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(Herobrines' FoV)
It's been like two days since that one event and my thoughts were restlessly swimming around.
"You lost your powers. That's..."
"A reason to go?
I growled angrily and looked into the mirror, seeing my own reflection. My eyes were rather dull and filled with hate, my teeth bare. I raised my fist and just punched against it, breaking it without a lot of effort. Shards flew through the room and shattered on the floor, blood dripped over the remaining pieces of the mirror and the closet. I lowered my head and took multiple deep breaths. My hand opened and stroke over the wood, smearing the blood over the door. A grin appeared on my lips and a low chuckle escaped my throat. The chuckle transformed into a full-on laughter. I raised my head and looked into the bloody pieces of the mirror. The blood made me seem like I just killed someone. I grabbed a club and put it on my shoulder. "Let's go on a killing spree.", I whispered.

A few hours later I stood in front of Alex's house, hoodie over my head so she won't recognize me. I knocked on the door and Alex opened a few moments later. "Hello?", she asked confused.
"Is Nightmare here?", I asked. Alex was slightly trembling, but she just turned around and called out for him. "Nighty! Someone's here for you!"
Said man came down and to the door, stopping next to Alex. I threw the hoodie off and raised the club. Nightmare yelled as I hit him with the club on his head. He collapsed and Alex backed up in fear. I kept going until he laid there, his head completely bloody. Blood also covered my hands, but I didn't care. Alex was gone. A few moments later she reappeared in front of me, a knife in her hand. But she was shaking violently. I stood up and raised the club. "Al, don't worry. I just wanted to give that guy a little punishment for breaking my heart.", I whispered.
She yelled and attacked me, but I was a little bit too slow. She was able to push her knife between two of my ribs. I pushed her away with all my strength and dropped the club, pulling out the knife. Some blood dripped on the floor and I narrowed my eyes.
"Oh? You think you're clever, huh? Tell me..." Everything went dark. "Have you ever seen an angry demon?"
With that I stabbed the knife right into her throat. She gasped and tried to say something, but she couldn't. The only two things that left her throat were blood and a wheezing scream. Then she collapsed. I shrugged calmly and licked some blood from the knife.
Mmh... Tasty. I already forgot how good blood can taste... Such a shame that you will never get to know it Nightmare.
I chuckled and left the house. In the next moment I suddenly felt something cold around my throat and turned around, stabbing the knife into the persons chest.
Nightmare didn't react. He just grinned like a maniac, blood dripping over his temple. He raised his hand, holding a remote in his hand. His irises were both red like the blood on his head. "You remember that, right?", he whispered, his voice way lower and creepier than before. "Well, let's refresh your memory."
He turned the remote on, causing the collar around my throat to shoot its deadly shock into me. Nightmares' eyes widened as he noticed that the shock didn't harm me tho. Nightmare hissed and lifted me up by the throat with no power used and threw me to the ground with all of his strength, causing my left shoulder bone to break into a million pieces. I gasped and pushed myself up, holding my left shoulder with my right hand. The knife was lying loosely between my fingers. I could feel the broken pieces in my shoulder, feel the scratching pain whenever I move my arm. Not that I cared tho. I just took the knife in the right hand and attacked. Nightmare was ready for the attack. As soon as I was close to him he grabbed my hand and threw me to the ground, holding his left knee on my spine. He ripped to knife from my grip. I struggled to get him down, but he just grabbed my right arm with both hands and ripped it up, causing it to break. I yelled as the piercing pain shot through my arm and down my spine as it dislocated.
"Stop, you two!"
Notch and Jeb came out of the forest. Jeb grabbed Nightmare and pulled him down from me while Notch pulled me away from him. I growled and tried to stand up, but Notch put both hands on my shoulders. I yelped and Notch instantly winced.
"Just because you're angry, Herobrine, doesn't mean that you have to kill him. After all, he's still way stronger than you!", Jeb growled. Nightmare took a few deep breaths and leaned back a little bit.
Notch and Jeb both cared about us two, helping us both as far as possible.  Well, at least they got dark with Nightmare. Notch tried to put my shoulder back into place, but failed miserably. Jeb came over as well as he finished with Nightmare, but I warningly growled. Jeb didn't even bother. He just did his job and went back to Nightmare. I was now sitting in the floor, panting slightly in pain. The adrenaline from our fight had surpressed my pain but now it came back even heavier. Notch carefully stroke over my right arm, trying to heal it. A quiet whimper escaped my throat and I stiffened, clenching my teeth. "Didn't we say that you should forget about him?", he whispered to me and I only sighed, trying to calm myself. "We did, yes. But he deserved the pain."
Notch rolled his brown eyes. "Maybe he did, but you shouldn't have attacked him at all. He's stronger and quicker than you, even tho you're the nimble and clever one." He sighed. "You know, maybe it's the best if you two just talk it out. No violence. No bad words. Just normal talking. Alright?" I hissed at him. "Do you really think I'd talk to this idiot?!" Notch growled and nodded to Jeb. At the same time they both suddenly took out two syringes and put them on our necks. They both suddenly changed: Behind Nightmare was sitting a werewolf with brown fur and yellow eyes. Behind me was Hollow, a grown man with red eyes. He looked like Null, completely clothed in black. Nightmare seemed to be lost in pure shock. He didn't move or say anything, just sat there with widened eyes and racing breath.
I growled lowly and took a deep breath.
Let's see if my magic still works.
I made my body disappear and reappear right next to Nightmare. Even tho I didn't want to do this I grabbed his hand and teleported us both far away, back to my house.
He gasped as I slammed the door behind us both, ramming the meyal baseball bat through the door handle so no one could open it from the outside. Then I just turned around and dropped to the ground.
Nightmare stayed silent for about fifteen minutes before he stood up, coming closer to me. He offered me his hand but I just shook my head. "No. I don't want your help, Nightmare.", I growled and tried to stand up by myself, wanting to push my body up with my arms. But before I even put my full weight on them I yelled and fell down again. "FUCK!!!" I thought I healed them completely!!!
Nightmare sighed and put his hands around my chest, lifting me up easily. But I growled even louder and tried to get out of his grip, but he just gently set me down on my feet and sighed. "Herobrine, I'm sorry. It was a huge mistake up leave you for Alex, but I couldn't get away. She tried to suppress me into believing that she's better. Please forgive me Hero. I need you. Please... Give me this one chance.", he begged and fell to his knees, gripping my hands. He was slightly trembling and lowered his head. "Please..."
I looked at him and felt bad for him. He really meant it this way, I could feel it. But I wanted to him to fidget. So I just cooed: "Show me how much you love me and I might let you win my heart again." Nightmare stood up and lifted up my head. "Ok. I will show you."
He put his lips onto mine, gently kissing me. I melted under his kiss and put my arms on his shoulders, closing my eyes subconsciously.
After a few moments we broke the kiss and I opened my eyes again, locking them with his. "It hurt as you went away, Nighty. It really did.", I whispered quietly. "I know, Hero. I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have left you behind l-"
I cut him of by kissing him again. He kissed back and pulled me closer to him.
Damn. How much I missed that.
We broke the kiss together and I quietly  hummed. "Maybe I'll give you this second chance.", I mumbled and stroke over his head. He chuckled lowly and gently bit into my neck, causing me to gasp. "Nighty...", I moaned and trembled a little bit. He laughed quietly and kissed my cheek. "Oh? Just maybe?", he whispered and stroke over my hair. "Maybe, maybe not~", I answered calmly. Nightmare laughed and smiled. "So, it's just a maybe."
I nodded jokingly. Then I jumped into his arms. "Indeed it is." Nightmare held me by my legs up and I held him by his shoulders. For once I was taller than him. He burried his face into my chest and I chuckled. "Ok, you win. You won my heart." Nightmare sighed relieved and put me down.
"I love you, Hero. I promise I will never leave you again. I swear."
"I love you too, Nightmare.

1700 words

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