First Christmasday

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(Nightmares' FoV)
I woke up right on Hero's chest, who was lying on the sofa, his left arm hanging from the couch. He was still asleep, his mouth slightly open so I could see his sharp, white teeth. He was adorable if you see him so calm with his brown hair falling over his eyes. I chuckled softly. Man, how did someone like ME get HIM, such an amazing and adorable guy? , I thought and stroke over his cheek. He purred a little bit, but stayed asleep. A little laughter escaped my throat as I stood up. The wound on my chest was gone, just like I expected it to be. With a swift movement I put the blanket, which was lying on the floor, over Hero. He looked way too adorable now, so I just had to fanboy a little bit. (What, at least I'm not so crazy about him that I'd ship myself with him like mortals. Pff, where would we land if I did?!) Hero moaned a little bit and opened his eyes. "Why'd you leave, Nightmare?", he mumbled. I stretched my bones and sighed. "We can't sleep all day! It's snowing thanks to your magic! So let's go outside!", I answered excitedly. But he sat up and looked outside. "You do know that my magic doesn't work while I'm asleep? And it definitely wouldn't work about 8 hours.", he suddenly explained quite surprised. I shrugged lightly. "Well, anyway. We can go outside tho."
Hero sighed and stood up, stretching a little bit as well. "Fine. You won't stop begging anyway until you get your will."
I grabbed his hand and went upstairs.
I got dressed into my winter-stuff and went downstairs again. At he wardrobe I grabbed my scarf, gently wrapping it around his neck. He tilted his head slightly. "Nightmare, you don't have a scarf if you give me it. You can use it." I shook my head. "Hero, you don't even wear a jacket. Just your normal stuff. I don't care if you don't feel any coldness, but you're gonna wear this scarf in the winter. No matter if it's mine. And FYI...", I said and grabbed a second scarf on top of the shelf which he definitely didn't see. "I have one as well." Hero rolled his eyes as I wrapped my own scarf around my neck. He showed me his tongue jokingly. "You little devil.", he mumbled and I gently chuckled, poking him into the hips.
He was just wearing a turquoise pullover and a jeans since he didn't really feel anything cold. But he also doesn't sweat.
Anyway, he yelped and dropped to the ground. "Don't poke me!", he whined and wrapped his arms around his chest. "You know I'm ticklish!" I laughed a little bit. "Then stop being so stubborn, Hero."
He growled a little bit, then he stood up. Suddenly he grinned mischievous and poked me. I just looked at him without emotion. "Herobrine, I'm still not ticklish."
His grin grew even wider. "You sure?" I nodded. "Yep." He poked me a few times more, then he suddenly poked me in my neck. I yelped and put my hand on my neck. I didn't know I was actually ticklish!!! Hero's laughter told me that he read my mind and he definitely knows it now. But he didn't try to tickle at all. "No. I won't do that to you.", he whispered. Then he grabbed my hand and we went outside. We walked through the snowy forest, holding our hands. Hero and I built a few snowmen and an iglu before we went back home because my hands were freezing cold. As we arrived at him, it was already afternoon. Hero unlocked the door, but even tho he locked it twice before, it was open. That made us both suspicious. I showed him to stay back and opened the door, hand as a fist. We both were ready to attack and save each other if necessary. Hero seemed extremely cautious, but his thoughts were collected and his guard pulled up.
But before we could react, two persons appeared in front of us, attacking us with baseball bats. Hero reacted instantly and tried to use his magic to push them both back, but to our both shock it didn't work. So he just summoned his scythe and started to defend us both. I took a knife from a drawer next to the door and started attacking the intruders. But they just pushed me away and tried to kill Hero. But no matter what, they didn't come close than five meters. I finally got a good look at then both. They were clothed in completely black, even the masks. They were rather tall and a little bit better build than me. They both seemed to explode with power and Hero seemed to get a huge problem defending us. Suddenly he hissed: "Nightmare, get out of the house and call the police!" I hesitated. No matter what, I didn't want to leave him completely alone against those two. But he repeated a little bit aggressive. "Get out, Nightmare!!!"
I grabbed my phone and ran outside, speed dialing the emergency number, but I didn't call yet. Suddenly everything went silent inside. Then there was a quiet sound like if you teleport. And at the next moment the two thieves flew outside, right past me. Herobrine came outside as well, quite annoyed. His eyes were red and his teeth were visible. He held his scythe in his left hand while he growled lowly, a shadow falling right over his face.
"DON'T YOU EVER RETURN BACK TO THIS PLACE OR I WILL RIP YOU INTO A MILLION PIECES YOU ASSHOLES!!!", he yelled with an extremely metallic voice, like he was speaking through a loudspeaker.
Honestly, I have never heard him so aggressive, not even as he snapped at Notch. Pure Hate was swinging in his voice and he seemed way bigger than before. He was actually scary.
I shrugged to calm my thoughts as the thieves ran away screaming. Hero sighed and his eye color returned to white, yet he still seemed a little bit annoyed. I went closer to him until I could easily touch him and gently stroke over his cheek. "Hey. They're gone. Thank you." Hero looked away. "Somehow, my powers are gone as well tho."
"Maybe we just have to ask Notch."
"Are you sure?"
"Yep.", I answered calmly. Hero shrugged lightly. "If you think so, we can meet him tomorrow."
I nodded and took his hand, pulling him inside with me. He followed me without anything to say against it, knowing that he doesn't really have a choice. "Hero, do you have any idea if we can try alone to get your magic back?", I asked a little bit concerned. "I honestly don't think so. It would take a bunch of magic and since we both don't really have much right now...", he answered calmly. I nodded and removed the scarf from my neck. Then I put the jacket and the scarf on the shelf. Hero was watching the door closely, cautious if anything would come inside. With a little sigh I went over to him and carefully took the scarf from his neck. He turned around and looked up at me but his gaze didn't meet my eyes at all. "Nightmare, what would happen if I would lose my powers?"
I winced. I wasn't ready for this question since I had lost most of my powers after Hero got me back from the void. Since that we both had to concentrate on Hero's powers to keep them. But what would happen if he lost his powers as well? He had no chance to respawn anyway, but what about the teleporting and every other magic he can cast?
"I'm not sure, Hero. But no matter what will happen, I will stay on your side and still love you.", I answered and rubbed over his back. Something was rather odd about this sentence he said tho. As if he knew that something would happen for sure. Suddenly I heard something which sounded like a faded beg. But I only heard the last three words.
-keep him save.

I have no clue what the fuck I'm doing here so there will be a timeskip about two years after where Nightmare cheats with Alex on Hero.
Yeah. I have no clue what I'm doing.

1414 words.

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