**✿❀ Chapter 5 ❀✿**

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It was awkward and tense in the car, to say the least. 

Soobin stared intensely at the other boy sitting across of him. Beomgyu, who felt the gaze of the other, knowingly proceeded to play with Yeonjun's hair while twirling the loose string of the older's shirt. On the other hand, Yeonjun was aware of Soobin's strong disdain for Beomgyu and knew that instead of sitting here, feeling comfortable in Beomgyu's embrace, he should be next to his best friend to calm the boy down. Yet, with the sight of Hueningkai soothingly rubbing circles into Soobin's back, the older looked away, pitifully thinking Soobin didn't need him. 

Meanwhile there was one boy who was sitting at the sight, eyes darting back and forth at the love triangle situation before him. Love triangle, Taehyun thought, is this even a triangle?? Shaking his head subtly, the boy broke the silence before it could get anymore awkward for him. 

"Guys I think the sandstorm stopped." Taehyun rolled down the window and poked his head out. "And somehow our tent is still standing. Great job."

The doors from both sides slid open and the people inside cautiously stepped outside. The moment the wind was confirmed to be still and non threatening, the boys piled out. Without any warning, Soobin, completely ignoring Huening Kai's efforts to talk to him, got out and walked right up to Yeonjun. Hueningkai's mouth gape open slightly at that action before snapping shut in anger as he saw Soobin push Beomgyu away and help Yeonjun. He didn't know what was wrong with himself but he had grown attached to Soobin lately. And seeing that Soobin is placing someone else in front of him made Huening Kai annoyed. But he wasn't one to go down without a fight.

Especially when that someone was Yeonjun.

As Hueningkai trailed back to wait for Taehyun who exited from the other side, Soobin grabbed hold of Yeonjun's wrist again, whom instictively flinched at that familiar feeling. The taller's eyes softened and he let go out his friend and stepped back. Beomgyu who sensed Soobin, turned back to take Yeonjun with him when the boy in question raised his hand and shook his head. 

"I'm really sorry, could you give me some time alone with Soobin?" Yeonjun smiled apologetically. Beomgyu, for a second, wanted to ignore that request and drag him away from the person who seemingly hurt him, but caught himself and nodded, walking off silently on his own. 

Soobin sighed, rubbing his head and placed both his warm hands on Yeonjun's small shoulders. "Are you ok? I'm sorry I hurt you. I-I didn't mean to leave you out there just now, I was tyring to helping Huening and I couldn't reach you in time. Is your leg over, I-"

Yeonjun chuckled slightly at the other's flustered reaction and that worry etched all over. He lightly slapped Soobin's side. "I'm fine idiot. Just don't do whatever you did in the car again alright. I didn't like that very much."

"Yeah, I promise," Soobin huffed and puffed his chest out like a blowfish to show he's serious. Yeonjun chuckled and walked on, not really believing that promise deep at the back of his mind. 



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"IM STARVING!" Taehyun yelled as he rolled about in their tent. It took a while more for them to make sure everything was in place as well as carry their belongings into the tent. It was spacious, enough for 7 people, and was big enough for the 5 boys along with all the things they had brought along to be scattered out.

"Alright I'll get cooking then," Yeonjun groaned, brushing off the non-existence dust on his ass as he got up. He looked down at the lazing boys and smiled. It felt nice that for the first itme in a long while, he was hanging out with friends other than Soobin. It made him feel like he conquered his fear of befriending new people. But there was still tension in the group, he will admit that. 

"Hey, guys I've got an idea! Cmon get up lazy asses." Yeonjun squealed. Groaning, the 4 boys got up and gathered around Yeonjun as he explained the game he wanted to play.

"This way we'll have a fair way of assigning all the roles!" 

Since there were no disagreements from the others, Yeonjun started to pick out the pairs.

"Alright  soobin and I  will go first, then Beomgyu and Huening Kai, then winner of both will go with Taehyun since he won the Rock Paper Scissors at the start."

 The boys nodded eagerly, interests perked.

And so Yeonjun and Soobin took their positions in front of each other. SooBin was pretty confident he could win since he was much bigger than Yeonjun and would surely have no problem beating Yeonjun in this game. 

However, Yeonjun had other plans.

 Making up his mind, Yeonjun boldly moved forward and leaned in for a kiss. Taken back by Yeonjun sudden action Soobin leaned back and Yeonjun took the chance, pushing the taller off balance.

"I win :p" Yeonjun laughed, Soobin was blushing like crazy, still shocked from what Yeonjun has done.

"T-that w-was unfair" Soobin stuttered trying to calm his racing heart. Yeonjun only stuck out his tongue at the red boy. Huening Kai scowled beside Taehyun.

"Yeonjun that's cheating stop using weird ways." Huening Kai curtly said, catching Yeonjun off guard.


" it's ok I like it weird. Eh hm." Soobin coughed, rubbing the nape of his neck. Huening Kai subtly rolled his eyes. Yeonjun smiled and called the next pair out.

Still a little peeved from what he saw, Huening Kai wasn't paying attention to Beomgyu and surprised by the blond boys sudden strong attack, he fell to the floor.

"Kai!" Soobin said, rushing forward as the boy fell near his feet. Huening Kai, seeing Soobin so close to him, froze.

"My leg kinda hurts" Huening Kai said, grabbing his knee. Soobin sighed and picked the boy up from the floor. Huening Kai started hitting Soobin in surprise.

"It's ok I'm fine I'm fine." But secretly enjoying the feel of the taller's hands and shoulders. Yeonjun just looked on, lost in his thoughts.

Why was Soobin being so caring towards Huening Kai? He wasn' the one to readily accept other people and rush up with so much concern in his voice?

Does Soobin...like Huening, Yeonjun thought sadly.

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