Memories of past mistakes

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With a quiet sigh I started to talk to the moon, feeling rather dumb while doing so.
But it felt great to talk to someone that listens and doesn't judge you by the way you did things.
"You know... My childhood wasn't one of the best. It was the worst I could possibly imagine, yet there surely are way worse things than that.
I'm just happy that Nightmare got there in time to save me from my fate.
My parents never liked me, yet at the beginning there wasn't much that happened. They didn't really give me much to eat, beat me up sometimes or threw me out the window in the first floor. One time I broke my wrist when they did that, but I didn't care. It wasn't all that bad.
But sooner or later there would be something else than that, I already knew it. And I was right.
When I was three, my father left my mother. She turned into an alcoholic soon after, and only three months later she started taking pills and drugs because she couldn't control her feelings. It's not like that made it any better for me tho. It made it way worse.
Only moments after Father left through the door, my mother started yelling at me and beating me to the point where I had to put makeup on just to go to school.
But that wasn't the worst thing possible.
My mum didn't only beat me, she also raped me when she was high and drunk. It was worse than anyone could ever imagine!
A few times she attacked me with a knife, tried to kill me... She almost succeeded if Notch wouldn't have stepped in. He didn't know what happened before tho, so my mum lied to him. She said that she took the knife away from me as I tried to kill her. As a little sign she showed him some blood from her sleeve where she had cut herself earlier while cooking. There was not that much blood, but Notch instantly believed her. And since I have always been the black sheep of the family, he tried to ban me. But I was quicker. I told him what mum did to me all the time and now she was the loser. With plenty of hints and a lot of tears he finally noticed that I was telling the truth and mum was lying. He wanted to call the police because of child abuse, yet mum jumped in and destroyed my mobile which he tried to use. Then she knocked him out and pulled him to the park. When she was back, I was already hiding in my room, the door locked.
She kicked it down without hesitance and threw me to the next wall where she pinned me against it. Since I was so slender my mum could easily hold me down. I couldn't even make her move a muscle away from me.
She swore that she'd make my life a living hell and took a bottle of pills from her pocket.
I thought that she would just take them, but then she drugged me instead.
At first I thought it was alright, that nothing could happen. But I was wrong.
What I didn't know was the fact that my body can't handle drugs, pills or alcohol. So she had found a way to almost kill me in the most painful way, at least if she doesn't overdose.
It was really painful as my body suddenly felt numb and my vision went black, together with an extrem headache and the urge to end my life because of the pain. Yet I kept silent, not screaming a second.
What she on the other hand didn't know was the fact that I had taken her pills away, as well as a bottle of extremely expensive wine with 80% alcohol in it.
I waited until she went away and stood up shakily. I wasn't used to this feeling, nor the fact that my body was not reacting on anything.
But not even that was enough to make me cry. At that time it was impossible for me to cry since I had no spare water left in my body to do so.
A few years later, I was almost 15, I had enough. My spirit wasn't able to handle this situation any longer and I was not allowed to run away. And I knew that one day, she'd kill me.
Mum was on a business trip in Berlin, so I had a few days time.
I sat down on my pathetic excuse for a bed, which was a only a blanket on the pale linoleum floor. I pulled out the wine bottle from my school bag and the pills as well. The container was full, completely unused except for one single pill.
I couldn't stand it. The pain was strong enough to make me consider this.
I threw the pills in the bottle and waited until they were gone.
With a last deep breath I took the bottle and emptied it, only leaving a mouthful of wine in.
The mixture between morphine and alcohol is one of the worst. It's able to instantly kill you, you know? So I thought it would finish me off within seconds.
I was soooo wrong.
The morphine and the alcohol knocked me almost out, yet I kept my consciousness. My complete memory got deleted momentarily and I felt like I was free. I was free to live a life, kept away from all the bad things. Not in a bad way, but I felt like I was save.
Only twenty minutes later tho my head started to hurt and the usual things happened, but this time mixed with blood. It was a weird feeling, yet I liked it. Only for a moment.
Because then I fell into a weird state: I was awake and could see everything, but I couldn't move or talk. I also couldn't hear anything.
The deafness disappeared a few heartbeats after, but I still couldn't do anything.
I fell into a deep unconsciousness but Nightmare found me a few hours after and woke me up.
I was near death, my body was unable to consume the poison and tried to somehow get it out, but that didn't work at all.
I'm just happy that Nightmare was there for me. It was painful and scary but he was there for me. He brought me to the hospital and the doctors removed the alcohol and the pills from my body. It hurt, but it was alright after. As soon as Nightmare is there for me, I feel save. Petrified."
I laid down and stared at the moon. Suddenly I heard a quiet sound and Notch appeared next to me, startling me heavily. I yelped and was instantly standing, but lost my balance and fell backwards. But before I could fall, Notch wrapped his arms around my body, caught me and pulled me towards him.
"Hey. Don't fall!", he laughed and I only growled lowly.
"'Hey. Don't fall!' It's not like I wanted to anyway!", I hissed and pushed him away from me. He stumbled and fell on the roof, now sitting there. He looked at me quite confused before parting the place next to him with his hand, signaling me to sit down.
With a little hesitance I did. He's still my enemy at one point, but he heard everything now so there's no turning back.
With a quiet sigh I pulled my legs under my body and looked up at the moon once again.
Notch was staring at the moon as well. "It's quite peaceful tonight, isn't it?"
I nodded. "It's indeed a peaceful and calm night. Yet I'm wondering why you are here?"
The male took a deep breath and laid down. "I've been thinking about you two, how you had to run from my guards. And I've been wondering how you two are."
I gave him a doubtful gaze. "We're both pretty fine. But I know that isn't the point why you are here."
Notch turned his head and looked deeply into my white eyes. "You might be right." He turned back to the moon. After a few heartbeats of silence he whispered: "I miss the time we spent together, Hero."
I didn't answer. Of course, at some point there are days that break my heart if I think about our fight, but on the other hand... He banned Nightmare to the void after he found out that we both had a crush on each other.
"Oh, and btw... Intentionally I wanted to come to you both tomorrow but I wasn't sure if you'd still be here. So I came right now in the hope that I'd find someone. And indeed, I did. Even tho I somehow expected - Nightmare, correct? -  to sit here instead of you."
I laid down next to him. "Neither did I expect you here."
Notch sighed and answered: "I came here for you, Hero. I remembered which day is tomorrow."
For a second I was confused myself. Then I looked at him as I noticed what he meant. "Y-you didn't have to Notch, you know?", I stuttered.
But Notch only smiled and took my hand carefully. "Hey. It's alright."
I felt him creep closer to me and he whispered: "I heard what you said, Hero. And I know it has to hurt you on the inside."
I growled, sat up and moved away slowly. My body was shaking violently and I took a few shaky breaths before answering: "You do know that you were not supposed to hear that."
Notch shrugged and sat up as well before standing up completely.
"You should go to sleep now. I'll return tomorrow."
I winced as he turned around and wanted to teleport away. "Wait."
He turned around and looked at me. I took a few more breaths. "You can stay here for the night."
Notch was still staring at me. Then he nodded. "Thank you."
We both teleported down and I brought him over to the guest room.
He thanked me and I went over to my own room where Nightmare was already asleep.
But... Somehow... I wasn't tired.
And still I felt really exhausted.
With a silent sigh to not awake Nightmare I got dressed into my pyjama and laid down next to him.
After a few silent moments I drifted off to sleep.

1750 words.

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