Two years later

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(3rd person FoV)
Nightmare and Hero were sitting in the living room. Everything was completely silent. Hero was worried because Nightmare seemed so cold, so far away, even tho he was sitting on the other side of the table. Nighty wanted to talk to him about something.
"Herobrine, you know I loved you"
And that one sentence made said person nervous. He knew what was going on, but the world started to drop around him as Nightmare kept going.
"It's not your fault, but I think we should split ways."
Herobrine jumped up and yelled: "WHAT?! WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!" Nightmare kept calm tho. He sighed and stood up as well, going to the window. Herobrine was trembling like crazy, but he didn't care. "I thought you'd love me...?", he whispered before he dropped back down to the couch. After a short time of silence he asked coldly: "Well, who's the person that won your heart then?"
"Why she? What does she have that I don't?"
"I love her."
"And what about me? Did you always lie to me?"
"Why don't you love me anymore then?"
"I have my reasons, Herobrine."
Nightmare took the ring and removed it from his finger, putting it on the window sill. "It's for the best."
"Tell me: what have I don't wrong that you have to leave me?"
"Nothing. But you lost your magic completely. That's..."
""A reason to leave you"?! Is that the FUCKING REASON that you'd leave ME for ALEX?!", Hero growled, quickly losing his calmness. Nightmare sighed.
"I don't have to answer more questions."
Nightmare stayed silent. Hero was slightly crying in pain and anger, but he still didn't care. "AM I REALLY NOT THAT GOOD FOR YOU??? IS THAT WHY YOU DON'T WANT ME?! BECAUSE I LOST MY POWERS?! YOU'RE A SELFISH ASSHOLE! I DIDN'T LOVE YOU FOR YOUR PATHETIC POWERS, BUT BECAUSE I LOVED YOU ON THE INSIDE!!!", he yelled, tears dripping down to the ground. "YOU KNOW WHAT?! GET YOUR STUFF AND LEAVE! I DON'T WANT TO SEE YOU ANYMORE! HAVE A GREAT FUCKING LIFE WITH ALEX!" With that he ran outside, slamming the door behind him. Nightmare sighed. "I didn't expect that to happen. Why did he have to make it that hard?"
He went upstairs and packed his stuff, leaving only the ring back. With a sigh he put the keys on the keychain and left the house, looking back only once. Herobrine was sitting on the roof, Notch right next to him. Notch pulled him close while Hero hugged his knees and sobbed. He threw a sad gaze at Nightmare and stroke over Hero's back to calm him down.
Then Nightmare left the house behind, slightly sad about how he had to hurt Hero to tell him that. He went right back to Alex's house.

(Notchs' FoV)
Hero yelled loudly in pain and sadness . With a sigh I pulled him closer to me and stroke over his chestnut-brown hair. "Hey. It's ok. The feeling will pass and you'll find someone better.", I whispered. Hero only took the ring and threw it away, far into the forest. "That a-asshole! Why'd h-he l-leave me f-for A-Alex?!", he sobbed and burried his face in his hands. He clenched his teeth while multiple muffled sobs escaped his throat. "I don't know. But men can do things that confuse someone sometimes. But I bet you'll forget that he's gone in a few weeks.", I whispered and petted his shoulder. Hero nodded and straightened his spine, leaning against the hill in which the house was built. "Maybe you're right, Notch. But why would he leave me for HER?", he asked sadly. I shrugged. There was not a good answer for this that could calm him down. He took a few shaky breaths and begged: "Please, Notch. Tell me the truth. The ugly, naked truth. Nothing sugar-coated, nothing left out. What does she have that I don't? Why did he leave me?"
After a few heartbeats of silence I answered: "I guess he just wants to see something... New. She's a girl. Girls usually calm men down, but so did you so far. Or he just doesn't see what's good. Null left his girlfriend since he found someone else who didn't seem to notice the love."
Hero winced. "Do you mean... me?", he asked slightly unsure. But I nodded.
"You remember the day when you committed suicide? When he came inside, but slapped you and ran outside again? He tried to show you that he cares, but in depression you pushed every love away, not wanting to be loved."
He stayed silent for a moment. Then he took a deep breath. "After Nig- the man left, I don't want to hear something about love for a couple of weeks now, ok Notch?" I nodded again, knowing how it has to feel to lose someone dear. I lost my girlfriend, too, but that was many years ago. Since that I never wanted to see a girl in my life again, but then I met Alex who showed me that girls aren't that bad.
Hero suddenly stood up and went over to the ladder. Together we climbed down and I wanted to follow him into the house as he mumbled: "I'd like to be alone for now, Notch. Please." I agreed respectfully and hugged him one more time, gentle but tight. Hero wrapped his arms around me as well. With a little smile I at least gave him something back, hoping that it would help him over it. A little, turquoise-white lightball appeared in my hand and I pressed it into his back. He gasped and trembled.
I just hope that his body still allows his magic. Usually a body tries to get the magic back out, but surprisingly it stayed. I released him and smiled.
"Thank you, Notch.", he whispered. But I just raised my hands slightly. "No need to. I just hope it helps you."
Hero nodded and said goodbye before he went back into the house, closing the door tightly being him.
I sighed and turned my back to the house, going into the forest and back to the HQ of Mojang. He wasn't ready for this kind of pain. Maybe I should arrange a meeting between Nightmare and Hero, just to get them both to listen to the others explanation.

Hehehe I'm an evil little bitch. I know that for a fact.

1089 words.

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