**✿❀ Chapter 26 ❀✿**

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"What? You're done? That was fast, I haven't even managed to do what I needed to do," Soobin answered Yeji as he walked down the stairs. "Fine, I'll come right now."

Soobin tapped out a message on his phone to send to Felix when he bumped into another guy. He clicked his tongue when he noticed who he had bumped into. Angry eyes bore into his body. 


The shorter stared at Soobin, not even knowing what to say from the anger that exploded in him every time he thought of Yeonjun.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Beomgyu spat.

"Attending the fucking school." Soobin shot back, not really wanted to deal with any bullshit right now. He eyed the shorter and realised on his left shoulder was Yeonjun's bag. 

Damn, he beat me to it, Soobin bitterly thought. 

"Did you collect the notes?" Soobin asked before he could stop himself. 

"Yeah, yeah I did, and none of that concerns you asshole."

Soobin seethed in anger. Yes he did all of this to leave Yeonjun alone and let him live. good life...but a good life with this Beomgyu bastard? Their friendship, truth to be told was getting better over the weeks, since it as clear that Soobin and Yeonjun were together. In that time, Beomgyu never really did give up his feelings for Yeonjun, instead trading them as if it was brotherly love. 

"What's your problem Beomgyu, leave me alone," 

"Oh don't worry, I'll leave you the fuck alone, so you leave us alone too. Don't ever come near Yeonjun again!" Beomgyu hissed before walking past Soobin, deliberately shouldering him hard which caused Soobin to stumble. 

"Hey!" The taller reached out for Beomgyu's collar and pulled him back. "Don't you try to do anything to Yeonjun."

"And what, you have any right to tell me what to do? You're not his lover are you? You guys aren't dating, bastard, you cheated on Yeonjun," Beomgyu stated calmly under those words that made Soobin step back. He smirked before shoving Soobin out of the way. "Yeonjun deserves better than you, and I'll be someone who gives him all that he deserves. Things you couldn't do."

Soobin's hands dropped to the sides as he watched Beomgyu walk away. His mouth opened and closed, wanting to fire back some sassy remark, but things were different. Everything Beomgyu said was right. 

He was right. 

Beomgyu was someone better, yes, he has a normal life, good grades and has normal friends. Something Yeonjun deserves, a peaceful life. 

And yet...and yet, Soobin cried. He couldn't do it. He can't let Yeonjun go. Yes, even thought he had a plan, he didn't know if it'll work or if Yeonjun would ever believe him again. There were so many factors that essentially guaranteed... they won't ever meet again. 

Soobin ran forward and grabbed a hold of Beomgyu's hand, who jumped at the action and turned around to  push the other away when he stopped. 

Beomgyu had never, in his entire time with them seen Soobin more vulnerable and confused. And the tears slid down, Soobin started to mutter under his breath but the other couldn't hear anything and before Beomgyu tried anything, Soobin, from his bent position, stood straight. 

And then, with a bizarrely sincere voice and teary eyes, removed his hands from Beomgyu's and instead patted the shorter's shoulders and spoke. 

"Take care of him for me, at least until I can come back."

And then, suppressing a sob, Soobin turned before Beomgyu could reply, and existed the hallway. 

"Hey!" Beomgyu started after recovering from his shock and ran after the male but lost him at the intersection. 

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