Will he make it?

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(One week later)
(Junes' FoV)
We were all four sitting in the hallway of the hospital, Nightmare between me and Chishiki. Violette was right next to me, playing with her phone. Chishiki was reading her book and I was just rubbing circles on his back. Nightmare was somewhat curled up, burying his face in his hands like in the library. He was pale and slightly trembling, but otherwise he tried his best to stay calm.
We were sitting here already for four hours, since the message came for Herobrines' operation. The doctors would try to close the wound, but it was definitely not without any problems.
About five minutes later a man with a white robe and a clipboard can over to us, stopping right on front of Nightmare. "Absentia is now awake. You can go over to him now." Nightmare stood up. "How is he?", he asked with a raspy voice. The doctor looked at him. Then he smiled. "He's a little bit sleepy, but otherwise he's fine." Nightmare sighed in relief and went over to Herobrines' room. We followed him as the doctor left to help others.
Nightmare carefully opened the door and went inside, trembling like crazy. I gently touched his shoulder and he turned around to me, slightly scared. I smiled at him and he smiled back at me, still worried. Then we four entered.
Violette gasped and put her hands in front of her mouth to muffle a scream while Chishiki winced. Nightmare was shocked as well, but I tried to hide my shock by grabbing his hand a little bit. Nightmare applied a little bit of pressure on it as we went closer, Chishiki and Violette standing back.
Herobrine was lying on the bed, a long tube in his mouth. Multiple cables ran over his pale chest and measured his pulse and heartbeat. Both were low, but very calm. His eyes were halfway closed and glossy. A needle was in his arm, closed off by a plaster.
Nightmare sat down next to him, gently touching his hand. He stroke with his thumb over it, causing Herobrine to open his eyes a little bit. He smiled carefully and took his hand shakily. Nightmare grinned and kissed his hand gently. Chishiki, Violette and I were all grinning as we saw that Herobrine was awake, his white eyes clear again. Suddenly he focused on Chishiki and his emotions fell. He seemed cold all of the sudden and looked away from us. But I went closer to him and stroke over his shoulder. He looked at me slightly confused, but he didn't say anything. (yes, I know he can't anyway. So don't judge me.) I sighed a little bit and smiled at him. "Hey. We're sorry for breaking your hope, but we are ready to help you at least try to break the prophecy." Herobrine narrowed his eyes a little bit and tried to growl, but choked. Nightmare gently stroke over his cheek to calm him down, causing the male to roll his white eyes and look at Chishiki. Suddenly he raised his hand and showed Chishiki to come closer. She did, slightly hesitant. Herobrine looked right into her eyes, then he sat up. Nightmare was worried as Herobrine eyed Chishiki from head to toe. Then he raised his middle finger and turned away. She winced and lowered her head. "I'm sorry, Herobrine. Really. I shouldn't have done that.", she whispered. Herobrine only crossed his arms and looked away. Chishiki nodded as she noticed that it won't work and walked away. At the door she turned around once again, looking at Herobrine. "I only want you to know that I just wanted to help you two with your problems. I can't help but correct the mistakes someone makes." Then she left. Herobrine looked right at Chishiki as she left and lowered his arms, an expression of shock on his face. He sat there for a minute or so before he looked at Nightmare. Said man gave him a worried glance, then he nodded, stood up and ran outside, following Chishiki. Herobrine closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Then he suddenly opened his eyes completely, breathing heavily. "Herobrine? Is everything ok?", Violette asked worriedly. Herobrine twitched violently, his eyes widened. Out of pure reaction I slammed the red button which alarms the nurse. Violette and I tried to calm Herobrine down, but he didn't react on any of our calls. Blood came out of his mouth and he choked, his pulse and heartbeat way higher than it would be good for him.
The nurse and the doctor came inside. As soon as they saw what's wrong they ran over to us. "Hold him down! We have to stop the bleeding!", the doctor advised. I and Violette both grabbed his arms and pinned them down. The doctor pulled out the tube and the blood immediately came out of it. "The tube ripped the wound open even more... We have to operate here, right now. You know what to do, Chelsie.", he growled. The nurse nodded and went outside, coming back again with three other doctors and a rolling car. They sent us outside, where Nightmare and Chishiki were standing, both shocked. Nightmare immediately went over to us and took me by my shoulders, his eyes filled with shock, fear and worry. "What happened?!", he asked afraid. I took a few shaky breaths. "The tube ripped his throat open. He started bleeding heavily. The doctors have to operate now. But it doesn't seem good.", I whispered. Nightmare started to tremble, then he suddenly collapsed. I caught him and Violette instantly yelled for a nurse, which came over with another nurse. They picked him up and carefully put him on a bench. She quickly checked him through, then she sighed. "It's just a mental breakdown that knocked him out. Otherwise he's just tired.", she explained to us and the second nurse gave her a syringe with a water like fluid. She gently injected him this fluid and slapped him a few times. It took a moment before Nightmare woke up again, raising his head weakly. The second nurse put her hands under his head, supporting him a little bit. Nightmare groaned and blinked a few times before asking: "What happened?" We three looked at each other and I immediately answered: "Long story, Nightmare!" He looked at me suspiciously, then he sat up. "And how is Hero?" We all went silent, even the nurses looked at each other, fully aware that he would break down again. One of them both played a little bit with the empty syringe, worriedly looking at the floor.
In this moment a doctor came outside, his hands and arms bloody. He sighed and removed the gloves and the mask, then he went to us. "We're done. We had to put him into a vegetative state so the wound can heal better without ripping open again. But he's still in danger. And that a lot. He lost a lot of blood and his body isn't able to get that back. Due to the cut we had to put a metal tube on the cut so he can breath and drink again. But he won't be able to speak now for at least three months." Nightmare went silent and stared at the floor. "How long will he stay in that coma?", he asked calmer than I expected. The doctor answered after a few moments of silence: "About two weeks."
"Can I visit him in between?"
"You can, he can hear you, but he won't be able to show any reaction or answer anything. He can't move at all."
"Doctor... Does it hurt him?"
The doctor went silent now. He looked at Nightmare in worry. Then he nodded. "He feels it. He feels everything, as well as pain. But we gave him a medicament so he won't feel it that much.", he replied, trying to keep his calm. Nightmare nodded slightly and leaned back. "Ok. I'll go home then and return tomorrow."
The doctor agreed and left. Nightmare stood up and wanted to leave as well, but then Violette gently grabbed his arm. He winced and turned to us. "Hey, we'll come with you. We don't want to leave you alone like that. And no excuses." Nightmare was about to decline, but Violettes' sentence already told him to not reject her. He stared at her for about one minute before he sighed. "Ok. Let's go to our place then." We nodded and left together, Violette and I holding his hand. Chishiki was walking next to Violette, talking to her a little bit.
This will be a long time for Herobrine, Nightmare and us all.
Poor Nightmare.

1459 words.

#IDon'tWantSchoolOnBirthdays DX

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