannot see him, I know where he is since I can sense his presence. It's not very good tho since I was always the worst at finding people only by using magic, but I at least know where I could search.
I followed his presence until I found a deeper part in the forest where I could feel his being even stronger. So I started to search.
Almost one hour later I still wasn't able to find him, even tho this part I had to search was only a twelve meter radius. I continued to search, now looking literally everywhere. I turned all the stones around. Almost literally, but I didn't. Good for me since they looked really heavy and I wasn't nearly as strong as Nightmare.
Now I was getting kinda worried. I tried to call put his name, but he didn't answer.
Suddenly I heard a sound. It was a twig breaking. I instantly located the noise and slowly went towards it. With a quiet chuckle I opened the bushes only to find a baby bird which fell down a tree.
It was really young. He didn't have feathers, nor working wings. But he looked at me with big, black eyes.
I looked up and saw a nest in the branches of the tree. Loud chirping was heard from there.
I carefully put the baby bird in my pocket of my jacket and started climbing.
Luckily, no branch broke under my light weight so I came up to the nest in a matter of seconds.
Really slowly I took the baby bird out of my jacket and put it into the nest to his brothers and sisters. All together they were five babies.
I smiled and climbed back down, only to hear the parents come to the nest and feed the birds, before flying away again to find new food.
The magic of Spring was always a thing that made me happy. The trees are getting new leaves, the animals awake from their hibernation and the flowers start to bloom.
All in one, a sight I would enjoy all year. Sadly, it only holds on to Summer, where it's green again and Mother Nature continues her cycle through the seasons.
Tho, no matter how beautiful it was, I had to find Nightmare somehow.
I could bet he wasn't in the trees since they're not really wearing any leaves except the early growing ones, but they wouldn't give him enough shadow. Down on the floor there were a lot more bushes or pines, so enough shadow for him to hide.
Before I could react tho someone jumped at me and pushed me to the in leaves covered ground. I yelped in surprise and instantly felt Nightmares' presence even nearer than expected.
"You're heavy, Nightmare!", I laughed and pushed him down playfully.
He let himself fall down to the floor and I sat down on top of him to keep him at the ground. Nightmare laughed cheerfully and I felt his fingers dancing on my stomach.
No. Not this!
I tried to push his hand away but only moments later I was lying on my back, Nightmare above me and started to tickle me really bad.
I begged him to stop but he didn't let go until I huffed: "I give! I give!"
Nightmare stopped, but kept his hands on belly. His eyes focused on my white ones and he asked playfully: "Oh? You do?"
I noddes and smiled. Nightmare bowed down to me and brought his face close to mine, our lips almost touching.
"Am I supposed to let you go now or keep you under me?", he whispered and a smile spread across his face. He stroke his fingers through my hair and followed my jawline to my chin. With a soft chuckle he kissed me. Not too long, but long enough to steal my breath.
He released me slowly and I took a deep breath. "Why are you so good at kissing?", I whispered smiling. He only smiled back and stood up, offering me his hand. I took it and he helped me up, but as I stood I instantly lost my balance. Nightmare caught me tho and so I was now in his arms, my face redder than red. He chuckled and picked me up bridal-style. I yelped and burried my face in his chest until I noticed what he did. But I didn't change my position as Nightmare carried me back to the track. I clung to him like a monkey, too scared that he would drop me. I never got carried as I was tiny, so it still feels weird and I'm kinda scared.
Nightmare stopped as we were on the tracks again and put me carefully and gentle on my feet. He knows how scared I am about this. But he also knows that I do enjoy it.
He took my hand again and together we went on. After all, we had a package to deliver.

A few hours later it got dark and we seeked shelter in an abandoned mouth of a mine. Nightmare went out to collect some firewood and I unpacked our sleeping bags.
Nightmare stayed away for some time. Maybe he had to search further away from out shelter to find firewood.
So I just waited, but I kept my sword in hand in case someone would stumble upon me or him.
Out of boredom I stepped outside and stretched my bones, tired because of the way we put behind us.
We're like 20 Kilometers away from home and it was already really dark.
Now I started to get worried about Nightmare. Unlike me he gets attacked by mobs. At least they know not to attack him when I'm near.
That gave me the chills and I had to take a deep breath to keep myself calm.
What, if he's hurt and I'm not there to help him? Maybe he's already dead, or is lying under a tree in its rootts!
A loud yell destroyed the silence of the forest and made me jump.

1218 words

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