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I took a deep breath and looked at Notch. The man held a key in his hand and gently gave it to me, together with a remote for a shock collar, just in case everything would go completely wrong. He nodded and mumbled: "Try getting him back, Nightmare. He's not himself anymore." I unlocked the door and gave the keys back to Notch, who locked the door behind me after I entered the dungeon. In the middle of the dimmly lit room was sitting Herobrine. Notch had to blindfold him and tie him down. Long, black chains were tied to his wrists, torso and ankles and his hands were clenched to fists. The wounds on his body were gone, only the blood was there. A grey collar was bound to his neck which was also tied to a chain. As soon as the door slammed shut, he started to grin and raised his head. I swallowed hard and went a step closer, gripping the remote tightly. "Herobrine?"
The demon began to laugh. "No huney! Not Herobrine! WHO THE FUCK ELSE WOULD IT BE?!", he suddenly yelled and tried to attack me, causing me to turn the remote on. A loud hiss escaped his mouth and he collapsed, gripping the collar tightly.
A few moments later he started panting and I turned the remote off again, leaving him to sit on the ground.
The panting transformed into a laughter which was darker than the void itself. It sent shivers down my spine.
"Do you think a little shock like that would kill or even harm me?", he sneered. "Huney, I'm a lightning and fire demon. So don't try to fight lightning with Pathetic shocks."
I backed off and wanted to knock on the door as suddenly three out of the seven chains broke. My body froze in fear as I saw him standing up completely. He seemed even creepier than before. He raised his left hand and removed the blindfold, revealing his still bloody red eyes, this time broken by two pitch black pupils. He snickered and went closer to me. As he was standing in front of me he gently tied a chain around my own neck and pulled the ends. A loud yell escaped my mouth and I gripped his wrists. "NOTCH! HELP!"
The door didn't open, nor did he teleport in. I was already put of breath. Herobrine was trying to decapitate me somehow. The fact that no one came to save me made me disappointed. I raised the pressure on his left wrist until I finally felt the bone break. Herobrine yelled and let go, gripping his wrist. He raised his red eyes and I pulled out the remote again. I turned it on the highest stage possible and watched him yell in agony. "STOP! PLEASE! STOP!", he begged but I kept going. "Try making me Herobrine." He tried to attack me again but I threw him back to the ground. Now I knew what was happening to him: someone else was controlling him. With a deep breath I entered his mind, instantly feeling the pain that he has to feel now. Regardless, I went further until I found the source: it was indeed someone, yet this someone usually had no magic. "Bellatrix? What are you doing here?"
The woman grinned evil. "I told him that I'd make his life a living hell."
As she spoke, the smell of alcohol and drugs filled my nose. I winced and showed her to get out. "Get out or I will have to kill you."
Bellatrix started to laugh. "If you kill me, I'll rip him out of your life as well."
My inner voice told me to kill her, but my brain gave me the right answer. I took a deep breath and relaxed. The old Hero always told me that being nice would help me a lot in my life. So I tried. "Maybe we can figure out a way that you can punish him once, but leave him alone forever after. Alright?" Bellatrix stared at me. "No. He deserves to suffer until he dies." I winced. "No, he didn't. Just leave him or I will kill you."
Bellatrix started to laugh. "I will kill him, then."
I got thrown out of his mind and collapsed on the floor. Out of surprise I looked up to see that Herobrine was lying in front of me, his eyes wide and completely empty. They were white like stars again, but dim. His face was pale and cold as I gently touched him. "H-Hero...?"
No answer. I tried again, this time pulling him carefully on my lap, his head in my left hand. "Hero? Please, answer me... Can you hear me?"
Still no answer. I slapped him a few times softly, halfway expecting him to wake up. He kept motionless, his eyes staring at something I definitely couldn't see. "Hero, come on. I know you're still alive.", I mumbled as I put my hands on his neck, instantly finding a low pulse. With a little hesitance I suddenly remembered something. The remote was turned off, but it goes up to the point where it can definitely revive people.
I turned it up to a crazy high number and went a few meters away from him. Then I turned it on.
An extremely loud yell broke the silence. Herobrine arched his back heavily, his eyes widened.
A few moments later I turned it off and slowly went over to Hero, who was lying on the ground, panting like he just ran a hundred miles. I gently pulled him onto my lap again, but before I could say anything, he hugged me tightly, resting his head on my shoulder. "What happened...", he whispered tiredly. I sighed. "Long story, Hero. But that's in the past now. I don't care about the past, and you shouldn't either." I gently stroke over his back. He nodded, burying his head deeper into my neck. "Why are we in a dungeon?"
My heart skipped a beat. I didn't think that he'd ask that! "Oh, well... You didn't feel so good and your mother tried to take over-"
He tensed up. "Wait, what?!", he yelled, jumping away from me. "I did hurt you, didn't I?!" I took a deep breath. Then I nodded with a heavy heart. "I didn't only hurt you, correct?" I nodded again, my breathing picking up. I couldn't lie to him, but I didn't want to hurt him as well. With my index finger I gently stroke over his jaw, following the bone I could easily see. His eyes were locked at the wall and he sat there with straightened spine. Suddenly his eyes snapped onto my own. "I know everything. I just wanted to see if you wanted to tell me or try and keep me save."
I took a deep breath and locked my eyes with his, my finger going up to his long ears. He sighed. "I'm sorry that this happened." I put my finger on his lips before he could keep going. "No. It's alright. It's the same that happened with me. But..." I grinned slightly. "You can be really intimidating. I didn't know that this was possible."
Hero smiled a little bit, his face red with blush. "I told you I can be scary."
I chuckled and gently lifted him up, breaking the last chains, and carrying him outside. Notch opened the door and instantly shrieked. He raised his sword and wanted to hurt Hero, but I growled. Notch immediately dropped the sword and put it back on his belt. "So, he's alright now?", he asked. I nodded and carried Hero upstairs, setting him down on the sofa. As soon as I was sitting, he cuddled me gently. I put my arm around his shoulder, pulling him closer. "Notch?", I asked as I saw the male going over to the kitchen. He turned around and focused on us both. "Yes?"
"Please don't be mad at me.", Hero suddenly interrupted my try to say something. He clung closer to me as Notch came over to us and sat down in front of us on the other sofa. Notch sighed and crossed his arms and his legs. "You do know that we almost had to kill you because you attacked Nightmare in the MOST BRUTAL way? That is not TOLERABLE! You know what could have happened, and yet you kept your guard down! We cannot leave that unpunished. W-"
I interrupted him as Hero's grip tightened around my shoulders. His body was shaking violently and he buried his face into my neck. "Notch, I think we are already done with his punishment. He had two heavy shocks and almost died in my arms. So stop being so extremely aggressive!", I snapped at him. "ANYway, what I wanted to say is that all seven chains broke."
Notch was obliviously pissed now after my snap, but he didn't dare say anything, he just stood up, nodded coldly and went into the kitchen.
I sighed and stroke over Hero's head. He has bee completely quiet while my snap. I probably scared him because he winced at my touch and almost fell from my lap. He took a deep breath and calmed down a little bit, now holding his still broken left hand. "Nightmare?"
I smiled at him gently. "Yes, Hero?"
He turned his head a little bit away from me. "Thanks for helping me.", he mumbled. I stroke over his head, earning a soft purr from him.
"Hey. No problem, Hero. I told you I would be there for you."

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