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(Nightmares' FoV)
My eyes stared blankly at the empty bedside next to me, the cold blankets over my cold shoulders. Hero's still familiar smell was still in the air, reminding me of the time before he committed suicide. I missed him so much. Every single night I just wish that the door would open and Hero would come in, wrapping me in his warm arms, calming me down with his gentle breath. I just wanted to feel his presence, to smell his familiar and calming scent.
I wrapped my arms around my chest and curled up, crying once again. It's been three days and every day I cry myself to sleep. I stood up from the bed and kneeled down in front of the window, folding my hands and lowering my head.
"Dear God...
Please... I know I've never been a good person. I've sinned way too much in my life, but please... Bring back my Hero. I miss him so much! I don't want to live without him... I know that everything has its prize, but there's not much I can give you. Please, hear my begs and prayers and bring back my Herobrine. He didn't deserve to die, it was all our fault... We thought it was just a phase, but we were wrong... I'm so sorry. Please... Hear my prayers and allow me this one wish.
I took a few shaky breaths and looked up at the moon. It shun bright while the stars sparkled with it, showing off all their glory. The stars reminded me of Hero's eyes whenever he was happy or surprised.
That single thought created a heavy knot in my throat. I tried to swallow it, but it stayed and seemed to grow with every second. After a few moments I started to cry again, hugging myself as the tears rolled down my face and dropped to the ground. Someone gently touched my shoulder and I noticed Nulls' presence. He kneeled down next to me and rubbed circles on my back. "I'm sorry, Nightmare. It's my fault. After he talked to you and the others I tried to talk with him, but he blocked me out. I snapped which probably made him suicidal. I'm so sorry, Nightmare.", he whispered.
I sobbed quietly and looked back up to the moon. But it stayed silent and the stars lost their glory as a dark cloud pushed itself past them. Null was still sitting next to me, completely silent.
"He was too young to die... He was only nineteen...", I whispered, my voice completely hoarse. Null sighed and put his hand on my shoulder. "Yes. He was indeed."
We stayed silent for almost one hour, watching as the moon rised above us. Then Null stood up and lifted me up as well, sitting me down on the bed. He kneeled down in front of me. "Nightmare, whatever you'll do now, please don't follow Herobrine. Just because he is gone, doesn't mean that you have to leave as well." I sniffed. "Life doesn't make sense without him. I need him, Null. I really do."
Null stayed silent for a few minutes before he said: "I could ask Notch if he has something. But I can't promise anything. But Nightmare, you have to sleep now. It doesn't make sense if you stay awake. And Hero wouldn't want you to die because of fatigue."
With a silent nod I laid down on the bed. Null gently put the covers over me and left the room silently, closing the door behind him.
Everything went completely silent. The only thing that broke this silence were my quiet sobs. I hugged my pillow tighter, imagining it was Hero. But it was just my imagination. Everything went darker around me and I fell into a deep, dreamless sleep.

I woke up the next morning by a soft tug on my shoulder. A little bit hesitant I opened my eyes and saw Notch standing in front of me. "Nightmare?"
I sat up completely and moved a bit so he could sit down next to me. He took a deep breath and asked: "How do you feel about Hero?" The knot in my throat appeared again, but this time I swallowed it. "I miss him.", was the only thing I answered to stop myself before I'd cry again. Notch nodded and took a deep breath. "I don't know what your decision will be, but Null told me about your prayer. Do you really miss him that bad?" I nodded. "Alright. I think you'll like this idea then. I want to try if I can revive him."
My eyes widened. "Would you really do that?", I whispered. He nodded. "Only if you would like that of course."
"Please do it..."
Notch stood up and showed me to follow him. Then we went downstairs to the others. Steve was leaning against the wall, Null and Jeb were sitting on the sofa and Alex was standing in the middle of the room. As soon as we stepped inside, she came over to me and hugged me tightly. "I'm sorry to hear what happened to Hero. But we hope that Notch can revive him." I hugged her back and took a few shaky breaths. Notch sighed and said: "It'll take a few hours, but I think I can do it." With that, he left the room and went to his office.

Null gently stroke over my head and mumbled: "He's back, Nightmare."
My head shot up from his shoulder and I looked at Notch, who stepped inside the room. He smiled. "Ladies and Gentlemen, I'd say I just broke the laws of the universe." I tilted my head. "What do you mean, you broke the laws of the universe?"
Notch only grinned even brighter and showed someone to enter the room. A person came into the room from behind the wall and looked around shy.
A loud yell escaped my throat and I jumped at the person, hugging them tightly. "HERO!!!"
I couldn't hold back my tears. Herobrine hugged me back, burying his head in my chest. "I'm sorry! I shouldn't have left you alone like that!", he cried but I only smiled. "It's ok, Hero. It's ok. You're back and that's all that counts."
Everyone started to clap as I pulled him into a deep kiss under which he melted, closing his white eyes subconsciously.

"I will never leave you helpless like that again, Hero. Never. I swear.", I whispered a few hours later as we both sat on the roof, looking up at the moon. He always leaning against me, purring gently.
"I promise I won't try to kill myself again, Nighty.", he answered and together we laid down. I stroke over his head, causing him to purr a bit louder. He put his head on the chest and we both looked at the stars. Suddenly he raised his hand and pointed at a star. "The polar star." I smiled and pointed at a star formation. "There's the milky way."
He showed me another one. "The andromeda nebula."
We played this game a few minutes until I whispered: "Every single one of those stars remind me if your eyes, Hero. They shine bright and never die out, no matter what. They give me hope and joy, no matter what situation we're in."
He chuckled. "That's so sweet of you, Nightmare." He gently turned to me and stroke over my hair. "And your eyes remind me if the moon. So beautiful, yet it's something so simple. The moon always reminded me that there's not only really bad persons in the world, but also bad persons that are adorable. Just like you."
I smiled and looked deeply into his eyes.
"I love you so much, Hero."
"I love you more, Nighty."
"I love you to the moon and back."
"But I love you through every single Galaxy, every single dimension and back, Nighty."
A quiet laugh escaped my mouth. "Ok, you win."
We stayed on the roof for about one hour until Hero softly yawned, revealing his sharp teeth. With a soft laughter I sat up and Hero teleported us down into the bedroom. We both got dressed into our pyjamas and laid down in bed, cuddling each other tightly. I put my head on his and took a deep breath, smelling his soft scent of ashes and fire. But there was also a bit of pines in his scent. It calmed me down and I hugged him a bit tighter.
"Good Night, Hero."
He didn't answer. He was already asleep, his slow and even breaths petriefying me until I fell asleep as well.

The next morning we both woke up at the same time by a knock on the door. I sat up and looked at Notch, who was standing there with a little apparatus.
"Is Hero awake? I have to look if he's completely stable again."
Hero sat up as well, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes and stretching his bones. "What time is it even?", he mumbled sleepily. Notch looked at his watch. "Uhm... 11:42. You guys really do sleep longer than anyone else. Anyway, Hero, can I test you now?"
He nodded calmly and Notch approached, putting an bracelet around his wrist. He looked at the little apparatus and smiled. Then he removed the bracelet again and gently touched his neck. After a few moments he sighed relieved. "Ok. He's completely fine. Sorry for waking you two up."
We both looked at each other and nodded. Notch left the room again and we laid back down. I wrapped my arms around him and pulled Hero closer. "Do you want to stand up or stay in bed today?", I whispered into his ear. He cuddled me tightly and mumbled back: "We stay." I chuckled quietly and put my head on his. "Ok."

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