Heros' deepest secret

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(Herobrines' FoV)
Nightmare stared at me in horror. His eyes were widened as he came towards me, shaking like crazy. He gently took my arms and pulled them carefully towards him so he could see what I did. He gasped at the sight of multiple deep cuts and lines of blood, dripping down to the floor and on his hand. He looked up at me after staring at my arms for almost a minute. "Why?", was the only thing he could ask. I shrugged and desperately tried to avoid eye contact. I could hear Nightmare stand up and go over to a shelf to get the medikit. With a few shaky breaths he sat down in front of me and pulled out a few long bandages. He cleaned the wounds with some antiseptic and started bandaging them up. His hand was shaking violently as he wrapped the bandage around my arm, still shocked and filled with horror. After a few minutes he was done and took my hands after putting the kit together again. He looked at my hands and trembled.
Before he could react tho I attacked, not being able to control myself any longer.

(Nightmares' FoV)
Hero threw me to the floor, growling loudly. His eyes were bloodred and filled with hate, but deeper below I could see fear and shock.
After a few heartbeats of fighting him off desperately I noticed why he cut himself. He was in pure bloodlust and couldn't keep it down. I remembered that his last attack was about five years ago.
I tried to push him down, but he kept on top of me, digging his sharp nails into my arms. A loud yelp escaped my throat and I put my feet on his stomach, pushing him up with all my might. He growled as he got pushed down, landing on his butt. I stood up and pinned him against the wall behind him, keeping his hands above his head. He started to grin but then I just punched him into the face with my fist, causing his head to hit the wall. A quiet groan escaped his throat as he collapsed and fell into a deep unconsciousness, blood dripping down from the back of his head. Carefully I opened one of his eyes, seeing that his eye color was white again. I sighed relieved. Then my gaze snapped back to the knife.
What would've happened if he really got my skin between his fangs and my blood on his lips?
That made me slightly shiver, but I pulled myself together and took deep breaths.
It didn't happen, so no need to be afraid afterwards.
I nodded subconsciously and looked back at Hero, who was still leaning against the wall. With a slight hesitance, even tho I knew he was asleep, I lifted him up and brought him downstairs. There I sat him on the sofa and waited for him to wake up. The wound already stopped bleeding by itself, but he should still have a headache. Maybe if he takes his pi-
It hit me like a wave and everything started to make sense.
He takes pills to calm down and keep his bloodlust down as well. Then again, the bloodlust is only once in about five years, but if it's more often, he was able to take the pills to not hurt anyone. And he cut himself and hoped that the bloodlust would be choked by his own blood!
But why did he do that right after our last conversation? Was that little fight the thing that started everything? Somehow, I was scared about Hero now, and I felt really, really bad about what I had said. I looked at my little demon and sighed, dropping down on the sofa next to him in despair.
I sat there for about three hours, staring at the floor. Hero didn't make a sound, nor did he wake up. So I waited longer.

(Timeskip to the evening)

I was getting really worried about Hero. He was lying on the sofa now after I laid him down instead of sitting, but he's still not awake. Out of pure fear I took my mobile and wanted to turn it on, as I suddenly noticed that it had no more battery power. Seems like I had to go out of the room then. Even tho I didn't want to leave Hero like that for a long time. I stood up and went out of the living room to the kitchen, taking the wall phone. I dialed Notchs' number and picked up, waiting for him to do the same. A few moments later he did indeed.
"Mojang HQ, Markus Persson on the line. How can I help you?"
"Hey, Notch. It's me, Nightmare. You really have to come over now. It's urgent. Hero was in bloodlust and attacked me, but I knocked him against the wall with the head. Now he doesn't wake up, but he's definitely alive. Can you come over for a while please?"
"Uhh... Yeah... When was the last time he was attacking you?"
"About five years ago. But the other times he kept it down by taking pills."
Notch went silent, then he hung up. A few moments later he appeared next to me and crossed his arms. "Why don't you two have a nice evening ONCE?", he asked a bit annoyed and went into the living room, where Hero was still lying on the sofa. Notch saw him and immediately was worried. He went over to the younger one and kneeled down next to him. I stayed silent as he gently raised Hero's head a little bit to look at the wound.
"Ok that's definitely not the reason.", he mumbled and continued inspecting him. Then he showed me to come over. "Nightmare, could you try to open his mouth a little bit? I think I know what the problem is."
I was confused but kneeled down next to him, putting my fingers on his not-sharp teeth and opening it carefully. Notch looked into it and gasped.
In his throat was a little rip and a lot of blood dripped into it. But since Hero was lying on his back the blood was flowing into his stomach.
Notch reacted a little bit hesitantly, letting thin pliers appear with a little wool ball on it. He gently put that into his mouth right on the cut, causing the blood to no longer flow into his stomach but stay on the wool. He handed me the pliers and pulled a potion out of thin air, gently letting a few drops of it touch the wound. It closed on itself a few heartbeats later, then he showed me to pull the pliers out. I did as he told me, then he gently pulled Hero into a sitting position and rubbed some of the potion on the back of his head.
"How did that cut in his throat even appear? I didn't snap his neck, did I?", I asked worriedly. But Notch only chuckled. "No. That wasn't you. Seems like something sharp, like a hard piece of a cookie, ripped his throat a little bit open. Due to the fact that you literally knocked him against the wall, it could be that the wound ripped open. It's definitely not your fault tho.", he answered and gently stroke over his head.
Hero woke up about half an hour later as the moon was already rising. Notch went home already and left us both alone. I sat next to him and stroke over his hair, worried if he's fine. Suddenly he choked and teleported away. I chuckled as I heard the door slam shut and stood up, going to the kitchen to grab a glass of water for him. He didn't come down for about thirty minutes which made me slightly worried. So I went upstairs and knocked on the door.
"Hero, is everything alright in there?", I asked. Hero answered slightly huffing: "Yeah... I'm fine. Just give me another five minutes and I'll be there." Soon after he choked again. I sighed and went back downstairs, sitting down in the kitchen. His condition was way worse than I expected and made me worried.
But he came down five minutes later, his skin pale and his eyes glossy. I stood up and went over to him, gently wrapping my arm around his body and taking his hand. "Hey, are you sure you're fine? You don't look like it.", I asked and sat him down on a chair. His eyes were dimmer than usual and he seemed ill. But he nodded and rested his head on my shoulder as soon as I kneeled down in front of him. "Hero, maybe you should lay down in bed. You don't seem so good." He hesitated, but agreed. I stood up and gave him the glass of water. "Drink. You might feel better afterwards." He did as I told, but rather slow. I waited patiently and took the glass after he finished, putting it into the sink. Then I gently lifted him up and carried him upstairs. He didn't say a word or even wince as I did that, but he groaned a little bit. I brought him into our room and let him change clothes before I laid him into bed and tucked him in. He was silent as I gently kissed him on the forehead, feeling that he was rather cold. I took a deep breath and sat down next to him, grabbing his hand to stay as long as he needs to fall asleep. He only needed about five minutes, then he laid next to me and purred quietly in his sleep. I smiled and pulled my hand back, slowly and carefully, then I stood up and went back downstairs. My phone rang (after all, I charged it again) and I picked it up to see that Notch wrote me a text.
"How is he?"
I took a deep breath and replied: "He's asleep for now. He's pale tho and cold, and he seems ill. But I guess it will change if he sleeps through the night."
He didn't reply a few moments, before he write back. "It could be that he's still a little bit dizzy. The wound is closed, but a lot of blood entered his stomach. Look out for him."
I agreed and wished him a good night before I turned it off and went upstairs again, getting dressed into my pyjama. Then I laid down next to him and pulled him into a deep embrace, gently stroking over his cheek. Soon after I fell asleep as well, dropping into the Dreamland.

1791 words

I told you I would take care of my smol sinamonbunny XD

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