Searching for the prophecy (II)

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(Chishikis' FoV)
It's been five hours since we started to search. Herobrine was so nice to give me a map of the surroundings since I didn't have mine with me. Nightmare was walking next to him, holding his hand. Right before we took off he had quite the long conversation in the bedroom with him, which is probably the reason he didn't say anything yet. I showed Herobrine to come over to me which he did moments later. He focused on me with his white eyes. I couldn't stop myself from shuddering beneath his gaze for a moment, but then I took a deep breath.
He might be not as scary if you get to know him a little bit, but he's still creepy as all hell. It's not like I'm scared of him, but he's...
"Intimidating and a weirdo?"
I winced. "A little bit of both, but not too scary."
Herobrine nodded and sighed. "Maybe more than that. But anyway. Why'd you call me?", he asked. I showed him the map. "If we go into this directon, we will have to go through a forest filled with a lot of mobs. If we go the other way, we'll go through a dessert which is so hot at daytime that you'd two burn." He raised his eyebrows in confusion. "We don't burn.", he said, making me roll my eyes. "Duh, you two are demons of the darkness. So technically, you'd already be on fire." Herobrine growled, but he stayed somewhat calm. "Just because we are demons, doesn't mean that we'd burn. After all, we can both stand in the sun without being lit." I could've sworn I saw a little grin tug at the corner of his lips for that pun, but I couldn't lay my finger on it. So I only took a deep breath and asked sharply: "Which way?" Herobrine looked at the map, then he only let his finger follow a way. I followed the trail and noticed that he led us through a forest. "You certainly do know that there will be a lot of mobs that will try to kill us?", I asked him. But he grinned slightly."Not as long as I am with you guys." I raised my eyebrows at him, but he took off again, leaving me no choice but to follow him. In curiosity I grabbed my notebook and a pen and caught up to him. "Can you tell me more about this magic or whatever you use to save us from the monsters?" Herobrine seemed quite surprised, but then he shrugged. "It's just a magical aura that surrounds me. The mobs know when I'm near and stay away, except I say otherwise. So it's sometimes good, but sometimes really, really bad. I have a habit of letting the aura fall, causing the mobs to approach and attack. But that only happens sometimes. So no need to worry." The last sentence seemed to be more towards him than me, but I continued writing it down. But then I saw something in the corner of my eye and looked up.
Herobrine was playing with a sharp knife, his eyes dull as he was drowning in his thoughts. I grabbed the knife with a quick movement, keeping it away before he would hurt himself with it. Herobrine winced. "H-Hey! Give it back!", he growled, his eyes slightly red. I shook my head. "I don't want you to get hurt, Herobrine." He hesitated, but then nodded. "Alright. I mean, I still have three knifes and my sword.", he replied with a shrug and kept going. I sighed and packed the notebook back into my bag. Nightmare and the others caught up to me and opened his hand. "Give me the knife. Or else he gets it at midnight. He usually takes his stuff back if everyone is asleep, so we should hide it. And besides, Herobrine is extremely good at bringing you to give him something. I was always able to resist it." I took the knife and handed it Nightmare. He put it on his belt and sighed. "He changed a lot since you three arrived. It's like I don't even know him anymore. When I talked with him in the bedroom, I found out that he is -don't take it too serious- extremely uncomfortable. Hero had quite the bad experience with other students and persons since he was bullied when he was younger. Maybe he just has to get used to the fact that we are five now rather than only two. He needed a long time to get used to me as well, so nothing against you." I nodded slowly. "So he tried to intimidate me... by playing with a knife?", I asked confused. But Nightmare shook his head. "No, he just does that for fun. But he already almost killed himself by doing this." I winced. "So it was good to take the knife away?" He hesitated. "Well, technically yes, but considering the fact that he has multiple weapons with him, it was kinda pointless. See?", he explained, pointing at Herobrine who now just played with another sharp knife. I narrowed my eyes slightly. "He's weird, I have to admit." He chuckled deeply. "Oh, once you get to know him as a boyfriend, you get to see who he really is. He's adorable, kind, always makes you laugh... Yet he can be a beast. Not only outside, but also in b-" I chocked, but he stopped himself before finishing that sentence.
Herobrine raised his head, listening closely. Violette and June both came over to Nightmare and me as well, but Herobrine stayed where he was. He slowly raised the knife, looking for any movement on the way. To my surprise we were already standing in the middle of the forest which we were talking about earlier.
Everything was silent, yet there was something that disturbed the young demon. He looked around, but not once at us. Nightmare winced heavily, his eyes widened. Something was odd. Soon after he took a deep breath and caused a green force field to appear around us. Nightmare took a deep breath and looked at Herobrine, who was still outside the field. "I hope you know what you're doing, Hero.", he whispered.

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