A long time of calmness

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As I woke up in the next morning, I felt Nightmares' calm breath on my back.
My face instantly went red as I remembered the late night activities of yesterday and my body instantly protested as I moved.
With a soft groan I tried to sit up but instantly laid back down.
Nightmare wasn't quite gentle with his treatment.
My body was hurting like crazy and made me growl at my own movements.
A little bit scared that I may have woken Nightmare up, I turned my head to look at him.
Indeed, his eyes were focused on my bare back. They wandered further up and met my white ones.
"Morning, Hero~", he said with a soft voice and put his arm on my hip.
I winced and my face went red in a matter of seconds once more.
He only chuckled and sat up, the covers still around his waist. "Did you like what you saw yesterday?", he cooed into my ears.
I burried my face in the covers. It was getting really hard to answer now since I didn't want to admit it but...
I gave him a little nod and soon after felt him turning me on my back.
"You did like it~"
Nightmare pinned me down once more and gently kissed me.
After he pulled away I had to take deep breaths to get my breathing to get going again.
Nightmare smiled softly and locked his eyes with mine.
"There is no use denying it. You're too adorable to be scary~"
I pouted, crossing my arms in front of my chest. "I can be scary! Just you see!"
I growled loudly and showed my teeth in a pathetic try to be scary to him, but that didn't work.
So I pulled out a trick card.
I hissed and threw him over on his back, pressing his shoulders down with my whole, rather light bodyweight.
Nightmare smiled gently. "Well, not even close huney."
I gave him a death glare and hissed again, revealing my sharp fangs.
This time I felt his body twitch under my own, but soon after found out that he was laughing his ass off.
I pouted once again and sat down in his lap. Surprisingly, we were both dressed. Well, except for shirts, but who need them anyway when you have the opportunity to see a goddamn se-
Nightmare started to laugh as he noticed what I just thought about. "Damn, Hero! I never thought you were SO dirty minded!"
I growled playfully. "Says the person who LITERALLY fucked me up yesterday evening!"
He laughed again. "You get a point there it seems."
I chuckled quietly and gave his stomach a mischievous grin. Before he could do anything I let my fingers dance over it.
Nightmare smiled slightly and looked at me. Still smiling he only said: "You do know that I'm not ticklish?"
I wasn't prepared for that and instantly facepalmed myself. I knew he wasn't and still tried to tickle him!
I felt Nightmares' body move under mine. "But I know you are!"
Before I knew, he threw me over once more and started to tickle me just like on our little adventure.
"N-Nightmare! S-stop! Please!", I gasped while laughing and trying to push his strong hands away. But he kept going almost five whole minutes before I started to cough.
He stopped, still kept me on the bed tho. With a few coughs more I finally caught my breath again.
"That's mean! You're way stronger than I am!"
Nightmare shrugged. "But you're nimble, agile and cute~"
I chuckled and hugged him tightly. Then I carefully took a look into his mind, just out of pure curiousity.
Awww! He hugs me! He's just too adorable... I have to give him something tomorrow, but what should it be? Mmmmh....

I know you're listening to my thoughts, Hero.

I yell as I heard that and released Nightmare out of pure shock, only to hit my head on the bedframe. Nightmare on the other hand was crying because of laughter and collapsed on the bed, causing it to make a sad sound under his weight.
"No way that actually worked?! I thought you wouldn't be surprised! Hahaha...", he laughed.
I rolled my white eyes and stood up, rubbing the back of my head where it hit the frame. "Yeah. Just you laugh.", I mumbled and went over to the mirror on the closet. I looked at myself for a moment and tried to fix my hair.
Useless, since Nightmare came over behind me and messed it up once more, making it look way messier than before.
I turned around in a swift movement and growled: "Nightmare!"
He only chuckled gently and stroke over my cheek with his thumb.
"You look so adorable when you're angry."
He moved closer to me, locking me between his arms.
"Show me more of that adorable kind of yours~"
I instantly shook my head, dropped to the ground and jumped through his legs.
He was right. I was quite the nimble one. He turned around confused but I was already standing, pushing him towards the closet this time.
I didn't even reach up to his shoulders, but that only made me way more nimble than I already was.
With a quick move I took his arms and pressed them against the closet.
"Don't you are try and escape now~", I cooed. Nightmare gave me a soft grin before grabbing my own arms. "Oh, what would you do if I did, tho?"
With that, he lifted me up and threw me over his shoulder like a carpet while he went to the kitchen.
"Hey! Let me down!", I yelled and tried to get down by myself, but he held me firmly, walking down the stairs.
I started to hammer against his spine, but he didn't feel it at all. Well, why would he? I'm not that strong, anyway. Heck, I can't even nearly lift him or Steve!
Nightmare arrived at the kitchen and sat me down on a chair.
I crossed my arms and looked away, pouting like a little kid. Nightmare chuckled quietly and put his hand under my head, but I only showed him my tongue before looking away again.
I heard him stand up and go to a cupboard. Out of curiosity I looked at him. He was searching for something and suddenly looked back at me. I instantly looked away again like nothing happened.
A few moments later he came back with a piece of toasted toast, putting it in my mouth like I was a little kid.
Somehow, I enjoyed it.
Nightmare tried to take the bread away again, but I had bitten my canines through it and held on it now with a firm grip.
Nightmares' eyes widened slightly and he tried to open my mouth gently, but I kept it closed.
And before he could go anywhere again, I jumped and hugged him tightly, the bread still in my mouth.
He shrieked and fell over, landing on the tiles of the floor.
As soon as he noticed that he just shrieked, he went red like a tomato. I only grinned and released the bread, taking it out of my mouth.
"Who's the tinier one now?"
Nightmare gave me a played death glare before laughing quietly.
"No matter what you'll do, you'll always stay my smoll sinamin roll~"
I smiled and let him stand up again while I sat down on the chair I was on before.
Nightmare took the bread from my hand and put it between my teeth once more. I bit down a piece and chewed before swallowing.
Nightmare repeated that until the whole slice of bread was gone. Since I never ate much I was full after that one.
Nightmare smiled and made himself a toast as well which I instantly snatched from his hand.
"Your turn, Nighty~"
He blushed slightly and sat down in front of me.
I fed him this time and watched him with that all the time.
He didn't have as long canines as I do, but his teeth are sharp like mine.
Well, another thing I'm better at.
After we finished I told Nightmare that I'll go somewhere. He smiled and agreed, saying that he'll go to the living room to watch some TV.
I sprinted upstairs and (FINALLY) got a shirt which I pulled over my head. It was just a normal, black shirt.
Then I went downstairs again, searching for one single room which I found moments after.

1431 words.

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