Messed up?

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(Herobrines' FoV)
The prophecy stayed in my mind, no matter how hard I tried to get it away.
Right now I was just sitting on the roof of our home, staring at the bricks.
A few moments later Nightmare climbed up and sat down next to me. He put his arm around my shoulders and pulled me closer.
About half an hour we sat up there, dead silent.
Then Nightmare mumbled: "You're still thinking about it, right?" I nodded slightly and sighed. "Hero, I think it's best if you forget it for now. Maybe we can go to the library tomorrow, just so you can be sure that's it's a lie."
I sighed again and leaned against Nightmares' shoulder, desperately trying to believe him.
Is it really not true?
With a heavy heart I agreed. "Maybe it's really the best if we go to the library tomorrow.", I answered and grabbed his hand. "Let's just go to bed." He nodded nodded and I teleported us both into our room. Nightmare was already dressed into his pyjama, so I only had to get dressed now.
I grabbed my stuff and went into the bathroom, getting dressed and brushing my teeth. Then I went outside again and sat down on the  side of the bed. Nightmare was already lying under the covers, looking at my back.
About five minutes after staring blankly at the floor and forgetting everything around me, I suddenly felt something touch my shoulder. I winced heavily and almost had a Heartattack, but Nightmare kept calm and started massaging my shoulders. "Hey, your muscles are tight. Come on, relax, Hero. Or else you'll wake up with a headache tomorrow.", he whispered into my ear and locked my neck gently, still massaging my shoulders. I groaned quietly. "I know Nighty. But I can't.", I answered. With a loud sigh he stopped, just putting his arms around my neck. "I already told you that we'll go to the library tomorrow, so calm down.", he mumbled as he burried his face into my neck, kissing it gently. I moaned as he found my soft spot once again. He pulled me a little bit closer and chuckled. "Will you calm down now?"
I nodded and leaned back, right on his chest. He huffed quietly under my weight, but pulled me a little bit closer. I yawned heavily and put my head in his shoulder. "Good night, Nighty.", I whispered and closed my eyes. He chuckled lightly and asked: "Don't you want to lie in bed correctly?" I opened my eyes again and looked at him, my white eyes slightly illuminating his face. "There's no correct way to lie in bed, Nightmare. There are only comfortable and uncomfortable ways." Nightmare rolled his eyes and looked at the ceiling. "Well, maybe you're right. But that doesn't mean that it's that comfortable. After all, I can't really breath, you thicc boi.", he mocked and laughed lowly. I sat up and crossed my arms, pouting. But then I found a way better response. I turned to him and answered in a rather sassy voice: "Well, at least I'm not as fat as you." Nightmare looked at his belly and poked it with his finger. Then he shrugged. "That's my winter stock."
I rolled my eyes and laid back down. "I'll continue stealing your breath then."
Nightmare sighed and closed his eyes. "Alright, alright. You won." I smiled and snuggled deeper into his chest. "Thanks."
"For what?"
"For being a comfortable pillow."
Nightmare groaned and took a deep breath. Then he chuckled. "Rather a comfy pillow than a demon."
I gasped. "We're both demons, Nightmare!" "Ups." He laughed. "I just shot myself in the knee, right?"
I didn't answer because I already closed my eyes and fell asleep. Nightmare sighed and stroke over my soft hair, brushing it out if my face. Then he smiled and relaxed, falling asleep only minutes later.

(Timeskip brought to you by Author-chan who listens to music to forget her stupid classmates which will result in a character getting hurt)

(Nightmares' FoV)
I felt something jump on my chest, pushing the air out of my lungs. With a loud yelp I opened my eyes, seeing Hero sit on my chest, fully awake. "Wake up, Nightmare!", he said and put both hands on my shoulders. He looked like a little kid as he did that.
I groaned and turned around under him, causing him to lose his balance and drop to the bed next to me. I pulled him into a deep hug and put my head on his arm, trying to fall asleep again. But he squirmed around and tried to get out until I growled: "Stop moving." He immediately stopped and stiffened.
A few moments later he suddenly asked whispering: "Did I make you angry?" I sighed and opened my eyes again, looking at him. He seemed pretty scared and sorry. I took a deep breath and shook my head. "No, Hero. But it's probably 5 o'clock in the morning."
And there he came in with a remark he should've not said. "Technically, it's 5:02 a.m."
I growled a lot louder than before and glanced at him angrily before pushing him from the bed and turning my back to him. "You asshole. You're a fucking annoying maniac. Just leave."
Hero sat there sadly, his eyes widened. "Nightmare...?" I hissed and could instantly feel him wince. Then he stood up and went into the bathroom, where he locked the door and stayed inside for a long time.
Somehow, I felt uncomfortable now. Almost guilty. But it was early in the morning and I'm not the person to make fun with in the morning. At least if I didn't have a coffee.
Without wanting to I fell asleep again, until only five hours later I woke up jerkily. I raised my head and looked at the alarm next to my bed. 10:34 o'clock. With a loud sigh I sat up, stretching. I looked for Hero, but he wasn't next to me at all. He was nowhere to be seen. I tried to remember what happened before. Then I suddenly understood and my eyes widened. I didn't know what I was doing when I was halfway asleep, but now that I think of it I just broke his heart. I went over to the bathroom door and knocked slightly. "Hero? Are you still in there?"
He didn't answer. Everything stayed silent.
But a few minutes later after I knocked again he suddenly mumbled: "Leave me alone, Nightmare." I shook my head, even tho he couldn't see it. "Look, I'm sorry, Hero. But you know that I'm not the most comfortable person to be around in the early morning.", I explained. But he kept silent once again. I was getting worried now and went downstairs, grabbing the master key to every room. Then I went back up and to the bathroom. Before I unlocked it tho I asked through the door: "Hero, are you going to open the door on your own or should I?"
"Just leave me alone, Nightmare."
"Are you getting dressed or something? If so, just tell me and I'll wait."
Hero stayed silent again. A little bit too silent. Then I suddenly heard him say: "No. I'm fine. You can open if you really want to."
I took a deep breath and put the key into the keyhole, turning it around. Then I gently opened the door.
Hero was just sitting on the bathtub, hiding his arms behind his back. A bloody knife was sitting next to him and he looked away as soon as I opened the door. I was filled with horror and my heart missed a beat.

1293 words.

You just got cliffhanged.

And no, Hero won't commit suicide again. I'm taking (semi-)good care of my smoll sinamonbunny.

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