Finding the prophecy

22 1 5

I woke up in the next morning and yawned heavily. After that I looked down at Hero, who was still asleep on my chest. He didn't purr anymore, but he was still breathing. His chest raised and fell slowly and his mouth was slightly opened. He was almost completely hidden under the covers. His hair fell over his eyes again.
Maybe I should convince Hero to cut his hair a little bit off? Buuuut... Nah I won't do that. He's too adorable with his long hair.
I snickered and patted his head gently, combing through his hair with my fingers. Hero crept closer and burried his head into my chest again. I looked around at the girls, who were already sitting around a fire in the middle of the opening. They were making some stick bread and talked. Notch was still asleep, hugging the blanket tightly. To my surprise, Entity was lying next to him, as well as Null. The three of them were deeply asleep.
I wanted to stand up, but Hero was still on top of me, sleeping as deep as a stone. I sighed and let him sleep.
A few minutes later Violette came over, a box with a few pieces of bread in her hand. "Good Morning, Nightmare. I've got you two some breakfast.", she greeted and offered me the bread. I took the box and smiled, patting the place next to me. "Come here, Violette." She nodded and sat down next to me. I took a piece of bread and gave it to her. It was still warm. I took a  piece as well and bit into it.
It was actually pretty good. It wasn't too black or too white, but a nice, golden color. And it was quite crusty.
I chuckled. "Hey, you're better at making bread than me!" Violette laughed quietly. "Well, thank you! I can already guess that your bread is always black!" I nodded and we laughed together, but very quiet because of Hero.
Speaking of which, his stomach growled quietly. Violette winced slightly and asked: "When did he eat last time?" I shrugged carefully. "I think a few hours before he got captured. But I doubt that anyone got something to eat after that time."
"Don't you want to wake him up?", she asked worriedly. But I only chuckled. "He always wakes up after about seven hours of sleep. And they should be over in about fifteen minutes." As soon as I said that Hero crept closer and wrapped his arms around my body. I smiled and stroke over his head, looking at him. "He seems to be... Peaceful when he sleeps?", Violette said unsure. "Yeah, if he wants he can be quite peaceful. But he prefers the more intimidating kind because he thinks he seems like a little boy if he doesn't." Violette nodded slowly. "Why does he want to be intimidating and not a little boy?"
"He just doesn't like it. That's all."
Hero yawned a little bit and cuddled me. I chuckled. Violette fan girled a little bit, causing me to look a her quite surprised.
"Don't let him know that you're a fangirl. He hates them.", I whispered. Violette nodded slightly and mumbled: "Thanks for telling me." With that she stood up and went back to the others to care about the bread. I sighed and patted Hero's head. He groaned quietly and opened his eyes. With a soft smile I kissed him on the forehead. "Good morning, Hero." He yawned again. "Morning.", he mumbled sleepily and put his head on my chest. "Hey, are you hungry? Violette made us some stick bread.", I explained. Hero looked up and lifted his head off my chest again. "She did?", he asked again, slightly unsure. I nodded and gave him the box. He took a piece of bread out of it and bit into it. He smiled and together we ate the bread. "How do you feel?", I asked calmly as soon as he was done eating. "Pretty good. And I'm not tired anymore.", he answered with a big smile. I chuckled and stroke through his hair, messing it up a little bit. He squealed and tried to dodge my touch, but I was quicker and patted his head. He leaned against me and pulled the blanket tighter around us. A cold wind stroke over us and Hero trembled violently. I looked up as the sky went a bit darker and many purplish looking clouds appeared on the sky. The others looked up, as well as Null, Entity and Notch. They were awake now due to the wind.
"That's not normal!", Hero whimpered and burried his face inside my chest. I wrapped my arms around him tightly and rubbed over his back, slightly scared now as well. I could feel how heavy he trembled and took a few deep breaths.
Another wind blew over us, this time quite strong. Since Hero and I were in front of the tree I carefully moved us behind it. The others hid behind trees as well, definitely worried and scared.
The huge, black dragon from a few days ago flew right above us and into the portal to the void. In the next heartbeat it started snowing and raining at the same time. Null and the others immediately put the blanket above them as a cover. Hero and I did the same, even tho Hero had to let go of the blanket for that. He trembled violently because he was just wearing a shirt. I wasn't any better, and it was summer.
I pulled Hero closer and made myself as tiny as possible to keep my warmth. Hero hugged me and curled up slightly. "This is the worst! We don't even have our bags because Hollow keeps them who knows where!!!", he growled lowly and looked over to the others. They were just a huge ball now, hugging themselves tightly. The blanket was just put over them like a roof.
But to our all surprise the snow was gone as quickly as it appeared. It got warmer again and we slowly lowered the blanket. Hero was slightly shocked and looked at the sky. The snow, the dragon and the clouds were gone, only the sun was shining.
"Are you freaking kidding me?", he growled and stood up, stretching his back. Multiple loud pops were heard as he moved his spine. I chuckled and stood up as well, stroking over his back. He winced and looked at me in surprise. Some blood stained his shirt, but other than that he was fine. I chuckled and followed with my finger his spine. The others didn't really care about us, but more about the fact that they had to relight the fire and remove the leftovers from the snow.
I turned him around so he was standing now face to face with me. With a little grin I stroke over his lips with my index finger. "Let's just try to forget that this little fight ever happened, alright?" He was melting under my touch, so I had to wrap my other arm around his chest. He slowly opened his eyes again and looked at me. "Do you really think I still remember that?", he whispered and pulled me into a gentle kiss. This time he took over the dominance and pushed me against the tree, so the others couldn't see us. He kissed me quite long, actually taking my breath completely. As soon as he let go I had to breath deeply in and out to catch myself again. "Wow. That was stunning.", I whispered and put my arms around him. Hero put his on my shoulders, grinning. "You never knew I had this in me, did ya? I have some experience in kissing which you don't know about.", he replied with a smug grin. I chuckled and rubbed over his hips, causing him to groan. With a soft grin I stroke over his shoulder blades, and this time he winced. "Uhm, Nightmare, it's best if you don't do that. Hollow wasn't quite nice with his torture.", he explained quietly. I nodded as I understood what he meant.
That edgy little bastard named Hollow. I'll kill him, even if it's the last thing I'll do.
Little did I know that I had started to growl. Hero carefully touched my cheek, causing me to snap out of my thoughts. I winced heavily and looked down at him. "Hey, you alright?", he asked carefully. I nodded quickly and answered: "Yeah, I'm fine. I just drowned in my thoughts." He nodded slowly, looking at me worriedly. "Alright..." Before I could react, Hero grinned and massaged my shoulders. It sent shivers over my spine as Hero gently made me kneel down and went behind me, loosening my muscles which were still tense due to the time in the damn dungeon.
I sighed deeply and relaxed a little bit as Hero's soft, gentle hands rubbed over my shoulders. I smiled slightly and closed my eyes, letting him do his thing. He's pretty good at massaging, I have to give him that. Hero chuckled at my thought. "Well, thank you.", he whispered into my ear and went a bit further down with his hands.
It didn't take long until June came over and searched for us. As she noticed us behind the tree, she went towards us. "There you are, guys! We already thought the dragon would've gotten you!" I opened my eyes and looked at her. "No. We're fine. Hero and I just have some time for us both finally." June winced. "Oh! Sorry! I'll leave then again!" I chuckled. "Don't worry, it wasn't meant against you. I just meat that Hero and I didn't have our time alone for quite the long time. If you want, you can stay." June shook her head. "No. I'll go back to the others and help them a bit." So she left.
Hero finished me off with a soft chuckle. "You really have to work on your words, Nighty." I shrugged and immediately felt that my muscles were soft again. With a relieved sigh I smiled. "Thanks, Hero." "No problem.", he answered and sat down next to me. But I only patted the place in front of me. "Lemme try if I can do it, alright?", I asked him. He hesitated, but agreed and went in front of me. With a soft grin I removed his shirt, seeing that his back was covered in cuts and wounds. My grin fell any I looked at his back in shock. "Wait what exactly did he do to you?! None of us had those wounds!"
Hero winced slightly. "Uhm... He attacked me with a knife...", he mumbled with a scared side gaze at me. I growled lowly.
Another reason to kill him.
Hero rubbed his arm, really feeling uncomfortable now. I looked at his back again and slowly started healing him. It was quite easy now that I did it once, but it was still really weird. I took a deep breath and pulled him close as I was done, gently rubbing his shoulders. He sighed softly and put his head back a little bit, fully enjoying this. I grinned a little bit and pressed my thumbs on his spine. Hero let out a little gasp of pain. I applied some more pressure while Hero arched his back slightly. "Hey, keep that spine straight (as far as it's possible when you're gay cough cough), Hero. It doesn't hurt as bad of you do." He hesitantly did as I told and immediately arched his back again. "Do it. I swear it helps.", I reassured him and gently nibbled on his neck. Hero took a deep breath, then he straightened carefully (once again, only if you're able to do it Herobrine!). It took him only one attempt to do so, yet I could feel him tremble under my touch. I slowly dragged my thumbs down his spine, hearing him do a few pained sounds here and there. Until I suddenly heard something crack. He went completely limp.


Did I just break his spine?!

"Hero? Are you fine?!", I asked, slightly panicking now. He didn't respond. I carefully shook him by his shoulder, but Hero stayed silent. "Hero! Come on, answer!", I begged, fully in panick-mode now. I laid him down, seeing that his eyes were staring emptily and dull at a point I couldn't see. I chocked on the knot in my throat that suddenly appeared.
But before I knew it, Hero jerked up, scaring the living daylight out of me. "BOO!", he scared me and started to laugh. I yelled in shock and jumped away, hitting my head on a near tree. "OwOwOwOwOw...", I mumbled and rubbed the back of my head. The hit was quite heavy since I jumped at the speed of sound against it. Hero laughed harder, curling up because his belly hurt. "Come on, that wasn't nice!", I almost yelled, causing Hero to laugh even more. At this point I was confused on how he was still able to breath.
"You should've seen your face! It was just amazing!", he laughed, holding his belly. The others shortly threw a gaze at us, but ignored it with a shrug or simply rolling their eyes.
I rubbed my aching head and groaned in pain. "That wasn't nice. You scared me halfway to death.", I growled, but got cut off by a low growl.
Hero yelled, jumped at me at the speed of sound and buried himself inside my chest. "NIGHTY!!!", he screamed in fear. I winced as he clung to me and looked over to Null. He chuckled softly and raised his thumb. I did the same with a big grin.
What a megaphone and a growl all can do.
Hero trembled violently because there was another growl. But this time Null seemed shocked as well. He stared at me and mouthed me: That wasn't me!
The huge dragon appeared again, but this time he had Hollow on his back.
"PEEKABOO!!!", he yelled and started to laugh. We all screamed and started to run away. Hollow laughed louder and showed the dragon to fly up. "YOU CAN'T ESCAPE ME YOU IDIOTS!!!"
Hero looked at Chishiki. She was terrified. Only one single thought hit us all.

Hollow is the item from the prophecy.

2406 words


(I'm late aren't I? Aww man.)

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