A wet experience

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It was already evening as I laid down in bed, waiting for Nightmare to come in. He's been doing something in the living room for tomorrow which should be, as he said, a "New Experience that you'll like". I was unsure about it, but I let him have his fun.
I suddenly heard his steps on the stairs and acted like I was asleep, even tho I wasn't.
Nightmare didn't notice it as he opened the door to come inside, careful to not 'wake me up'. He got dressed into his pyjama and laid down next to me, silently pulling up the covers.
I put my arm over his shoulder and whispered: "I'm not asleep, Nighty~" He took a deep breath and turned around, looking directly into my eyes. "We have a long day tomorrow, that's why I sent you to bed early. And yet you don't even try to sleep?"
I shrugged calmly and pulled him closer. "I can't sleep if I'm alone, Nighty. I'm scared of being lonely."
He rolled his eyes and freed himself from my arm. "You're a bad liar, Hero. I know you love being alone. You have always been."
Before I could answer, he closed his eyes and slowly fell asleep. I pouted. No kiss, no nothing. I rolled to the other side and hugged my pillow tightly, not saying a single word.
Soon after I fell asleep as well, obliviously pissed.

As I woke up the next morning, I suddenly felt someone lying halfway on top of me. I growled slightly and tried to push Nightmare down, but that only made him way heavier and put him even more on top of me. He was so heavy asleep, that even my yell didn't wake him up.
I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, makimg my body disappear and reappear somewhere else, directly next to the bed. Somehow, I was too stupid to stand up, so I just fell down on my back with a loud huff.
I heard a quiet chuckle which instantly died out. A little bit annoyed I stood up and looked at Nightmare, who was slightly grinning but tried to hide it. I growled slightly, got dressed and jumped on top of him, claiming a loud huff from him. "Get down you tiny boy!", he hissed playfully, sitting up. I fell backwards and hit my head on the bedframe once again. Nightmare instantly pinned me down and sat on top of me, making it hard to breath for me.
I growled at him, revealing my long, sharp fangs. "Let. Me. Go."
Nightmare winced and let go of my wrists almost immediately.
"What's wrong, Hero?"
I hissed angrily. "What's wrong? You just forgot me yesterday night! Not a kiss, no good night, nothing!"
Nightmare noticed what I meant and took a deep breath. "Oh, that! If it's just that."
Before I could answer he gently kissed me, taking away my breath completely. It was a long and passionate kiss. Nightmare softly tried to enter my mouth with his tongue but I clenched my teeth. But he was prepared and gently poked my in the ribs, making me gasp. In that moment he entered my mouth, softly fighting with my own tongue.
A few moments later he pulled away completely, leaving me panting on the bed. He smiled. "Was that a good excuse?", he whispered and I only nodded, hugging him slightly.
He lifted me up and carried me downstairs. There he sat me down on the counter in the kitchen and gently stroke over my hips. "Are you hungry, Hero?"
I shook my head. "No. I'm not hungry."
"This wasn't meant as a question."
He came back with a toast. Before he can feed me again, I snatched the bread from his hand and ate it. Nightmare to his eyes, grinning slightly. "Damnit, Hero."
I chuckled softly and messed with his hair, making him squeak a little and gently fight me off. A quiet snicker escaped my throat and I pulled him a bit closer, hands on his shoulders.
"Why were you so silent yesterday?", I whispered calmly. Nightmare sighed and softly stroke over my cheek. "I was just tired, Hero. After all, our little adventure today needed a lot of preparation, as well as me snooping through your files."
I tilted my head. "My files?"
Nightmare nodded and went away. I followed him slowly to the living room where he took a bag and threw it to me. "Get dressed Hero. Notch and the others are waiting."
I opened the bag and looked inside. Some towels, a bottle of sunscreen and one of water and...
A few more thing that you'd usually use to go swimming. I ran upstairs and got dressed before coming down again.

A few hours later we arrived at a huge beach. Notch, Steve, Null, Entity and (surprisingly) Alex were standing there. Alex sprinted up to us as soon as she saw us and tackled me. "Happy birthday afterwards, Hero!!!", she laughed as I landed on the floor. She was hugging me tightly, not letting me breath at all.
A few moments after she released and stood up, letting me take a few deep breaths.
Notch was standing next to two bags while everyone else had just one with them. It confused me a little bit and I stood up. Alex went a few steps away and suddenly pulled out a water gun from behind her back. "Hands up you two! You're under arrest!"
Nightmare and I raised our hands slowly before I felt Jeb searching my pockets. I lowered my arms again and immediately felt something wet hit the back of my head. Of course, it was water. I gasped as I felt the cold water run over my spine and right into my pants.
"Oh you son of a bitch Jeb!", I almost yelled and arched my back a little bit. Jeb laughed and headshoted Nightmare as well, causing him to yell as well.

Only half an hour later I was sitting on a towel in the shadows, reading my book while the others were playing waterball.
You ask why I'm not with them? Well, I can't swim. I was never taught by my mother, nor my dad. If I'm in the water, I usually stay in the shallower parts.
My mother tried to teach me once, but her ways were more than just terrifying. She literally threw me into a river. Since that day I don't go into water anymore.
I shook my head annoyed and starting reading again.

Chapter 3: Spirits and Ghosts
A spirit or ghost, how some may call it, has the possibility and power to appear in its owners mind or its friends' owners. Spirits represent the personality of their owner and act like their 'soul/s' (page 23 for more info).
The owner has little to no control over their spirit, yet they can get a friendlike state from their spirits, which makes it able to communicate and act with them. But, this relationship requires a strong and independent hand which shows the spirit what to do and 'who's boss'. Another way to bind the spirit next to this requires sacrafice. The owner of the spirit/ghost has to release most of their power to bind the spirit to their consistent body. If that happens, the spirit will lose their strength and the owner will feel like he was put together again.
Both of those ways are only used if the owner feels surpressed or uncomfortable with their spirit around.
(That is if the owner doesn't plan on dying early.)

I stopped, my eyes stuck on the page. It was quite surprising that this was in a book like that, after all it was a book about the history of Minecraftia. Intentionally, I wanted to know if there's a way to pull the city's guard up or at least wake the villagers' fighting skills, but that was a whole nother level.
My gaze slightly shot up to where Notch was swimming in the water, tossing the waterball over to Nighty. I shrugged a little bit and went back down to the book, reading the chapter over and over again.
"So it is possible that this could go wrong...", I mumbled under my breath. If the process fails, the owner can get anything, from a normal infection over to a third leg. I slightly raised my eyebrows as I thought about how that would look like and instantly shook my head in disgust. No, that wouldn't look healthy.
A loud yell escaped my mouth and I dropped the book as Nightmare suddenly lifted me up. He chuckled and went with me into the water. I clung to him frantically and burried my head in his chest.
I could feel the cold water on my back and gasped a little bit. "Hey! Are you scared, Herobrine?", Nightmare chuckled. Then he suddenly dropped me. My heart stopped for a moment and I released as I noticed that he wasn't standing on any ground. The water beneath me was like four meters deep.
I yelled, unintentionally letting water enter my lung.

1557 words.

Long chapters, ladies and gentlemen.
Long chapters.

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