A visit in the library

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Well, Amy_CP, here's the chapter you already guessed XD and as I said earlier, it would be a little different.

With a loud yawn I stretched my bones, lying under the covers. Then I opened my eyes and looked at Hero, who was still asleep on my chest, looking way better than yesterday. He wasn't pale, nor was he cold. I stroke gently his chocolate brown hair out of his eyes and smiled as I noticed that his fangs were slightly visible through his lips. With a soft chuckle I petted his hair, earning a loud purr from him. Hero opened his eyes sleepily and raised his head off my chest, looking into my eyes. His weren't dull or glossy, but they were tired. He blinked a few times and yawned, revealing his sharp teeth. I snickered and stroke over his head. He folded his hands on my chest and put his head on top of it. "How do you feel today, Hero?", I asked as I continued petting his head. He answered, whispering: "Way better than before, that's for sure." His voice was still weak, but at least he was able to talk. I smiled and pulled him closer, gently kissing him. Hero closed his eyes and kissed me as well.
A few heartbeats later I broke the kiss and licked my lips. I looked at him and noticed that Hero smiled. Then he gently grabbed my hand and put it on his cheek. I took a deep breath and stroke over Hero's lower lip with my thumb. "Open your mouth, Hero." He did as I told and I saw that his throat was still open, but it wasn't bleeding actively. I was kinda worried now and closed his mouth, focusing on his eyes. "Hey, are you sure you want to go to the library?", I asked and stroke over his cheek. But Hero nodded. "Yes. I have to know what that prophecy could mean." I hesitated, but Hero stayed determined until I agreed. "Ok. But if you feel worse, you have to tell me. We'll return home then and you will be put into bed.", I answered sternly and gave him a serious look. Hero rolled his eyes and chuckled. "Yes, Fa-" He stopped in the middle of his word, but then he just shook his head. "Yes, Nightmare. Let's just go, I have to know what this means. And maybe I can actually find out something about something else as well!", he explained quickly and stood up. With a slight groan I stood up as well and sighed. "Can we at least have breakfast before we go?", I whimpered playfully. Hero rolled his eyes with a chuckle. "Jeez. You're a hungry man. But ok."

About one hour later we were done doing our breakfast. Hero ate rather slow due to my order to not open the wound again. I was still worried about this, but he stayed silent and continued eating without making a single sound of pain or wince. That calmed me a little bit. Right now he was leaning back a little bit, looking at me. I sipped my coffee and answered his gaze. As soon as I was done he stood up and together we cleaned the table,putting the dishes into the sink. We would do that tomorrow probably.  Then we went upstairs and got dressed. Soon after we were ready to go.

As we arrived in the library, there were already a bunch of people all over the place. Some were flipping randomly through the books in the shelves, others were sitting at windows or tables to read. I noticed three girls at one table, which was overloaded with books of all kind. An eighteen years old girl with light brown, short hair was reading them, while the two other girls, one with a dark skin and a little weight on her and one with pale, long purple and red hair were talking about something.
As I looked around for Hero I noticed that he was already standing at one shelf, searching through the books. I went over to him and asked: "Say, which book are we looking for?" Hero shrugged and answered: "Well, one about prophecies. After all, that's what we're here for."
I nodded and left, walking through the rows of huge bookshelves with millions and millions of books.
How long did that take to be sorted?, I asked myself and swallowed. I didn't like sorting or cleaning for a long time, so that's why Hero usually does it (aaaand Hero's a little bored at home because Nightmare is such a boring person). I only help him if he needs me.
I went to a random shelf and started searching. Soon after the girl with short, brown hair from the table came over to me. "Hello. Do you need any help?", she asked kindly. I looked at her. She was wearing a white hoodie to a black jeans and black shoes. The glasses made her seem like a nerd, and the book she was carrying under her arm was making it clear.
I sighed and looked around. "Quite hard to find a book about prophecies here, right?", I chuckled. But the girl only rolled her eyes. "Every shelf has a own letter. If you need a book about prophecies, get your friend and come over to our table. Just for your luck I have a book about them there."
I nodded. "Thank you. I'll get him right away." The girl went back to the table and I went over to Hero, who actually changed shelf. "Hey, Hero. I guess I found someone who could help us.", I said and went with him over to the table with the girls.
"He's like, super hot and all, but he's just a huge jerk. Who would like someone like him?", the girl with the purple and red hair explained, while the black haired girl was only sitting there, looking at her. "You shouldn't be so mean to Jason, Violette. Y'aint always right to think that someone's a jerk. Maybe he's nice, but he wasn't able to show it to y-"
She stopped and looked at Hero and me. Then she suddenly backed away a little bit. "Chishiki... There are to men..." The brown haired girl, named Chishiki, only sighed. "June, I told them both to come over since they're searching for a book about prophecies ." June nodded a little bit, still scared. Chishiki looked at us both, the she showed us to sit down. "Sit here. My name's Chishiki, this is June and the bully over there is Violette." I smiled and answered: "Well, I-"
She cut me off. "You're Checkra Sireska and that's Absentia Nóctèr, AKA Nightmarebrine, short Nightmare, and Herobrine. I know. Bloodthirsty killers and demons are usually in the news, you know?", she said. Hero started to growl lowly and was ready to jump at her throat, but I stepped between them both. "Chishiki, we were bloodthirsty killers once, but we're not anymore. We both changed a lot."
Violette rolled her purple eyes. "Once a bloodthirsty killer, always a bloodthirsty killer."
That was over the line for Hero. He hissed and tried to attack, but I grabbed Hero and pulled him close to calm him down. Wrapping my arms around his body, I felt how he desperately tried to get away and attack them, but a few minutes later he stopped struggling and went silent. Chishiki noticed that she went a little bit too far and apologized. Hero nodded subconsciously as he was still in front of me, his back turned against my chest. He only stared at the ground. June sighed and rammed her elbow into Violettes' hip, causing her to gasp. She looked at her angrily, but June only showed her to apologise as well. After a long time of hesitance she did as well, even tho she definitely didn't like it.
Hero didn't respond this time, so I did by nodding. "Anyway, we'd need that book.", I just mumbled. Chishiki gave me it and I sat down on a chair, Hero on my lap. He took the book and flipped through the pages until he found a page. Then we started to read.
A few moments later he sighed and leaned back, his head on my shoulder. The girls went back to reading. Hero looked at me calmly and mumbled: "Maybe we're save. It says that some prophecies aren't true, even if they seem like it and are told twice."
Chishiki heard that and immediately corrected him. "If a prophecy is told twice it's always correct. Sometimes there are only little changes like a different time or a different death. But they are always true. Sometimes there is an item tho that can break the prophecy, or the person which it is about dies before it takes place. Which is mostly the fact when a prophecy was told twice."
I stared at her in disbelief, my eyes widened. Hero was slightly trembling now, his fists clenched. He seemed like he was already close to tears. But the girl wasn't done. "Also, if there's no item, but the gods told this prophecy, the persons' life is in their hands. Some want to rip it away from you, others want to keep it to them as long as possible, maybe as an enslaved lost soul. And that definitely won't be a fun ride."
Hero left the scenery and sat down on the window sill between two bookshelves, hugging his knees. He only looked out of the window and didn't react as I and Chishiki went to him, Violette and June staying at the table. Both were kinda shocked and seemed really sorry for what had happened, but they couldn't do anything against it.
I sat down next to Hero and gently stroke over his back in a try to calm him down.
"It's useless to fight it then. About 75% of the prophecies that are told twice kill someone.", he mumbled and kept on staring at the trees and the grass outside. But Chishiki had a correction once again. Before I could stop her she did what her name told everyone. To show her knowledge. "You're  not exactly right. It's about 97% that die because of prophecies, or before they take place. And only 3% can actually escape it." Hero started to tremble and burried his face in his arms. "But just as I said before there is no hope. Or do you want to correct that as well?", he suddenly hissed at her. Chishiki winced and gave me a doubtful gaze, probably because I told her that we changed. But then she calmed herself again and looked at the shelf to her left. To my surprise she pulled out a book after only twenty seconds and handed me it. I took it and looked at the title.
How to break a prophecy
I gave it a try, even tho I had a feeling that it won't help us at all. And I was right. In the book was standing exactly the same thing she told us. I gave her the book back and hugged Hero gently, patting his head. He leaned against my shoulder and whimpered a little bit. Something was odd. I showed him to open his mouth and he did.
Some blood was on his tongue. It came from the cut in his throat. He whined and swallowed, only to end up groaning in pain. He closed his eyes a little bit and looked at me. "Hero how'd that happen?!", I asked worriedly and lowered his head, putting it on his chest. Hero tried to answer, but he failed miserably. "Fuck... Did you take your phone with you?", I whispered. Hero took it from his pocket and handed me it. I dialed Notchs' number and called him. But only the mailbox answered. I hung up and sighed. "Is everything alright Hero?" He shook his head only a little bit, trying to not do it too strongly. He choked quietly, unable to breath any longer. Then he suddenly collapsed into my arms. I yelped and sat him up again. Some people around us looked at us, one actually going to the librarian, which came over a few moments later. She carefully tapped on my shoulder and asked: "Do you need an ambulance? I could call one of he needs one." I hesitated, but Chishiki answered: "Yes, please. Or else he won't survive." The librarian nodded and went back to the counter, calling the ambulance who arrived only a few minutes later. They came over to us with a big bag and a spine board. The leading doctor put a syringe into his arm and gave him a certain medicament. A few other helpers tried to keep the blood from flowing. About five minutes later they lifted him onto the spine board and brought him outside, one of them told me where to find him later on.
After they left I sank onto the chair and burried my face into my hands. Violette, June and Chishiki went over to me. June gently rubbed circles on my back, Violette and Chishiki were looking at me in sadness. "Hey. Maybe we can help you two.", Chishiki whispered. I raised my head and looked at her. "Are you sure? After what happened now?" Chishiki nodded and took my hand, gently pulling me up. "We'll help you. After all, we all seem to be involved into this, and this is the least we can do." I nodded a little bit and smiled.
"Thank you."
"You're welcome, Nightmare."

2277 words

Things are getting more interesting with the time.

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