A big mistake

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A lot of guards were after us, slamming their weapons against their shields.
"How'd they find us that quick?!", Nightmare gasped. But I didn't care.
I only took his hand and teleported us away. Back home, where no one could find us. No alive person anyway since the security of our home is so goddamn high that not even Notch could pass them alive.
All with the power of programming!
(Ok I should stop) I unlocked the door and threw the key against the keyboard. It instantly stayed hung up.
Nightmare smiled. "Perfect throw, Hero." I smiled back and went upstairs to change. The bags will stay packed since there should be a call for help in a few weeks. And I don't want to pack them again. What I didn't know is that Nightmare followed me. As I entered my room and went to the wardrobe, the door suddenly got locked. It made me jump and I tried to grab my knife, but instantly noticed its absence. I swallowed hard and turned around, punching the person behind me in the face with all my might.
Nightmare stumbled back, holding his bleeding nose.
"WHAT THE FUCK MAN?!", I yelled and stayed where I was, eyeing Nightmare from head to toe like I've never seen him before.
Somehow without me noticing he removed my knife from my belt. As well as my sword. Both were lying on the floor behind the door. Nightmare put his head back and groaned. "You have a way too good aim for a boy!"
I took his head and put it on his chest. That made him look at me in confusion. "Well, put your head in your neck and the blood will flow into your stomach and you'll puke. And I bet you don't want to have that heavy bloody taste in your mouth, right?"
(Yes, it's true. Never put your head back if you have a heavy nosebleed. It happened once with me and I swear to God this was the hell on Earth.) Nightmare looked at me, still confused but I sat him down on the bed and went outside to the kitchen to get an icepack. Usually, that helps.
When I came back up to my room, I had to search for him. He was gone. So the first place I went was he bathroom. And there I found him, bowed over the sink. He was completely pale. I only sighed and put the icebag on his neck.
"I told you.", I chuckled and stroke over his back.
He only shot a death glare at me and growled. Apologizing, I shrugged and went back into the kitchen. Only a few minutes he came back out, paler than a piece of paper.
He sat down by the table and put his head on it, groaning loudly.
"Let me guess, as soon as I was gone you put your head back."
Nightmare only groaned louder. "I should've listened to you, Hero."
I sighed. "Ok wait." I ran upstairs and came back with the pills from my room.
I took a glass of water and threw the quarter of one pill into it.
Nightmare raised his head and his eyes widened. "How often do you take these pills?!", he asked as he saw that the pack was almost empty.
I only shrugged. "Uhm... Not that often?" I chuckled.
No, he didn't know that I took pills. And he wasn't supposed to know at the first place. I didn't expect him to notice that I was taking pills.
I felt him look at me all the time as I stirred the water with a spoon, careful not to spill anything. As the pill was gone completely I went over to Nightmare, sat down next to him and gave him the glass. He only looked at if suspiciously.
I pushed the glass a but closer to him and he finally took it, emptying it in one shot.
I watched as he put the glass back down and look directly into my eyes, almost looking through me.
I knew I wasn't supposed to lie. And I knew what would happen if I did. It's... I don't even want to talk about it too much.
It's not like Nightmare hurts me tho! He would never! He just is... Disappointed at me then.
I felt a knot in my throat as I thought about it. My parents were disappointed in me as well, but they were never so hard to handle than Nightmare. It hurts to see him disappointed.
Nightmare noticed it and pulled me close. I don't know why it almost made me cry, but it did. Nightmare sighed softly and stroke over my head, calming me down as far as possible. "It's alright, Hero. I'm not angry. I'm not sad. I'm not even disappointed at you that you're taking drugs."
Drugs. That's what pills are. Drugs that make your pain go numb.
"Why are you taking them tho?"
That question ripped me out of my thoughts and I looked at Nightmare.
"I... I don't really know... I need them to control the pain... It's nothing serious tho... I-"
Nightmare suddenly gripped my wrists. I yelped loudly and looked at him in fear.
"Don't take the pills again! This could kill you, Herobrine! If I notice you taking those pills again, I'll-"
I had started to shake uncontrollably, tears rolling over my cheeks. Nightmare noticed what he had done, let go of my wrists and pulled me into a deep hug.
We both stayed silent for almost five minutes before he whispered: "I'm sorry Hero. I didn't want to hurt you."
I took a deep breath and slowly wrapped my arms around his torso.

(Nightmares' FoV 'cause why not)
I felt his tears running down my spine. It was my fault that he was crying now. I shouldn't have gone that far but I don't want him to die either. Sometimes you have to get through with some aggression. Even tho I really feel bad now.
I rubbed circles on his back and tried to calm him down, but he dug his face deeper into my shoulder and sobbed into my shirt.
I whispered calming words into his elf-like ears.
Damn, what have I done? I didn't want to bring him that far over the line!
Almost half an hour later he finally calmed down, but didn't move anymore.
His breath had calmed down and was now in a slow and even pace. With a soft chuckle I carefully stood up and lifted his slender body in my arms. Extremely careful, not to wake him up, I carried him upstairs to our room and put him in the bed. Then I got dressed into my pyjama and laid down next to him. Before I could react tho, Hero put his head on my chest and snuggled deep into it. I smiled softly and hugged him before I fell asleep as well.

I woke up in the next morning by a loud scream. Instantly confused I sat up, only to see an empty place next to me. And a lot of blood on the floor.
I jumped out of the bed and followed the blood trail to the living room. Herobrine was standing there, surrounded by dead guards, all were bleeding heavily. Hero was out of breath, a long sword in his left hand, the other one on his left arm. Blood dripped out of between his fingers. "We have to go! They found us!", he panted and ran towards me.

1266 words

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