Vegetative State

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(Nightmares' FoV)
The phone rang loudly, causing Chishiki, Violette, June and me to wince. We were all sitting in the living room, watching some TV. June had asked me what movies Hero and I watched, so we watched that one after a long time of hesitation.
I went over to it and picked up. It was Notch.
"Hey, Nightmare. How are you?", he asked with a soft voice. Fully aware that if I'd lie, he would notice it by the tone of my voice, I decided to be completly honest. "Hey, Notch. I'm somewhat fine, just worried about Hero. He had two operations yesterday and he lost a lot of blood... We don't know how he is right now, but we'll go look for him in a few hours, just so he can wake up completely. Well, not really wake up because the doctors had to put him into a vegetative state, but... yeah I have to calm down don't I?" I chuckled. Notch sighed and asked a little bit worried: "Should I come with you? It's kinda worrying me that this happened. I never expected HIM to be put into a vegetative state, and I definitly don't want you to break down completely due to the fact that you're alone-"
I cut him off with a sigh. "Dude, I'm not alone at all. As Hero and I were in that library, we found three girls. Well, let's say that they found us. We were looking around for a book about prophecies, and evebtually Chishiki, June and Violette found us. We had some troubles at first, as well as a sort of fight, which ripped the cut open again. He got brought to the hospital where they put a tube through his throat so that he could at least breathe and eat again, but the tube only opened the cut even more, causing him to lose a lot of blood. The doctors were prepared tho and were able to save him yet. But he's not out of danger.", I explained, slightly getting sad. Even tho I knew that Hero was save, I was worried about him. Very worried. Notch sighed. "It makes me a little bit calmer that you're not alone, but I still want to come with you if it's ok. I want to know if he's fine." I went silent for a moment. I didn't want him to get shocked by Hero's appearance, but I couldn't deny his wish to see him. So I sighed and agreed. "See you in the hospital in about half an hour.", I answered. Then I hung up.
Chishiki carefully came over and stroke over my back. I sighed and told her what I said to Notch. Chishiki nodded and smiled gently. "Let's get ready and go to Herobrine then. After all, we all want to know how he is."

(Half an hour later, in front of Hero's room)
I sighed deeply as Notch, Chishiki, June and Violette all stood behind me. Then I opened the door and entered.
Hero was still only halfway awake, but he tried to look at me. He failed tho and only laid there, staring at a point in the room. A thin, almost invisible tube went under his nose and gave him a little bit of Oxygen, but he was breathing on his own.
I sat down next to him and stroke over his hand. Hero couldn't answer, but I could feel that he liked it. He was happier than before, but even his mind was blank like his eyes and his expression. I was close to tears again, but I pulled myself together since Notch shouldn't see me cry for Hero again. With a few shaky breaths to calm myself down I kissed his hand gently. "Only two weeks, then you are free again, Hero. You won't be able to talk for quite a while then, but that doesn't matter as long as you're fine. I know you feel a lot of pain now, but it won't take long now.", I whispered into his ears, trying to not show any fear towards him.
Notch had stayed silent for this time, as well as the three girls, but Violette gently pushed him a little bit towards Hero. Notch winced and looked at her in surprise, but she only showed him to go closer to him. He hesitated, but then he came slowly closer. I gave him some space and went over to Chishiki and the others.
Notch carefully stroke over Hero's cheek. He sighed and rubbed his shoulder. "Hey, it's me. Even tho you can hear me, I guess you can't see me. But-", he started, but Hero's finger suddenly moved. We all winced, then I focused on Hero. Even tho he was in a vegetative state, he tried to move, his eyes filling with a lot of pain. I noticed what he was trying to do and showed Notch to press the red button. He did, a little bit confused. The doctor came inside and asked me a little bit confused: "What's wrong?" I shrugged. "I dunno. But he moved and tried to touch the button." The doctor carefully went over to him and put his hand on Hero's forehead. Suddenly his eyes widened. "That's one thing no one was ever able to do... Is one of you his close friend, a god or a demon?" Notch and I instantly raised our hands. The doctor first looked at us, then at Hero. Then he slammed the button way harder than Notch.
A nurse came inside and went to the doctor. He mumbled sommething to her, then he nugded his head. The nurse nodded and went outisde again, only to return with a syringe. She handed it the doctor and he carefully injected the milk-like fluid into Hero's arm.
It took a few moments before something happened. Herobrine sat up and rubbed his head. Then he removed the tube and groaned, his voice hoarse and weak. Notch stared at him in disbelief. "Impossible... He's awake!" I also looked at Hero, but then took a short gaye at Chishiki, June and Violette. They were either really shocked (like Violette) or surprised (June and Chishiki). It was a surprise to me as well, but Hero took a deep breath and rubbed his throat in pain. But the nurse quickly gave him a painkiller so he wouldn't feel it so bad.
"How is it possible that he's awake?", Chishiki asked interested, pulling out a notebook and a pen. The doctor was quite surprised as well. "Probably because of the different powers that were here at the same time. He probably found a way to absorb some of it to wake up. How tho is still a little bit confusing." Hero shot him a death glare. Then he only rolled his eyes and laid back down, crossing his arms. I gently chuckled.

1154 words

A really short chapter because Author-chan had no inspiration to finish this chapter.


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