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(Five days of torture and no food later)
(Nightmares' FoV)
I never felt so weak in my entire life.
Everything was really dark so I could only see a little bit. I heard Chishikis' silent cries, June was trembling like crazy, Violette was taking deep breaths to stay calm and Notch was whimpering in pain while I wasn't really able to hear anything from Hero. Except his shallow breathing, mixed with the dripping of blood.
I was really tired, yet I wasn't able to sleep at all because I was worried. "Hey, Hero?", I whispered. But I got no reply. Seems like he went unconscious again. I took a deep breath and tried to move over to him, but my arms were still tied to the wall.
Crap... God I hope he's fine!
I slid down the wall again and leaned my head against it, slightly worried. Notch breathed shakily out. "Can you teleport, Nightmare?" I shook my head. "No. I can't."
"Me neither. And I guess Hero can't either. The way he is now, any kind of magic would kill him."
"I know. But there is some kind of magic lock around us.", I answered. Chishiki agreed, not trying to complain about what I said. That's kinda out of character for her, but now I could understand her. After all, she annoyed Hollow so much that he started attacking her with a knife. She was bleeding a lot more than she should, considering the fact that she was only cut open a little bit.
A few moments later I suddenly fell into an unconsciousness, everything went completely dark and silent. A feeling of peace drowned my agonized mind and I felt free.

A few hours later I slowly woke up again, hearing some chains clank and a few pained whimpers. I was almost at the point where I could say that Hollow is back, yet I didn't hear his laughter, nor a weapon breaking bones. A little bit confused I opened my eyes.
"Hero, try again. I'm sure you'll be able to do it now." This was Notchs' voice. Hero whimpered in pain. "I-I can't... It hurts..."
"You can do it. It's just one more time, then you're free."
Hero took a few deep, shaky breaths. Then I suddenly heard the chains rattle again and his strained growls. A few heartbeats later he suddenly yelped in pain and collapsed on the ground, the chains on the floor behind him. Hero was curled up, gripping his hand tightly. I couldn't see what was going on, but I saw that he was trembling like crazy and crying a little bit. Hero took a few deep breaths and sat up. "Ok, Hero. The key is right next to the door. Try to get it and free us.", Notch explained, a little bit worried. Herobrine stood up and went towards the door, grabbing the keys. He came back, the keychain in his mouth. He still held his hand tightly, slightly whimpering. He freed us quickly before dropping the keys. I rubbed my wrists and offered him my hand, but Hero didn't take it. He whined and pulled his hand closer. I sighed and lifted him up. Then I took a deep breath and left the room, Hero in my arms. We left the castle at midnight where no guard or anything was around, so we were unseen. Right in front of the castle was a portal we jumped through.
On the other side was already waiting Null. He looked at us and smiled. "Hey, you got out! Are you fi-" He stopped, slamming his hands on his mouth as soon as he noticed Chishiki and Hero.
Chishiki was in a way worse condition than we expected. She was trembling a little bit and only walking slowly. Notch kept her close, helping her to walk. Her skin was cut open and pale, her wrists red and bloody. Her eyes were filled with fear and pain and she definitely wasn't able to say anything right now. We all were better than her, only a few cuts on us, except for Hero.
His eyes were empty and halfway closed. We all didn't know how he was, but he didn't seem well at all. He was pale like paper and his breathing was very low. Tears sparkled in his eyes and he choked a little bit on the blood in his mouth. I looked at his hand, seeing that it was completely broken and bloody. His fingers were claw-like and he was not able to move them. I showed Notch and the others to care about Chishiki while Null helped me with Hero. He huffed as we put him to the ground, slightly uncomfortable. He shifted as I touched a long cut on his chest, whimpering lowly. Null looked at his hand. "He pulled it out of the chains, didn't he?", he asked worriedly. I shrugged a little bit confused. "I don't know. I wasn't able to see him properly.", I replied. Null nodded, then he grabbed Hero's hand carefully. "Hero, this will hurt a lot now. Grab Nightmares' hand and press it when you have to.", he whispered. Heros' breath hitched and he wrapped his good hand around mine. He looked right into my eyes, fear all over them. Null took a deep breath, then he opened his broken fingers. Before I could react, Hero yelled loudly and painfully and pressed my hand, causing me to gasp slightly. I made myself breath calmly again while Hero was panting heavily. To our all shock Null only opened his index finger. Hero was almost passing out, but we had to keep going. Null sighed and mumbled: "Can you put him to sleep? After all, you're the Nightmare." I hesitated. "I could, but I'm not sure if that will help."
"Just a simple anesthesia would make it better and easier. For you, him and me."
I took a deep breath and looked at Hero again. He was paler than before and he stared at me in shock, pain and fear. "You're right, Null.", I replied with a heavy heart and put my hand on Hero's forehead. He winced and tried to get away, but I only mumbled: "usingizi." (It's swahili and means "sleep") Hero rolled his eyes and collapsed completely. I sighed and stroke over his hair, slightly worried.
"How is he?"
I winced as I heard her voice. Chishiki and the others were standing behind me, all of them looking like they went straight through hell and back. Everyone was pale and anxiously looking around. But Null calmed them down. "Don't worry. He's just knocked out. And Hollow is no threat to us anymore since he's dead." "How'd you do that?", Chishiki asked confusedly. But Null only grinned. "Oh, nothing special. It just seems like he tasted his own sword while he was asleep.", he explained casually. Then he went back to work. A few moments after he got all the fingers opened and took a deep breath. "Is anyone here in the condition to heal his hand?" Notch shook his head, as well as the three girls. But I only sighed. "I can heal myself easily, but I never did it with him." Null nodded satisfied. "Well, I'll tell you what to do!" I agreed and went next to him, gabbing Hero's hand carefully. I couldn't stop myself from looking at his face for a moment. He seemed so peaceful and chilled even though his condition told me differently.
"Ok. You ready?", Null asked. I nodded. "Good. Then put you hand on his palm." I did as he told, slightly scared that he would wake up in pain. But he kept silent and still. "Ok. Now transfer some of your magic into his with the intention to heal." I hesitated. I never did something like that, and since I lost my magic so long ago it feels really weird. But then I thought of Hero and the pain he was in. That helped me a little bit.
I was filled with determination.
With a little nod I started healing him. Null gave me advice where and where not, and eventually we were done.
I removed the blood from his hand and made it a fist to see if it worked. It did indeed. I smiled and looked at Null, who seemed pretty surprised that I actually made it. Null smiled back, then he stood up and looked at the moon above us. "We should get a bivouac just to be save. It'll take some time until he wakes up and you all need sleep. I'll be the guard for tonight.", he explained. We all agreed. Of course, not only because he was right, but to also further treat our wounds. Null asked Entity if he could help, who came over a few minutes later with a bag full of bandages and antiseptics.
About twenty minutes later, while I was wrapping a bandage around my wrist, Violette came over, slightly blushing. "Uhm... Nightmare? I need your help with something." I looked up at her and nodded as I finished my wrist. She was blushing heavier now and just sat down in front of me. "Uhm... I have a cut on my back and it still bleeds. And you're the only one I'm trusting here, except for Chishiki and June of course, but they're into something, so... Could you bandage me up?"
I knew where this was going, and knew why she was uncomfortable with it. I looked at the others and grabbed a bandage, as well as some antiseptic. "Let's go into the forest so they won't see." She agreed and we went a few meters away from them. Violette removed her shirt and her bra, revealing her back to me. She quickly covered her chest with her hands. I didn't mind, considering the fact that I'm a male and she's a girl, I could feel her.
A little bit confused I stroke with my finger over her back, right above the cut which was going from her spine to her left shoulder. She winced, but didn't make any sound. "Doesn't that hurt? It's pretty deep.", I asked. Violette said: "It does, yes. But I try to not feel it that much." I nodded. "Ok. I'mma put some antiseptic on it and then the bandage, alright?" She agreed and I carefully put some of the antiseptic on the wound. She winced and groaned quietly, but other than that she was silent. But then we got to the difficult part.
Violette looked over her shoulder at me. "Uhm... You put the bandage around and I remove my hands...?", she asked nervously. "Yeah. Sure. I'll be careful." She let go of her chest and I wrapped the bandage around her back and chest, careful to not touch her breasts. It was a stressful part, yet it was over soon after. Violette took a deep breath as I fixed the end with the rest of the bandage. She put her stuff back on and smiled. "Thanks, Nightmare. It really means much to me that I can trust you." I looked at her quite surprised. That was about the first time she called me Nightmare in not a mocking way. A little bit shy I scratched the back of my head. "Well... Uh... Thanks.", I stuttered. Violette nodded and we went back together. I was still startled, but now we had something else to think of.
Herobrine, who we leaned against a close tree, suddenly twitched. I looked at him, slightly hopeful. It didn't take long, then he twitched again. And this time he opened his eyes a little bit. "Hero? Are you ok?", Null asked him. But he didn't respond yet. He was silently looking around, his eyes empty and dull. I was getting really worried now. But Null only chuckled. "Don't worry, that always happens after an anesthesia. But usually the patient would trash around, yet he's really calm. I didn't expect this.", he explained calmly. "So that's a lot better than I expected." Notch stood up and went towards Hero, gently placing a hand on his cheek.
"Wait wait wait! How many days has he been down there?!", he screeched and looked at us. "8 days.", Chishiki answered weakly. She was a little paler than usual. June asked her if she's fine, but she nodded with a gaze at Hero. "He's way too pale. He looks so broken!", she whispered. "And that could've happened with us as well." I winced heavily, then I looked at her slightly pissed. "Could you not?", I asked sharply. Chishiki hesitated, but agreed. She noticed how much it destroyed the others. I looked at Hero again and kneeled down next to him. Eventually his eyes focused again and he looked directly at me. "N-Nightmare...?", he asked with a weak, stuttery voice. I smiled and sat down completely, taking his hand gently. The bandage around his now healed hand was kinda uncomfortable, yet I didn't mind. "Yes, Hero?" He tried a slight smile, but Chishiki was right. He was broken. "How is everyone?" I took a deep breath. "We're all fine. Chishiki was a little bit more hurt than us, but she's alright. Null and Entity are both here now, taking care of us." Hero nodded slowly, taking in the information. "Good.", he then just replied. He raised his hand carefully and I released him. A little bit surprised he looked at it, but stayed calm otherwise. "Who healed it?", he asked, more himself than us. I grinned a little bit. "Null told me how to do it, so I did." Hero looked at me, his hand still raised. He put his hand into mine, pulling me carefully closer. As soon as I was close enough, which meant almost sitting on his lap, he kissed me. The kiss was long and passionate, but something was odd. He took a deep breath and released me, looking deeply into my black and white eyes. I swallowed, but then started to cough. My throat felt like ashes and smoke all of the sudden. Everything went black around me and I felt Hero collapse beside me.

(This font means that it's in Hero's FoV, this one is Nightmares' thoughts and feelings)

Everything was dark and silent. I pulled on the chains around my wrists, trying to get out. I wasn't able to control my body in my own mind, so I had to calm down and get controlled. A shiver ran over my spine and made me yelp. I tried to regain control, until I suddenly heard someone whisper: "Stay calm. It's just my flashback before you guys arrived." Blood dripped onto the ground, being the only sound in the whole room. I leaned back, my bloody back touching the wall and leaving multiple stripes on it. Tears ran over my face and I whimpered quietly. "Nightmare... I'm sorry for leaving you... I was such an idiot." A quiet laughter escaped my throat. "Why? Why did I ever leave you?" Everything went silent again. Only my gentle sobs broke the oppressive silence. I took a few deep breaths, then I tried to get out again. In this moment someone opened the door with an evil chuckle. "Knock, knock, let me in, let me be your secret sin~", Hollow sang and came closer. I growled and immediately regretted it. Hollow punched me square in the chest as soon as he was close enough. I heard multiple bones break and a heavy pain shoot through my body. Some hot, sticky blood came out of my mouth. I choked in pain and tried to move away. But Hollow growled and started chocking me. Why does he do that? Tears dripped to the ground, but he gently removed then with his thumb. "See? Trying to get out is quite hard." The chains tightened around my wrists and I gasped as the sharp metal edges sunk into my skin.
Hollow grinned and stroke over my chest, gently grinning. "How about we have some fine?" I shook my head and spit at him. "I'd rather go back to my parents than having fun with YOU!" Hollow growled, then he k-

Null shook me awake. I groaned and sat up, rubbing my head. "Dang, what happened?", Null asked me worriedly. I shook my head and looked at Hero, who was still unconscious. He was curled up in a ball, slightly twitching. "I-I have no idea. I had a flashback, but it was one of Hero's. Hollow is a sick bastard. He literally raped Hero.", I growled and stood up, going over to him. Entity was sitting next to him, trying to wake him up.
Only five minutes later he woke up with a loud yell, panting heavily. "FUCK!!!", he screamed. Entity and I grabbed his shoulders and calmed him down. "Hero, calm down! You're fine, there's no harm around us!", I calmed him down. He needed a few moments until he finally went calm. Hero took a deep breath and leaned back. I supported him from behind by wrapping my arm around his shoulders. "Hero, was that your flashback?", I asked quietly so Entity couldn't hear it. He looked at me and gave me a little nod. "I needed you to know that, just in case." I didn't really understand what he meant, but I nodded. "Ok. How are you?"
"I'm fine, Nighty. I'm just glad we're out of that... Place."
He hugged me gently. Entity smiled, his red eyes slightly filled with wistfulness. I carefully gazed into his thoughts.
Damn, they both look so cute together. What would I give to have a girlfriend now...
I grinned a little bit, then Hero suddenly nuzzled his face into my shoulder. He started to purr gently and wrapped his arms around my torso. I stroke over his back and leaned against the tree with my back. "I love you, Nighty."
"I love you too, Hero. We'll never split ways again, no matter what.", I whispered and kissed his neck. I could easily feel how he relaxed in my arms. A cold wind stroke through the forest and sent shivers over Hero's back. He crept closer to me and trembled slightly. Null came over with a blanket and put it over us two. I thanked him and felt Hero wrap the blanket tighter around us both. All the others slowly went to sleep, only Entity and Null were sitting on the trees, armed with bows and arrows. I took a deep breath and pulled Hero closer. Everything went really silent, only Notchs' quiet snoring filled the air. The girls were hugging each other tightly, while Notch laid a little bit further away. Null put a blanket over him as well, while Entity gave the girls a big one. I smiled and looked down at Hero. He was snuggled deeply into my chest now, curled up into a ball. He seemed so calm and peaceful as he grabbed onto my shirt like that, purring quietly. A soft chuckle escaped my throat and I removed a few locks of hair from his face, then I leaned back against the tree again. I thought about the thing Hero showed me. It was slightly discomforting, but now I understood why he showed me this. So I won't think that he cheated on me. He doesn't want that thing to happen again.
I made myself forget about that part and closed my eyes. After a few moments of feeling Hero's calm breath on my chest I relaxed completely and smiled.
I hope Null and Entity don't have to stay up all the night just for us. They don't really deserve that.
Soon after I fell asleep, knowing that we were all save now.

A little advent special with....

3315 WORDS!!!

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