The darkness

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I instantly located the scream and ran towards it. A whole horde of skeletons was standing around the demon, who was sitting in the ground, an arrow in his shoulder. He held it tightly, tears dripped over his cheeks. Blood stained his shirt and colored his fingers red. I pushed myself through the mobs and went right to Nightmare. He looked up to me and I kneeled down next to him. The mobs focused on me and I only hissed at them. "|GO! LEAVE! AND DON'T YOU DARE HURT HIM AGAIN!|", I yelled in Nether. The mobs instantly backed up and ran away. But I only concentrated on Nightmare. I put my sword in my belt and put one hand on his shoulder, the other one on the arrow.
"This will hurt. I'll count to three alright?"
He nodded and took deep breaths to calm himself.
"1, 2-"
I pulled the arrow out before Nightmare was ready. He yelled loudly and collapsed. I caught him tho and pulled him up carefully. "Is everything alright?", I asked. "Are you serious?! You ask that after you literally pulled an arrow out of my shoulder before I even was ready! And then you ask like nothing happened?!", he growled.
My eyes widened slightly, but then I narrowed them. "At least I came to save you and help you.", I answered, my voice painfully broken.
Nightmare noticed his mistake but I let go and went back to the shelter. He followed me quietly. He didn't dare say anything.
As we arrived I showed him to sit down and stay there, I on the other hand went outside to find firewood myself.
After only five minutes I came back and dropped the wood on the place where the fire should be. I lit it up with my magic and sat down on my sleeping bag, taking two sticks and two fishes. I stabbed the fish on the sticks and gave one Nightmare. He took it slowly and we started grilling the fish.
It was quite peaceful, even tho I was still disappointed and sad that he said this. I looked blankly at the fire, its tongues licking the air.
After five minutes Nightmare suddenly came closer to me and put his arm around my shoulders. "Hey... I'm sorry for what I said earlier. It was my mistake. You just helped me and it was my mistake to say something like that to you. So-"
I put my finger on his lips. "Shut up you baka.", I chuckled and put my head on his shoulder.
Fun fact about him: As soon as he can sit down or sleep, he gets healed. But that only works if nothing remains in his wound. And then, there's me. I can't heal myself to save my life. Literally. A little bit bad, but it's alright.
ANYway, we started to eat and stayed a bit awake for a bit until the moon was right above us. Slowly I started to fall asleep on Nightmares' shoulder.

In the next morning I felt Nightmare sleep beside me, his arm softly wrapped around my body. I started to blush heavily and tried to wiggle out, but every time I put a slight distance between us, he pulled me closer. A few tries later I stopped struggling and just laid there. I was sure he wasn't awake, and I didn't want to wake him up either.
Moments after I stopped struggling, he opened his eyes and smiled at me, revealing his sharp teeth. "Morning, Hero~"
I felt my face heat up again and tried to move away, but he pulled me back. "Hey, what's wrong? Am I a bit too warm for you?", he whispered into my ear. I blushed heavily and looked away. "N-No..."
He let me stand up and we started to pack our things.
Half an hour later we were ready to go again and picked up our adventure once more.
Only a few hours later we could see Notchs' castle in the distance. We looked at each other and smiled.
Those two days were kinda boring, but we arrived finally. We only had to hurry now. We want to arrive there in the shadows of the night so the guards wouldn't see us that easy.

And after a few hours more we arrived at the border. It was already evening and we only had to wait for a few moments until the moon started to rise. Then we went inside. In the shadows of the buildings we made our way to the castle. It was quiet.
Too quiet for my likings.
We stopped as we saw a lot of guards standing in front of the castle in one line, not letting anyone through to the castle.
Nightmare looked at me in fear. "How are we supposed to get past them?! They're too many!"
I only smiled as an idea came to my head. "Let me do it. I'll come back in a few moments, alright?"
Nightmare tried to protest, but I went invisible and walked towards the guards. Carefully, to not make a single sound, I held my breath and went next to a guard with shiny iron armor. Then I pushed him and went back.
This single push started what I had expected to happen. The guard in shiny armor turned around and looked at the other guard. "Why'd you push me, man?!"
The guard only growled: "I didn't push you, idiot!"
The guard in shiny armor pushed him now and in a matter of seconds a huge fight started, the other guards instantly leaving their places to help with the fight.
I only took Nightmares' hand, made him invisible as well and we ran through the gap.
Inside the castle I made us both visible and started to laugh.
"How'd you know that this would work?!", Nightmare laughed.
"That was a brilliant idea, Herobrine. I was already worried that you wouldn't make it.", Someone suddenly said. I turned to the voice and only rolled my eyes. "You think I'm that stupid to not find a way?"
Notch instantly raised his hands. "I wouldn't think such things, Herobrine!"
I only chuckled. "I know. I didn't think so either. But I still don't get why we have to come to you without being seen."
"It has its security reasons. The townspeople don't really trust each other as well since our security system got hacked and we'd need a hacker to-"
I only sighed and went to the computer central. Notch showed me the computer and wanted to say what I had to do, but I grabbed the headset and put it on. Notch looked at Nightmare and he shrugged, sligthly grinning.
I, on the other hand, sat there for almost five minutes before I repaired the complete system.
What? Those were only like, 5 000 numbers.
I stood up and put the headset down. "Was that so hard to do?", I asked Notch confused. He only stood there, his jaw dropped. I put my finger under his chin and pushed it back up before he started to drool. Man, I really don't want to see that at all. A drooling male?!
Nightmare reached into his bag and gave Notch the package. "There you go. That's all the information we could find about the enemies."
"Thank you. Now you have to get out before anyone sees you. Do you need anything? Like, food or drinks?", Notch asked but we both declined.
"No, we have everything. But thank you. See you soon.", Nightmare answered and we both went away.

Only one hour later we arrived at the forest again and I sighed. We had to run the whole way since the guards stopped their fighting and were now searching for us.
We both aren't used to run almost one complete hour and that's why we were exhausted like hell. Nightmare was still worse than me tho, since I was always one of the best in Sports. So I kinda had to have a good condition. But as we entered the forest, there was a loud yell and multiple sounds of swords slammed against a shield. And it came from the direction of Notchs' city. As we turned around we instantly froze in shock.

You just got cliffhanged! Is that even a word? Well, now it is! What is behind them both? What will there be? Enemies or friends?
Well, why do you ask me? My brain writes this, not I. And my fingers help.
God damnit!
(Sorry. I'm on Coffein. It's worse than it sounds!)

1435 words.

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