**✿❀ Chapter 18 ❀✿**

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Soobin was beyond tired. If he had known training would have taking an hour longer than usual, he might have made up some pathetic excuse to get out of there. His body slumped as his tired muscles cried out for him to just go up and lie down on his bed, never ever getting up again. 

He unchained his bike as he plopped his bag into the basket in front and sat on the seat, one leg on the ground as he checked his phone for the expected message. 

Ah, there it is.

Soobin smiled in relief seeing the text from his boyfriend. Now all he had to do was to make his way to Yeonjun's house and hopefully be able to lend the younger's shirts so he could spend the night. Or maybe he should go home and pack some stuff? 

Soobin shrugged, his mind too tired to keep up with the different thoughts racing around. 

The wind blew through Soobin's sweaty hair as he rode down the hill and into the neighbourhood. The sun was setting, casting a beautiful hue of colours into the sky. 

Soobin wished he could stop and take a picture to send to Yeonjun but he was in a rush to get back to Yeonjun's side and wash up. He hoped their future would be as beautiful is the burning sky. In a few moments, as he weaved through the streets, the hues dimmed and slowly, the night light started to fade in. 

 As he peddled on, his thoughts lingered back to his assignment from the gang. He wasn't sure if keeping the file he had been given in Yeonjun's house would be safe but he didn't really have much of a choice since he was barged in on while reading the first page. And he couldn't have just gone out of the house then since it would have caused too much suspicion. 

"Perhaps I can ask him to make dinner and get the file out of that hiding spot... then I'll just review it in school tomorrow," Soobin muttered. 

Soon the lights left the sky completely and lamps lit up, just in time as Soobin reached Yeonjun's front door. The boy had ultimately decided to get his shirt and things since he didn't want to bother Yeonjun with all that. 

"Hm? Why isn't no one answering." Soobin asked himself as he knocked repeatedly on the door. He stepped back and looked up to see that there were lights in Yeonjun's room, which meant Yeonjun should be at home. 

He tried the door and found it was unlocked and so let himself in.

"Yeonjun? Junnie?" Soobin calls out, getting worried when there was no response. Rushing upstairs, he sighed a breath of relief when he saw Yeonjun standing in his bedroom.

"Jesus Christ Jun, I thought something happened to you. Why didn't you —"

"What's this?"

Yeonjun turns around and held up the blue file.

Soobin stopped walking, shocked but alas kept a calm face.

"What's this?" Yeonjun asked again when he got no response. 

"Just a file." Soobin said, praying that Yeonjun just found and had not read it yet. He moved to place his bag of things on Yeonjun seat, trying to act as if there was nothing going on. 

"Just a file? Really Soobin? Are you seriously lying right in my face right now?" Yeonjun said, hand dropping to his side.

The taller swallowed thickly but didn't respond, mind unable to come up with another good response or excuse. 

"Soobin! Your mission...you-you lied to me!" Yeonjun's fingers gripped the file, almost crushing it.

"Look Yeonjun. I know you saw the mission ok.. it's just Jungkook! All I have to do is give him a few punches and kicks and done!" Soobin tried to explain, making everything as simple and easy as possible. Like it was no big deal. 

Yeonjun saw red.

"Choi Soobin. It's doesn't end there! Look!"

Yeonjun flipped open the cover and aggressively turned each page, almost ripping them.

Soobin himself hadn't had the time to see the file in full detail so he kept quiet.

These were the few times when the dominance in their relationship shifted. Where Yeonjun took charge of his role as the older person and berated Soobin. 

Yeonjun took a step towards Soobin, face turning soft when he saw how scared Soobin was. The boy's eyes didn't even meet his. Perhaps he is just as lost and confused as you are, Yeonjun thought to himself.

"Soobin, please. Look at me. Look at this." Yeonjun said, starting to show the various pages plastered with pictures and maps.

"It's never "done". It's never going to "just end" then binnie." Yeonjun said firmly yet softly.

Soobin nodded, his hair bopping and sniffed.

Yeonjun dropped the file and pulled Soobin into a tight hug.

"Binnie, I'm really sorry for scolding you but I'm doing this because I love you."

Soobin nodded and hugged back, resting his head on Yeonjun's shoulder.

"I was here with you as you progressed...please I don't want to see anything other than happiness in your eyes." Yeonjun cupped Soobin's face.

A tear dropped and rolled off.

Despite whatever Yeonjun had said to him, Soobin was still in a dilemma. Even with all those comforting words, they won't be able to chase away the nightmare of the actions of that gang can rain upon them. 

"Junnie.." Soobin said, voice muffled in Yeonjun's clothes. "Just. Just at least let me finish the first mission."

Yeonjun pushed him away. "Weren't you listening to anything I was saying just now?"

"Yeah I heard you—"

"Soobin ssi, I don't think you understood fully—"

"Yeonjun listen to me! Please!" Soobin cried, exasperated. "Ok I know this going to ruin my future, I know what is at stake. If I back out now, thy are not going to kill me. They are going to kill you!"

"Then let them do it! At least you'll get to leave a live your life!" Yeonjun snapped. 

Soobin clucked his tongue. He hated what just came out of Yeonjun's mouth. How dare he say that, how dare he say that?

"Live my life?" Soobin scoffed. "Sure, I get to leave the gang. But what about my mental health? You think I'll be happy? You just asked me to sacrifice my boyfriend so I can 'live my life'? What the actual fuck? Do you think I'll really be alive if you died?"

Yeonjun grabbed Soobin's hands and squeezed them, sighing.

"Please. Th-there must me some other way. Ok, how about you go and ask for a different mission? One that doesn't involve killing people?"

Soobin shook his head. "They'll never allow that. Impossible."

"Well it's not going to hurt to try." Yeonjun softly said.

Soobin finally relented, nodding his head. As he pulled Yeonjun into his arms again, a small voice at the back of his head told him: it is going to hurt to try.

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