**✿❀ Chapter 7 ❀✿**

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Pain trickled across his skin and into his bones. It literally felt like he was burning alive momentarily with the sheer amount of boiling water spewed all over his hands and legs. Thankfully, only a few splatters had landed on his face and Yeonjun winced at the sting at the corner of his eyes. 

He couldn't move, couldn't see. Oh, how he wished he couldn't feel either.

Maybe it was from the shock of the fall or something but he couldn't rlly make out the words that were travelling to him from the vision of his friends rushing forwards to help him. Yeonjun choked back a scream as he felt himself being heaved up before being dropped back on the floor again, the person who probably pulled him reeling back seeing the hurt. 

"YEONJNUN!" He heard voices calling him and choked back a scream of pain as he felt himself being heaved up, the sudden actions hurting him. It was like hearing every sound as if he was in a tunnel, hollow and echoing. 

Suddenly, all the voices and lights cane crashing in as his brain finally absorbed in the situation.

Oh my god, he thought. 

He forgot about the pain he was feeling. All he saw wasn't the blood on his knees or the soup on his body, but the spilled noodles on the ground.

"Oh my fuck THE CHICKEN NOODLES (soup) !" Yeonjun closed his eyes and whined. Ah, a voice lingered at the back of his head unmissed, this feeling of uselessness again. If it weren't for his carelessness the others would have been eating right now. Instead of being of help, he became... a burden.

Soobin's face popped up in front of him, distrupting his unfortunate habit of overthinking in every situation.

"Junnie forget the noodles, fuck you're hurt." Soobin's voice snapped him back to reality. He stared into the boy's brown eyes. It was full of concern and worry as Soobin looked at Yeonjun's injured body. None of annoyance, none of anger.

Soobin himself was beating himself up in his head for missing the obvious accident he could have prevented. If it weren't for Beomgyu annoying me, Soobin scolded, yet couldn't really put the blame on the other. 

Shaking his head, he slowly pulled Yeonjun into a hug, not caring about the smell and grease. 

"There's a washroom nearby, we can go there." Beomgyus voice said, trying to sound calm but failing. He didn't want to see Yeonjun in pain. He ran forward to help but Soobin swatted him away.

"I'll carry him there, you grab Yeonjun's bag and the first aid kit in the tent and meet me there."

Beomgyu's momentary annoyance disappeared and he nodded.

"Cmon bab- Yeonjun, I'm going to carry you it's going to hurt but be strong for me ok," Soobin said softly as he shifted to place a tear-stricken Yeonjun on his back. The older bit his lips and quietly cried as pain shot through every nerve in his body.

"Breath Yeonjnun it'll be ok," Soobin whispered words of comfort as he started towards the toilet.

Admist the chaos, Hueningkai looked on with a dead calm expression on his face. Taehyun who had initially rushed forward to pick the noodles off of Yeonjun had stepped back to give way to the pair heading to the toilet. He turned his attention to Hueningkai to get him to head to the nearest shop to get some food for yeonjun after when he stopped mid track. 

That expression, wasn't one that Taehyun had not seen before. He had, albeit rarely. And it was frankly, quite scary. A dark look seemed to have overtaken the other's emotions and Taehyun frowned. Hueningkai, being angry yet an odd upward tug on the edge of his lips in this situation? 

❄Cold Love ∥ Yeonbin [✓] [Under editing]Where stories live. Discover now