The book

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(Nightmares' FoV)
I'm starting to see why Hero tried to warn me.
Right now I'm sitting on the sofa in the living room, reading the book while Hero was asleep on my lap, softly purring. The key was around his neck again, safely hidden under his shirt. Even tho he trusted me, the danger that it could be gone was a little to high for us both. So right now the key is with him, but the lock is on the back of the book.
Right now I was *only* on chapter 4. Even tho I was already sitting there for an hour.
The book itself was highly interesting, yet really hard to read since it's on Standard Gallactic. Hero had to give me a table of the letters since I couldn't really read it. Hero could read it flawlessly, but I couldn't. Sometimes I had to ask him what some letters were, for example if it's the letters that aren't used that often.
I put the book away since it was getting a little bit too much for me already. With a little sigh I stroke over his head and accidentally scared him. He looked at me quite surprised and raised his head off my lap. "Oh? You give up?", he asked and stretched, opening his mouth for a yawn. I patted his back and nodded. "You know I'm not that good in Standard Gallactic.", I chuckled and leaned back. Hero put his head on my chest and looked at me. "I could possibly teach you. After all, I had a side job as a teacher.", he laughed. I jumped in as well. After a few moments we went silent.
Hero stood up and went to the kitchen. I followed him as he searched for something in the fridge. "What's wrong, Hero?", I asked and tilted my head. "Well, I just now noticed that we didn't eat something since two days!", he answered and looked at me. "Aren't you hungry?"
Now that he mentioned it, I WAS hungry. "Now that you mention it, I am hungry. I didn't notice that before tho." Hero sighed and focused back on the fridge. With a quiet groan he closed it and went over to a cupboard. "When were we shopping the last time?", he asked quite annoyed. "We have like nothing here!" I chuckled and shrugged. "Maybe you just ate it all~", I whispered and gently pocked his ribs. He yelped and turned to me. "What did I say about poking me?", he hissed and crossed his arms, pouting.

(I HAVE A FREAKING DEJA VU RIGHT NOW!!! Have I ever put that into the story?)

I chuckled and stroke over his hips. "I dunno. What did you say?", I cooed. Hero tried to hide a grin as he suddenly pocked me in the neck. I gasped and tried to move away, but Hero kept me where I was, tickling me. A few moments after I collapsed on the ground in laughter and tried to get him away. Hero in the other hand had found a way to make me completely ticklish and started going even further. I had accidentally let me guard down, causing my body to be ticklish.
Hero didn't stop until I literally begged him to stop. He let go and just sat on top of me, smiling brightly. "I knew you were ticklish, Nighty~", he chuckled and gently stroke over my chest with his index finger. "How'd you find out? I'd say I kept it very well hidden from you and everyone else!", I gasped. Hero chuckled and bowed down to my face until he almost met my lips with his. "You didn't tell anyone that I was ticklish, right? So I won't tell them. You're secret is save with me, don't worry. It's not like it's any use to anyone else, btw~", he whispered and kissed me. I closed my eyes subconsciously and gave myself submissive. Hero laughed quietly and released me. "Oh? You seem to love it~", he chuckled and put his forehead against mine. "Maybe I do, maybe I dont~", I answered quietly. Hero smiled and sat up completely. I raised my head and looked at him. "You can't deny it. Anyway, let's go shopping for some food.", he changed the subject and stood up, offering me his hand. I grabbed it and he pulled me up. I chuckled and wrapped my arms around him.
"Do you know what I remembered?", I whispered. Hero shook his head in confusion. "Our marriage.(Author-chan forgot it as well. #NotMyFault) Didn't we want to do it a few years ago already?"
Hero stayed silent and lowered his head. "Let's not do this. I'm not ready." he silently answered and sighed. "Everything that happened between us two made me unsure. I'm not able to tell if it's even... True. Our love, our hopes... What if one of us both breaks it? Will we ever find back to the time all that time ago?"
I stayed silent, knowing what he meant. I had the same fear, but I told myself that it's alright. But now that he said my fear out loud, I wasn't able to tell him the same thing.
"And there's another point in this. This one proph-" He stopped himself from saying more, staring at the floor. "Ugh, forget it. Let's just go.", he mumbled and went to the keyboard, taking his keychain from it.
I stayed where I was, completely confused. Then I walked over to him and put my hands on his shoulders. "Hero, I know when something is bothering you. You know that you can talk to me, right?", I asked. Hero hesitated, but then he put the key back on the board. He grabbed my hand tightly and led me to the sofa in the living room, sitting me down. I was quite confused, but stayed calm. Hero took a deep breath and kneeled down in front of me.
"After you left me for Alex and after Notch left, I went to a witch far on the other side of the forest. She told me about an old prophecy which is definitely about us both.
'A young god and a demon,
Both in love, yet broken on the inside.
Trust has already left,
But still remains inside their hearts.
A terrible tragedy will rise upon them both and take the gods' soul once and for all.
The demon will lose hope and drowns in pain and despair, following a crooked path which leads him to the hell the god was banned to.
The future will try to make things good again,
But one has to die.
The younger ones destiny is already written down.'"
Hero went silent after he repeated the prophecy. To my surprise and shock it's the same prophecy I was told about four years ago. I definitely knew as well that this was about us both, yet I desperately hoped that he wouldn't hear that prophecy and that it will never happen. But now that this is revealed and repeated, I noticed that a few points already happened. I sighed and went down to Hero as well, gently pulling him into a hug.
"Don't be scared. That prophecy is not real. Don't worry.", I calmed him down, but deep inside I knew that this was no thing to forget about.
"Let's just get some pizza to forget about this, alright?", I changed subject and Hero's eyes lit up. He grinned brightly and gasped: "PIZZAAAAAAA!"
With a soft chuckle we sat back down on the sofa and ordered some pizza.

1270 words.

Honestly, not my favorite chapter.

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