Two different persons, One desire

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(Herobrines' FoV)
I was standing in the kitchen, cooking some food for Nightmare and me.
It's been six months now since Nightmare and I are together, and it has been really awesome. He was always nice to me and was so cute when he was asleep. A soft chuckle escaped my throat as I thought about him a bit more.
Now, usually I would tell everyone that I'm not gay, but Nightmare showed me that it was different. I don't hate it, but first it seemed weird.
As I was drowning in my thoughts, someone pocked me in the hips, causing me to shriek and turn around. "Don't scare me like that, Nightmare!", I screamed and punched his arm. He only chuckled, his black and white eyes focusing on me. "You look so adorable when your scared tho, Hero~", he whispered with his deep voice.
I hid my blush with my hands but Nightmare only pulled them away softly. "Don't hide it, Hero. It's nothing to be embarrassed of." He stroke over my cheek with his hand, causing me to blush even heavier.
Nightmare chuckled amused and put his hands on my hips. I winced and raised my white eyes up to his black and white ones. He was almost one head taller than me and had a way stronger and better body than I. I was slender while he was muscular. He smiled and raised my head carefully, before putting his lips onto mine. I melted under his kiss, wrapping my arms around his shoulders to keep my balance. We broke the kiss and Iooked directly into each other's eyes.
"I love you, Hero~"
"I love you too, Nighty.~"
He stroke through my hair, making me purr in the progress. He knew how much I loved it and he watched it with amusement. Slowly I removed my arms from his shoulders and softly say: "Nighty, foods almost done. We should get ready for the actions after. If you could..."
He nodded before I even finished my sentence. Just like me, he has the ability to read minds, even tho he knows how much I hate it if he does it. He turned around and took two plates and two glasses from the cupboard, setting them on the table. He continued to set the table while I stirred the carrots. On the menu today was just a simple food: cooked carrots and ham in a bag of toast. I had some leftovers from the carrots so I just set them into the table  as extras. After I did that I opened the oven and pulled out the baking tray where the toasts were lying on. Nightmare came to me again and took a deep breath. "It already smells amazing, Hero! I wonder how it will taste then."
I just now noticed that I really never did that recipe while he was here! How will he like it?! Will he even like it at all?!
"You're asking way too many questions, Hero~", he whispered and took the tray from me, putting it onto the table. But before I even got to the table, he came to me once more and pinned me to the next wall. My eyes widened a bit and I started to shake. "N-Nightmare...?!", I asked carefully, Fear swinging in my voice as I remembered that this already happened once in my past. Not with him, but my parents.
Nightmare let me go and pulled me into a deep hug. "Sorry. I forgot that this happened.", he whispered while kissing my neck, instantly finding my spot. I moaned quietly and tried to hide it. God, why is he so good at that?
Nightmare chuckled softly and bit my neck, causing me to hiss a little bit in pain. "S-stop you devil", I mumbled under my breath. He released me with a quiet sigh. "You seem to like it tho~"
No. I wasn't ready for this. Somehow I really did like that, but I'm not ready for THE event.
"Tell me whenever you're ready, then~", he chuckled. I got way redder than before, which I thought was impossible. My face was hotter than the complete Nether! Stop blushing, Herobrine!, I mentally yelled at myself. A loud yell escaped my mouth as Nightmare suddenly picked me up bridal-style and carried me over to the table, where he sat me down on the chair, carefully and gentle. He would never hurt me. No matter what, he'd never hurt me. Well, not AGAIN at least. I mean, only one year ago we literally tried to rip the other into pieces. Until one thing opened up to both of us, a heartbreaking event where I had to save Nightmare from Hollow.
Just thinking about it made my blood boil, but Nightmare softly petted my head and sat down next to me. "Hey, don't think about it. It's in the past now."
I took his arms and looked at them. They were grey until under the elbows. Multiple scars were on them, remembering me of the torture Hollow put him through.
He suddenly pulled his arms back. "H-Hero? Is everything alright? You're staring... It makes me nervous if you stare, you know that." I shook my head and tried to get back to the reality. "Sorry. I forgot."
Nightmare nodded, worry filling his eyes. Suddenly he took my shoulders and held them in his strong, yet gentle hands.
"You're still thinking about it, aren't you? You know that thinking about two bad things at once could corrupt you again.", he said calmly.
With a quiet sigh I looked directly into his eyes. "How am I supposed to not think about it? It didn't only happen once since the timeline got reseted a few years ago. And not only once. You know that I can't get off it that easy. Not after what he did. And not after what he did to YOU."
Nightmare looked away for a moment before looking back at me and answering: "I know your still angry about that. But we can't do anything about it now. And also..." He looked at the food. "I'm hungry."
With a quiet laugh I finally got off that thought. He always finds a way to bring me to other thoughts.

After we ate Nightmare sent me upstairs so I could get ready for our little adventure. I packed some things into the two backpacks, like some ores, water bottles, bread, etc. Last time we went on an adventure, Nightmare took twenty weapons, but not a single piece of food. I chuckled at that memory and finished. After that was done I also packed two sleeping bags and a few clothes for us, as well as two towels. I'm just happy that the items aren't that big if packed, so the backpacks are not that heavy and filled.
I went downstairs again and gave the one bag to Nightmare. The way should be a lot longer since there was a huge earthquake which destroyed the earth.
Nightmare took the bag and flung it onto his bag. He took his key and I took mine. We both had keys since we both come home at different times.
I took Nightmares' hand and looked at him. "Ready?", he asked softly. I nodded and together we started our adventure.

1227 words

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