Searching for the prophecy (I)

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(Herobrines' FoV)
Nightmare was sitting on the sofa while I leaned against his shoulder with my head, somewhat asleep. Chishiki was reading multiple books at once, writing down something in her notebook every once in a while. June was watching a movie with Nighty and me, Violette was texting with her friends. Everything was really calm.


Chishiki suddenly celebrated loudly, causing me to shriek and stiffen. Nightmare winced heavily, Violette almost threw her phone at the wall in shock and June fell from the sofa. Literally.
"I FOUND THE SOLUTION TO THE PROPHECY!!!", she yelled. We all had to get the shock a little bit away, mostly poor June, but Nightmare and I both were surprised. "How'd you remember the prophecy over almost five whole weeks?!", I asked confusedly. I'm more confused than I'm surprised, but let's just jump over it.
Chishiki sighed. "I didn't only remember it, but I also wrote it down. As you were in the hospital, I already started the research. And, to be honest, you'll surely d-" She stopped herself from finishing the sentence. "Let's just say it doesn't look so good for you, Herobrine." I closed my eyes for a moment before turning to her and focusing on her. "I already figured. But I don't really care."
June had gone over to Chishiki and read through her notes. Suddenly she hit both hands over her mouth and looked at me in fear and shock. I raised my eyebrows in confusion.
"Y-Y-Y-yo-you... W-we're n-not s-s-save from y-you...", she stuttered in utter fear. I rolled my eyes and started to laugh. "What? You think I'm turning into a monster again?", I asked jokingly.

Chishiki and June both only looked at me sadly. Violette was confused and looked at them both, as well as Nighty. Even tho he was able to stay poker faced.
It began to sink into me and I stopped laughing. "W-what...?", I whispered and turned around again, looking at my hands as if they were covered in blood. "N-No! I'm not turning back to that Monster!", I almost yelled in pure shock and curled up in fear. I didn't want it, I just want to live in peace without any dumb things!
Someone gently rubbed over my back, causing me to wince. Nighty sighed. "We'll do everything that's possible to prevent that from happening, Hero. I promise.", he whispered. I stayed silent, completely frozen in shock. "How are you supposed to help me if it happens?", I whispered after I found my voice again. Nightmare shrugged. "I dunno, but we'll find a way." "You do know that this would mean that you'd almost commit suicide? And that is only a thing idiots do.", Chishiki explained sharply.
"So you're saying I will become a monster, AND I'm an idiot?", I growled. Chishiki shook her head. "Well , you didn't commit suicide since you're sitting here with us." I could basically feel the shadow fallling over my face. Nighty winced and gently pulled me into a hug, but I freed myself and went towards Chishiki, threatening her with no words but every step I made. "Oh, huney... I did commit suicide. If you desperately want to experience it yourself because of your knowledgethirstiness, I'll gladly help you. I think I still have a roope somewheere, and a noose is quickly made~", I said calmly. Chishiki was definetly scared, but I used another trick. I jumpscareed her out of fun, earning a loud yell from her. "Never say something about that if sacrifices were already made.", I whispered with a grin, revealing my sharp teeth. Chishiki winced.
Nightmare put his hand on my shoulder, gently, but determinedly pulling me away from her. "Let's go to the kitchen for a moment, Hero.", he mumbled into my ear. I rolled my eyes and followed him. After closing the door he showed me to sit down at the table and went towards the cubboard, pulling out the drawer with the knifes. A few heartbeats later he had the pills in his hand. He threw them into a glass with water and stirred it with a spoon before handing it to me. I didn't watch him at all, so I had no clue of what he did.
I took the glass and emptied it after a short shrug. It didn't take long for the pills to work, but the ay they worked was different. It was way stronger than usual. "How many did you put in there?", I asked him. Nightmare sighed and took the glass. "2. Just so you won't kill Chishiki or the others out of annoyance." I growled and wanted to attack him as suddenly multiple black strings appeared out of nowhere and tied me down. I shriecked and struggled to get out as the strings tightened around my chest and arms. "Nightmare, what's going on?!" Fear showed in my voice. Nightmare winced and turned around to me, putting the glass down. Then he looked at his hands with widened eyes. He gently moved his hand down, causing the strings to disappear. "I... How?", he mumbled absentmindly. I looked at him quite confused. "You... have your magic again? How?" He shrugged with a quiet laughter. "I-I don't know but it feels amaying! Is that how it feels? To have magic?" I chuckled. "Nightmare, I can't tell. I'm already used to the feeling. I literally can't tell." Nightmare smiled. Then he looked at me, a mischievous grin formed on his lips. I backed up. "Don't."
Nightmare grinned even more and raised his arms, causing multiple dark strings to form around me, which suddenly turned into a bunch of tentacles. He tied me up with a few of them, the others started tickling me. I tried to get out or at least curl up, laughing as I was being tickled. No matter how weird it was (and no matter how hard it remembered Author-Chan of certain tentacle-videos which she doesn't want to get into too much) it was quite funny. He just found out that he got his magic back (and totally not by me hehe) and already tickles me with it.
A few moments later I cried out in laughter: "I give!" Nightmare gently laughed and released me. I collapsed on the ground, my belly aching from laughing so much. Someone knocked on the kitchen door, causing us both to wince.
Chishiki looked at us with one raised eyebrow, then she just came inside and closed the door again. "You're quite loud, I have to admit.", was the only thing she said about us two. Nightmare shrugged. "Better loud and happy than quiet and sad.", he
whispered. It was quite odd for him to say that, but he did. Chishiki didn't even look at me as she went closer towards Nighty, gently grabbing his hand. She stroke over it a few times, inspecting it. "You definitely didn't cut...", she mumbled. "But you have your magic back, don't you?" He nodded happily. Chishiki threw me an all-knowing gaze. I shrugged with a little grin, fully aware that she knows what happened. She rolled her eyes and looked back at Nightmare. "I wonder who is responsible for that one." Nightmare seemed confused, and I tried desperately to hide my laughter. Chishiki broke the silence of the situation by continuing. "ANYway, we have to go in a few hours. I already located the specific item for the prophecy, even tho it will be hard to break it. Just get ready and we'll be able to go." I stood up and brushed some dust of my clothes. "Sure. How long will the way take tho?"
"About two or three weeks."
I winced. Two or three weeks are more than enough for the prophecy to take place. But Chishiki saw my expression and placed her hand on my shoulder. "Hey. We'll be able to get there with no problem, but the end will have to be really quick.", she tried to calm me down, but I could easily see what she was hiding.
There should be no time wasted.
I acted like I calmed down and smiled.
"Well, let's get ready and leave then. It's not so bad." With that I left. Chishiki wanted to say something, but I was gone before she could give me one of her smartass remarks. Nightmare was startled, but he stayed silent.
I grabbed the backpack and threw some other stuff into them as well, things that we'd possibly need. Some ores, food, water supplies and some other stuff as well as my sword. Chishiki and the others would have to pack soon as well.
I'm so fucked.
Damnit, why do prophecies usually go withy demons and gods?

1469 words.

This chapter is written by a new tablet and a new keyboard. I still have to get used to it, so probably a lot of writiung errors.
I apologize.

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