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I woke up on the next morning as a loud crash filled the house, sounding like someone just threw a bunch of tables over. Nightmare and I were instantly sitting, looking at each other. I threw the sheets down and stood up, grabbing my knife from the bedside drawer. Nightmare looked at me frightened and I showed him to stay here. Without a sound I left the bedroom, gently setting one foot before another.  Another loud sound was heard, right before a semi-loud... Cuss? It came from the living room, that was sure. I kept my eyes locked onto the door and my ears raised, but I didn't enter the room yet. With a slight hesitance I stood next to the doorframe and carefully looked into it. A in black dressed male with blood red eyes was standing there, trying to find his way around the mess he made. I wasn't that wrong, actually. He literally flipped a table over. "God damnit! I bet he heard that!", he whispered annoyed to himself. With a loud growl I revealed myself completely, grabbing the long, black sword that was leaning against the doorframe. "Indeed, I did hear that. Btw, nice sword you have here. Mind if I..." I broke the sword with a little bit of magic. If course, it was just an illusion since I couldn't do that much, but he didn't notice. "... Oopsie! Seems like I broke it! Sorry bro... This definitely isn't the right place to be in." This little trick caused exactly this thing to happen that I hoped: He instantly attacked me with a loud yell. With a little bit more of my magic I multiplied my knife and levitated it up. The man instantly froze in place. "How are you doing that?!", he gasped, but I only answered with a smug grin. "You don't have to know, dude. You would be too weak for that."
The man growled and jumped at me, causing me to shot the knifes at him. He was rather quick tho. Only three out of fifthy knifes hit him, and that at places that wouldn't really matter. His right hip, his left leg and his left arm. He now stood in front of me, towering over me. "Do you even know who I am you pathetic little creature? I am Hollow."
I rolled my eyes and started mocking him. "'I am Hollow! Uhhhh you have to be scared of me you pathetic little creature uhhhhh~' Do you even know who YOU are talking to?" Hollow sighed and shook his head. "Listen, man. I'm just trying to break into a random persons' secret base to get their stuff. Got it?"
I pushed him a little bit away and tried to yell for Nightmare, but he put his hand on my mouth, raising his fist. "Try to yell and I will kill you." I shrugged calmly and bit into his hand. He yelled loudly and ripped his bleeding hand away from my teeth, holding the wound close. I scrunched my nose and spited a piece of flesh out. He definitely doesn't taste well. Nightmare came down, holding his dark grey sword in his hand. He silently came up behind Hollow, who tried to kill me now. Nightmare turned his sword around and tried to hit Hollow with the handle. He dodged tho and threw Nightmare against one of the closer walls, but not the one I was at. Nightmares' throat escaped loud yell and he collapsed to the ground. Hollow turned back to me after he cared about him. He started to laugh and tried to knock me out as well, but I was quite quick. I dodged his attacks and jumped a bit back, grabbing the knife that was lying on the floor. But Hollow was faster. He jumped on top of me and pushed me to the floor. He growled as I struggled to get out and hit my head to the ground, directly on the edge of the table. I immediately felt my body go limp and my vision went black.

(Nightmares' FoV)
I slowly opened my eyes and tried to remember what happened. It was really dark outside now, which means I was a few hours knocked out.
My eyes shot open as I remembered everything. Without a second of hesitance I jumped up and started to search for Hero. I started to open all the rooms and yell his name, but even after two hours I couldn't find him. My breathing started to get heavier and I collapsed to my knees as I noticed that he was gone.
There was a loud knock on the door and I bolted towards it, desperately hoping that it was Hero. But as I opened it, I only found Jeb, Notch and Steve. My heart dropped. "Oh, it's you guys...", I mumbled quietly and turned around. Suddenly someone put his hand on my shoulder and gently pulled me into a hug. "Nightmare, We know what happened. Hollow sent us a message." I put my head on Steve's shoulder and sobbed. My grip around his body tightened and my tears dripped down to the floor. Steve softly rubbed my back, trying to calm me down. But only moments after I collapsed onto him, exhaustion taking over my brain. My vision went black and I only heard Steve say to the others: "It's been too much for him. He should sleep now." Then I blacked out.

(And back to Herobrines' FoV)
I woke up with a quiet growl. Everything was only dimly lit and the room I was in was made out of wooden planks, which were rather tight around me. Only thirty centimeters were between me and every single wall. I on the other hand was tied to a wooden chair. Hollow teleported into the box with me, holding a pack of matches in his hand. "Well, it was nice knowing you, Herobrine. Do you have a few last words?"
I only shook my head in confusion. "What the fuck is even happening?!"
Hollow rolled his eyes and teleported outside again, leaving a little fire on the floor in front of me. I shrugged and leaned back. I mean, I can't do anything against it anyway. The fire spread quickly on the dry wood and eventually burned the ropes and the chair.
Funny that someone tries to light me up. Since I'm resistant to fire and lava? Pathetic.
I left the room as soon as it was burned to the ground completely, going over to Hollow, who stood there with his jaw dropped. With a quiet sigh I easily lifted him up with my magic and looked him directly into the eyes. "You do know that fire doesn't harm me?" Hollow didn't answer. And I didn't let him. I just threw him over my shoulder into the still burning fire, watching him as he yelled in pain and agony as the flames slowly tore him apart into a bleeding and burning pile of skin and bones.
Then I teleported home.
Steve, Notch, Nightmare and Jeb were all sitting on the sofa, looking at me with big eyes.
"Hero, you're on fire.", Notch said. I looked on my shoulder to see a little flame. With a swift wink of my hand it was put out. I looked back at them, seeing that Nightmare was gone. He appeared right in front of me, throwing me to the ground with a deep hug. "HERO! YOU'RE BACK!!!", he yelled in joy.
I grinned slightly. "Yes, I am Nighty.", I laughed, wrapping my arms around him.

A few hours later Nightmare and I were sitting on the sofa, watching a movie he chose. My head rested on his steadily rising and falling chest while he gently held me close. The movie ended a few minutes later with the credits. I snuggled deeper into Nightys' chest and wanted to say something as I suddenly noticed that he was asleep. With a quiet chuckle I released myself out of his arms and went upstairs, grabbing a blanket. I went downstairs again and gently put the blanket around us him, tucking him in. Notch, Steve and Jeb were already asleep for HOURS!!! Man, why am I mostly the last person awake...
With a last look on them four I grabbed my notebook and a pen and went on the roof. I didn't want to teleport since Notch and Nightmare would both feel the energy and I didn't want to wake them both up.
As I was sitting there on the roof, the semi-cold air stroking around my body, I took the notebook and started writing. I wrote a story which I'll maybe show Nightmare. I'm not sure yet.
(This is one of my own German oneshots but I translated it into English Xp)

A loud growl came from the cave, right behind Joel's back. Two purple, bright glowing eyes focused directly on the boy, who was frozen in fear. His eyes were widened as he swallowed audible and mumbled in a hoarse voice: "Run."
Liu and Jack didn't let him repeat himself. They turned around and started to run until they had to stop because of the deep ravine that ripped the floor open. They had no escape anymore.
The sound of claws scratching on the floor ripped them out of their thoughts and made them turn around in fear.
A huge, black dragon came closer. The dim sunlight that shun through the holes in the ceiling made the dragons' skin seem grey and the wings more purple than black. The sharp, long teeth sparkled in the light and water dripped down one of the canines.
Liu took a deep breath and grabbed Jack's hand, aware that if they make a wrong move, they'd die.

I always wanted a dragon. A real, big dragon. I'd love to fly around on it, feed it and just make it feel good. Of course, I could just control one with magic, but I don't want to enslave such a majestic and gorgeous creature.
And I definitely wouldn't tell Nightmare anything about it. I was never a person that wanted to tell anyone about my dreams.
With a quiet sigh I teleported down to our bedroom, seeing that it was still empty. I got dressed into my pyjama and laid down in the bed. The silence calmed me down and a few minutes later I fell asleep.
Little did I know that someone was sitting on the roof, holding the piece of paper I wrote. With a little chuckle the person burned the paper and opened their blue eyes, one of them completely dull, black and dripping with a black fluid. "Let's see what we can do there, alright Sera?" The crow on her shoulder crowed and shook its head. Two big, black wings appeared on her back and together they disappeared into the night, leaving a little hill of dust behind.

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