#1 He leaves for tour

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ASHTON-  "hey ash?" you ask walking into your shared bedroom. "yeah babe?" he replied looking up at you standing in the doorway. "you're leaving for tour in about 14 hours and we have hardly spent any time together the past 3 days"  you said sadly bringing  your sweater paws up to your mouth and waited for his reply. He stayed silent for a while before sighing , " Y/N I'm so sorry , I've been so caught up with all this I should be spending more time with you especially when I won't be seeing you for 5 months , I feel terrible for just casting you aside like I have" he said , standing up and walking over to you before engulfing you in a hug. He rested his chin on top of your head and pressed soft kisses at your hair line. "I know what , how about we go to the shop and get LOADS of food and sweets then we'll come back watch a few horror movies and comedies , with lots of cuddles and I promise I won't do anything but pay attention to anything but you" He looked down at you and smiled waiting for a reply. "This is why I love you , you're the best boyfriend ever ash" You said placing a light kiss on his lips . "I love you too Y/N , lets go then , I'm in the mood for chocolate and cuddles!" He said dragging you out the door. The rest of the day was spent with you and him cuddling , laughing , telling secrets and play fighting.

LUKE-  Luke was still coming to terms that he was leaving you for 8 months to go on tour and you could tell he was stressed out. "Luke? are you in here?" you asked as you opened the bedroom door. When you pushed the door fully open you saw Luke sitting on your bed with a blank expression on his face , you took a seat next to him on the bed. " Luke are you alright?" you asked concern written all over your face. Luke slowly turned to look at you with tears in his eyes. " No" he muttered his voice cracking , he threw his arms around you and burried his head in the crook of your neck , he was now sobbing , you put your arms around him and asked him what was wrong. " Y/N , I'm leaving for tour in two weeks and I won't be  seeing you for 8 months , that's whats fucking wrong!" he shouted , completely taking you by surprise he let go of you while looking in your eyes , you sat there staring at the blonde haired boy knowing he was stressed , as you were about to speak he grabbed your face , smashing his lips to yours." I'm so sorry I shouted at you princess! I didn't mean to I'm just so stressed with all this and I-I" you cut him off by kissing him back passionately. "Luke it's okay , I understand your situation , if I were you I would have been stressed too , but please don't make this any harder for yourself and stop thinking about it" He nodded in response and pulled you in to a tight hug whispering 'I love yous' in your ear.

MIKEY- You were sitting on mikey's lap at the airport waiting for his flight to be called. "You're such a dork" he said to you in response to your funny selfies , you took around about 200 selfies while waiting at the airport , you and Mikey pulling loads of different faces and laughing at the result. "Yeah I may be a dork but you love me so shh" you said smiling at him. "I'm in love with a fucking dork , great" he laughed and you laughed too , after a while you heard Mikey's flight being called , you both stood up and looked into eachothers eyes , a tear rolled down your cheek as Mikey wiped it away softly with his thumb "don't cry beautiful" he said quietly tears of his own threatening to fall. "I'm sorry Mikey but I won't see you for 3 months!" you said watching as Mikey quickly wiped away a tear from his own cheek. " I know baby but I'll be back soon I promise" he kissed your forehead and wrapped his arms around you tightly , you doing the same. " Hey , when you get back to the appartment I want you to look in your wardrobe" you looked at him confuse , he gave you a long passionate kiss and one last hug before he makes his way over to the boys. "HEY Y/N DON'T FORGET TO LOOK" he shouted giving you a cheeky wink before boarding his flight. You got in the car and drove home , look in the wardrobe? you thought to yourself , you made your way upstairs and opened the wardrobe , there was his 'REJECTS' shirt and a massive bunch of red roses with a little not attached , Mikey I love you so much , you said to yourself before slipping on the shirt which smelt exactly like him.

CALUM-  Calum was already running late but still wasn't ready , he was running around the house looking for clothes and shoes he even 'accidentally' picked up a pair of your red lacey panties. "Y/N DO YOU KNOW WHERE MY BLACK JUMPER IS?!" calum yelled accross the house making a mess. "cal I already packed everything you need now come on lets go" you said calmley pulling Calum out of the door. The whole drive to the airport was a series of questions from your unorganised boyfriend , you arrived the airport with 5 minutes before Cal had to leave. "Y/N I LOVE YOU AND I'LL MISS YOU BABE!" he shouted before running to your side of the car and showering you with hugs and kisses. "I love you to Cal, stay safe I'll miss you and the boys" you said , Calum gave you one last kiss and said goodbye one last time until you see him again in a month. You got home and saw a teddy bear and a black box sitting on the coffee table , the note attached said ' Dear Y/N I love you and I know I was probably frantic earlier so this is for you also theres a surprise in the bedroom for you , Love Cal xx' you opened the box to reveal a beautiful diamond necklace with matching earrings , you gasped , It's beautiful , you said to yourself , you made your way to the bedroom and saw your  favorite jumper of Calums laying on the bed , you face timed him as soon as he landed and thanked him for everything before falling asleep wearing his jumper.

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